Touch the Moon with your fingers on Hear and There Audio Magazine

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Dave Ühlman

Oct 15, 2011, 11:39:42 AM10/15/11
 Touch the Moon with your fingers with a Touchable Moon Book from NASA.  We describe the book on Hear and There Audio Magazine.  Details on how you can get a copy are below.

This is episode 1 of 3 where we describe the book "Getting a Feel for Lunar Craters". It features tactile diagrams of the lunar surface designed to educate the blind and visually impaired about the wonders of Earth’s moon. H&T Correspondent Shawn Klein touches and describes the graphics as the book’s author Professor David Hurd and I talk about the science of the moon. In this episode we describe what the full moon looks like and we discuss how the moon was formed. We also give you information on how to order a free copy for yourself.

How to Get a FREE Copy
To get the Free NASA Braille textured pic Moon book with audio tour go to this page
Dave Ühlman
Accessibility Consultant
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