3/20 大悲懺法會, 4/3 清明孝親報恩法會

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達拉斯講堂社教組Dallas IBPS Social Education

Feb 18, 2022, 2:57:43 PM2/18/22
各位護法信徒 吉祥: 

3/20 為大悲懺法會, 4/3 為清明孝親報恩法會, 2021年花了一些時間整理大家的清明登記, 但由於有幾百份的登記, 所以不一一印出來, 免得浪費紙張。如果您需要參考2021 (有登記者), 請回覆此email, 我們將寄電子檔給您。

Dear All,

The temple will conduct Great Compassionate Repentance Service on 3/20, and Filial Piety Memorial Dharma Service on 4/3. Last year, we have took sometime to update all your registered information, however, due to many registrations, we do not intend to print out all information to avoid paper wastage. If you need last year information for Filial Piety Memorial Dharma Service, please contact Venerable You De 972-907-0588, or reply to this email to request a digital copy for your reference. 

大悲懺法會 Great Compassionate Repentance Service Online Registration

清明孝親報恩法會 Filial Piety Memorial Dharma Service Online Registration

謝謝。Thank you.

 有德 合十
You De Jp

IBPS Dallas

達拉斯講堂社教組Dallas IBPS Social Education

Mar 14, 2022, 10:25:14 AM3/14/22

各位護法信徒 吉祥: 


這週日 3/20 為大悲懺法會, 法會將於 10:00 am 開始, 歡迎上線共霑法喜。  

如欲登記功德者, 請上網登記,謝謝 。

Dear All,

The temple will conduct Great Compassionate Repentance Service on 3/20. Please click the link below to join the service.

If you wish to make donation, please register online 

Thank you

IBPS Dallas

達拉斯講堂社教組Dallas IBPS Social Education

Mar 14, 2022, 10:52:17 AM3/14/22


1) 大悲懺懺主 ($50 一人名)
2) 2022 全年消災祿位者 $360 (含一年三次的大悲懺懺主)

法會結束後, 請於一星期內到講堂領取結緣品 (糖果餅乾 + 大悲咒水) 乙份

3/21 (一)  至 3/27 (日)     9:00 am -- 5:00pm



For whom has registered the following

1) The sponsor for the Great Compassionate Repentance Service ($50 per name)
2) Yearly Blessing Plaque for 2022 $360

You are entitled to a gift bag consists of one bottle of Mantra Water and some snacks.
Please collect the gift bag at temple after the service.

3/21 Mon to 3/27 Sun,  9:00 am -- 5:00pm

After 3/27 Sunday, we will make use of the snacks.

Thank you

IBPS Dallas

達拉斯講堂社教組Dallas IBPS Social Education

Mar 28, 2022, 4:32:57 PM3/28/22

各位護法信徒 吉祥: 


4/3 這星期天為清明孝親報恩法會, 法會10:00am開始, 如您還沒登記清明,請盡速登記。凡有登記功德堂供品拜祭祖先、過往先人等,欲領回家者,可在法會第一支香結束後 (中午12:00點後),至講堂領取獻品。獻供品因以食品為主,為保新鮮,講堂只保留到4/4中午12點,過後就會處理。

如有疑問,請致點講堂 972-907-0588, 謝謝。

Dear All,

The temple will conduct Filial Piety Memorial Dharma Service on 4/3, this coming Sunday, at 10:00am. For Whom registered the offering(s) for ancestor(s), deceased etc, and if you wish to take home the offerings, kindly come to pick up on Sunday after 12 noon. As the food offering cannot keep for long, the deadline to pick up is until the next day, Monday 4/4 12:00 noon. 

If you have question, please call us at 972-907-0588.

清明孝親報恩法會 Filial Piety Memorial Dharma Service Online Registration


達拉斯講堂社教組Dallas IBPS Social Education

Mar 28, 2022, 4:34:51 PM3/28/22

達拉斯講堂社教組Dallas IBPS Social Education

Jun 18, 2022, 9:12:52 AM6/18/22

各位護法信徒 吉祥: 

7/19 為觀世音菩薩成道紀念日,講堂特啟建大悲懺法會,消災祈福!

大悲懺法是宋代天台宗知禮法師依據伽梵達摩所翻譯的《大悲心陀羅尼經》而作,內容述千手觀音的懺法。謂虔信千手觀音,不僅可以消災得福,將來且可往生西方淨土。 拜大悲懺,懺除往昔所造的惡業,懺悔無始以來所造的種種惡業,但願在懺悔之後,重新做人,發菩提心,學菩薩的心行。

July 19th is the memorial day for Guan Yin Bodhisattva attaining enlightenment. The temple will held a repentance service for blessings!

The Great Compassion Repentance Ceremony will be held online on Sunday, July 17, 2022. All merits will be transferred to all benefactors and participants. Benefits include eradicating hindrances, purifying our body, speech and mind, seeing our true natures and realizing all wisdom.

大悲懺法會功德登記 Great Compassionate Repentance Service Online Registration

直播 Live Stream  
new poster 2022-July (email).jpg

達拉斯講堂社教組Dallas IBPS Social Education

Jul 8, 2022, 1:55:33 PM7/8/22
各位護法信徒 吉祥: 

7/19 為觀世音菩薩成道紀念日,講堂特啟建大悲懺法會,消災祈福!

大悲懺法是宋代天台宗知禮法師依據伽梵達摩所翻譯的《大悲心陀羅尼經》而作,內容述千手觀音的懺法。謂虔信千手觀音,不僅可以消災得福,將來且可往生西方淨土。 拜大悲懺,懺除往昔所造的惡業,懺悔無始以來所造的種種惡業,但願在懺悔之後,重新做人,發菩提心,學菩薩的心行。

July 19th is the memorial day for Guan Yin Bodhisattva attaining enlightenment. The temple will held a repentance service for blessings!

The Great Compassion Repentance Ceremony will be held online on Sunday, July 17, 2022. All merits will be transferred to all benefactors and participants. Benefits include eradicating hindrances, purifying our body, speech and mind, seeing our true natures and realizing all wisdom.

大悲懺法會功德登記 Great Compassionate Repentance Service Online Registration

1. 大悲懺懺主結緣品領取時段 : 7/17 大悲懺結束後至7/24憑登記懺主名字領取。結緣品含一瓶大悲咒水及食品。
2. 信眾可領取大悲咒水一瓶

大悲咒水用法: 大悲咒所加持的淨水,稱大悲水,也為信徒所常服用。認為虔誠相信觀世音菩薩,不僅可消災得福,捨報後且可往生西方極樂淨土。

謝謝。Thank you.

IBPS Dallas

達拉斯講堂社教組Dallas IBPS Social Education

Aug 25, 2022, 9:54:32 AM8/25/22

各位護法信徒 吉祥: 

陽曆 10/9 (農曆 9/19 ) 為觀世音菩薩出家紀念日,講堂特啟建大悲懺法會,消災祈福!

大悲懺法是宋代天台宗知禮法師依據伽梵達摩所翻譯的《大悲心陀羅尼經》而作,內容述千手觀音的懺法。謂虔信千手觀音,不僅可以消災得福,將來且可往生西方淨土。 拜大悲懺,懺除往昔所造的惡業,懺悔無始以來所造的種種惡業,但願在懺悔之後,重新做人,發菩提心,學菩薩的心行。

10/9 (Lunar Calendar Sept 19th) is the Renouncement Day for Guan Yin Bodhisattva. The temple will held a repentance service for blessings!

The Great Compassion Repentance Ceremony will be held online on Sunday, October, 2022. All merits will be transferred to all benefactors and participants. Benefits include eradicating hindrances, purifying our body, speech and mind, seeing our true natures and realizing all wisdom.

大悲懺法會功德登記 Great Compassionate Repentance Service Online Registration

2022 年大悲懺法會通啟 (OCT).pdf
new poster 2022-Oct low.jpg

達拉斯講堂社教組Dallas IBPS Social Education

Sep 25, 2022, 2:27:33 PM9/25/22
各位護法信徒 吉祥: 

陽曆 10/9 (農曆 9/19 ) 為觀世音菩薩出家紀念日,講堂特啟建大悲懺法會,消災祈福!

大悲懺法是宋代天台宗知禮法師依據伽梵達摩所翻譯的《大悲心陀羅尼經》而作,內容述千手觀音的懺法。謂虔信千手觀音,不僅可以消災得福,將來且可往生西方淨土。 拜大悲懺,懺除往昔所造的惡業,懺悔無始以來所造的種種惡業,但願在懺悔之後,重新做人,發菩提心,學菩薩的心行。

此次大悲懺法會將限50人現場參加 (還是有視訊),請上網登記。法會時間 10:00am ~ 1:00pm 如當天只是到講堂上香禮佛,則不需要登記。

10/9 (Lunar Calendar Sept 19th) is the Renouncement Day for Guan Yin Bodhisattva. The temple will held a repentance service for blessings!

The Great Compassion Repentance Ceremony will be held online on Sunday, October, 2022. All merits will be transferred to all benefactors and participants. Benefits include eradicating hindrances, purifying our body, speech and mind, seeing our true natures and realizing all wisdom.

The temple will open 50 seats for devotees to participate in this service. Dharma Service time from 10:00am to 1:00pm. If you only wish to pray on that day and does not intend to attend full serive, you do not need to register online. 

大悲懺法會功德登記 Great Compassionate Repentance Service Online Registration

大悲懺法會出席登記 Attendance registration

達拉斯講堂社教組Dallas IBPS Social Education

Oct 5, 2022, 5:22:47 PM10/5/22

達拉斯講堂社教組Dallas IBPS Social Education

Feb 16, 2023, 2:32:51 PM2/16/23

各位護法信徒 吉祥: 

3/12 講堂將啟建大悲懺法會,消災祈福!

大悲懺法是宋代天台宗知禮法師依據伽梵達摩所翻譯的《大悲心陀羅尼經》而作,內容述千手觀音的懺法。謂虔信千手觀音,不僅可以消災得福,將來且可往生西方淨土。 拜大悲懺,懺除往昔所造的惡業,懺悔無始以來所造的種種惡業,但願在懺悔之後,重新做人,發菩提心,學菩薩的心行。

On March 12, the temple will held The Great Compassion Repentance Service for blessings!

The Great Compassion Repentance Ceremony will be held online on Sunday, July 17, 2022. All merits will be transferred to all benefactors and participants. Benefits include eradicating hindrances, purifying our body, speech and mind, seeing our true natures and realizing all wisdom.

大悲懺法會功德登記 Great Compassionate Repentance Service Online Registration
new poster 2023-March (mail).jpg

達拉斯講堂社教組Dallas IBPS Social Education

Mar 7, 2023, 10:05:18 AM3/7/23

各位護法信徒 吉祥: 

3/12 講堂將啟建大悲懺法會,消災祈福! 法會於10:00am 開始,另提醒,3/12 為 Daylight Saving,請記得調時鐘 。

On March 12, the temple will held The Great Compassion Repentance Service for blessings! Please be reminded that the service will begin at 10am, and not to forget that this Sunday is a Daylight Saving! Please adjust your clock or watch accordingly.

達拉斯講堂社教組Dallas IBPS Social Education

Mar 10, 2023, 6:16:28 PM3/10/23

各位護法信徒 吉祥: 

3/12 講堂將啟建大悲懺法會,消災祈福! 法會於10:00am 開始,另提醒,3/12 為 Daylight Saving,請記得調時鐘 。
另登記懺主者($50) 及曾登記全年消災祿位者 ($360-含自動成為三次大悲懺懺主), 可自 3/12 下午1:00 後到講堂領取大悲咒水及結緣品,至3/18 中午12點結束。未領取的結緣品由講堂和大眾結緣。

On March 12, the temple will held The Great Compassion Repentance Service for blessings! Please be reminded that the service will begin at 10am, and not to forget that this Sunday is a Daylight Saving! Please adjust your clock or watch accordingly.

For those registered $50 and whole year plaque $360, please remember to collect your gift bag from 3/12 noon to 3/18 noon. Unclaimed gift bags will be donated again and distributed by the temple.

達拉斯講堂社教組Dallas IBPS Social Education

Sep 29, 2023, 10:17:38 AM9/29/23

各位護法信徒 吉祥: 

10/29 講堂將啟建大悲懺法會,消災祈福!

大悲懺法是宋代天台宗知禮法師依據伽梵達摩所翻譯的《大悲心陀羅尼經》而作,內容述千手觀音的懺法。謂虔信千手觀音,不僅可以消災得福,將來且可往生西方淨土。 拜大悲懺,懺除往昔所造的惡業,懺悔無始以來所造的種種惡業,但願在懺悔之後,重新做人,發菩提心,學菩薩的心行。

On Oct 29, the temple will held The Great Compassion Repentance Service for blessings!

All merits will be transferred to all benefactors and participants. Benefits include eradicating hindrances, purifying our body, speech and mind, seeing our true natures and realizing all wisdom.

Oct poster 2023 resized.jpg

達拉斯講堂社教組Dallas IBPS Social Education

Oct 22, 2023, 2:39:21 PM10/22/23

各位護法信徒 吉祥: 

下星期天10/29 講堂將啟建大悲懺法會,消災祈福! 請早上10:00am 法會開始, 請提前15分鐘入席, 謝謝。
Oct poster 2023 resized.jpg

達拉斯講堂社教組Dallas IBPS Social Education

Feb 21, 2024, 5:51:12 PMFeb 21

各位護法信徒 吉祥: 

3/24 講堂將啟建大悲懺法會,消災祈福! 法會於10:00am 開始 。
另登記懺主者($60) 及曾登記全年消災祿位者 ($360-含自動成為三次大悲懺懺主), 可從3/24 下午1:00 後到講堂領取大悲咒水及結緣品。結緣品不保留到隔天。不領取者,結緣品隨後由佛堂處理。

On March 24, the temple will held The Great Compassion Repentance Service for blessings! Please be reminded that the service will begin at 10am.

For those registered $60 and whole year plaque $360, please remember to collect your gift bag from 3/24 noon. Unclaimed gift bags will be donated again and distributed by the temple.

大悲懺法會功德登記 Great Compassionate Repentance Service Online Registration

達拉斯講堂社教組Dallas IBPS Social Education

Mar 17, 2024, 7:44:50 PMMar 17

各位護法信徒 吉祥: 


3/24 講堂將啟建大悲懺法會,消災祈福! 法會於10:00am 開始 。
另登記懺主者($60) 及曾登記全年消災祿位者 ($360-自動成為三次大悲懺懺主), 可從3/24 下午法會結束後,憑名字領取結緣品。

On March 24, the temple will held The Great Compassion Repentance Service for blessings! Please be reminded that the service will begin at 10am. 

For those registered $60 and whole year plaque $360, please remember to collect your gift bag from 3/24 noon. Unclaimed gift bags will be donated again and distributed by the temple.

大悲懺法會功德登記 Great Compassionate Repentance Service Online Registration

謝謝。Thank you.

IBPS Dallas
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