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Blavaan: Prior Predictive Check Error

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Gabe Avakian Orona

May 18, 2024, 4:42:31 AM5/18/24
to blavaan
Hi All,

Any help with how to obtain the prior predictive check in blavaan? I followed these steps on the ecmerkle page, but receive the following two errors: 

Stan model 'stanmarg' does not contain samples.


> bfit3 <- bsem(b3, data = osf,, prisamp = T) Error in eval(mc, parent.frame()) : Exception: mismatch in dimension declared and found in context; processing stage=data initialization; variable name=YXbar; position=0; dims declared=(16,12); dims found=(1,12) (in 'string', line 513, column 2 to column 60) failed to create the sampler; sampling not done Computing post-estimation metrics (including lvs if requested)... Stan model 'stanmarg' does not contain samples. Error in rowvec[samppar] <- which(grepl(stanvec[j], names(b.est)) & !(grepl("_c\\[", : replacement has length zero

Here is my full model:

b3 <- '
RT1 =~
prior("normal(0.81, .30)")*CRT1 +  
prior("normal(0.50, .30)")*BBS1 +
prior("normal(0.72, .30)")*BRN1 +
prior("normal(0.37, .30)")*WAS1
# Time 2: Reflective Thinking
RT2 =~
prior("normal(0.81, .30)")*CRT2 +
prior("normal(0.81, .30)")*CRT4 +
prior("normal(0.81, .30)")*CRTv +
prior("normal(0.50, .30)")*BBS2 +
prior("normal(0.72, .30)")*BRN2 +
prior("normal(0.37, .30)")*WAS2
# Regression
RT2 ~ c*trt + prior("normal(0.65, .40)")*RT1 + prior("normal(0.35, .15)")*logDT + b*logDT
logDT ~ prior("normal(0.22, .20)")*trt + a*trt

# Estimated/Generated Quantities
IndirectEffect_ab := a*b
TotalEffect := (a*b)+c
# Correlated Uniqueness
BRN1 ~~ BRN2
WAS1 ~~ WAS2
BBS1 ~~ BBS2
CRT1 ~~ CRT2
#_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The error occurs without the indirect effects, as well.

Thank you for any help you can offer!


Ed Merkle

May 20, 2024, 4:16:01 PM5/20/24
to Gabe Avakian Orona, blavaan

Thanks for the report. I haven't been able to reproduce this error using the CRAN version of blavaan (0.5-4) or the github version of blavaan. Is there a chance you are on an earlier version of blavaan, or perhaps an earlier version of lavaan (earlier than 0.6-17)?

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Gabe Avakian Orona

May 21, 2024, 12:48:22 PM5/21/24
to Ed Merkle, blavaan
Hi Ed, 

Thank you for looking into this. I'm using .5-2

However, the issue does NOT occur when I use different data, such as the one in your example online. 

Gabe Avakian Orona, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Hector Research Institute of Education Sciences and Psychology
University of Tübingen

Ed Merkle

May 21, 2024, 1:08:28 PM5/21/24
to Gabe Avakian Orona, blavaan
Thanks for the info. Are you able to upgrade to 0.5-4 or the github version? I believe this error may have been fixed in more recent versions (or, at least, some related errors have been fixed).


On Tue, 2024-05-21 at 18:48 +0200, Gabe Avakian Orona wrote:
Hi Ed, 

Thank you for looking into this. I'm using .5-2

Gabe Avakian Orona

May 22, 2024, 3:37:32 AM5/22/24
to Ed Merkle, blavaan
Hi Ed,

Yes, I was able to upgrade to 0.5-4. However, the same error occurs:

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. (I also tried this on two different computers--same result.)

Thank you very much, Ed. 


Ed Merkle

May 22, 2024, 2:19:05 PM5/22/24
to Gabe Avakian Orona, blavaan
Thanks for following up. I dug deeper and can reproduce this when the dataset has missing values.

For now, I think the workaround is to eliminate missing data from your dataset when you use prisamp = TRUE. This shouldn't have any influence on results because you are sampling from priors, and the data are not involved in the sampling. But I should also be able to fix it soon to avoid the error.


On Wed, 2024-05-22 at 09:37 +0200, Gabe Avakian Orona wrote:
Hi Ed,

Yes, I was able to upgrade to 0.5-4. However, the same error occurs:

Gabe Avakian Orona

May 24, 2024, 3:46:50 AM5/24/24
to Ed Merkle, blavaan
Hi Ed,

Thank you very much. That worked great. Appreciate your help.

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