Special Issue on Data Analysis for Behavioral Medicine
A special issue of the Journal of Behavioral Medicine seeks original research papers and tutorials that advance quantitative methods utilized in behavioral medicine and health psychology research.
Special Issue Guest Editors
Mauricio Garnier-Villarreal, PhD
Alexander Schoemann, PhD
Manshu Yang, PhD
Important Dates
Abstract Deadline: 9/15/2024
Manuscript Submission Deadline: 12/16/2024
Methods and theory are intertwined in behavioral research; theoretical developments lead to the need for new methods to test theories, and the development of new methods can advance theories. To continue to advance research in behavior medicine, new methods need to be developed and implemented. At the same time, data collected in studies of behavioral medicine are increasing in complexity and advanced quantitative methods, which are accessible to researchers, are required to analyze these data.
Special Issue Objectives
In this special issue, we welcome contributions to the development and dissemination of methods for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data as well as teaching applied researchers how to implement quantitative methods that are increasingly used in health-related research. To help the dissemination of quantitative methods among behavioral medicine researchers, authors are encouraged to maintain a substantive focus over a technical one.
Example areas of research include, but are not limited to:
● Latent variable models
● Bayesian statistics
● Longitudinal data analysis methods
● Multilevel modeling
● Causal inference
● Missing data analysis
We are also interested in tutorial papers focused on the application of advanced methods, or methods not commonly used in behavioral medicine.
Manuscript Submission
An abstract of no more than 400 words should be submitted to Alexander Schoemann (schoe...@ecu.edu) by September 15, 2024. The editors will provide feedback to the authors on the abstract and only a subset of proposals will be invited to submit a full manuscript. All submitted manuscripts will undergo peer review. Approval to submit a manuscript does not guarantee inclusion in the special issue. Manuscripts should follow the instructions for regular articles or brief reports, respectively, and be submitted via the online submission system on the journal’s website (https://www.springer.com/journal/10865). The cover letter should specify that the authors wish their manuscript to be considered for the Special Issue on Data Analysis for Behavioral Medicine.