I am currently working with bsem in blavaan, but am receiving incomplete output...
Here is my model: FOVmodel_comp1 <- '
# Latent variables
lranx =~ m_r_anx1 + m_r_anx2 + m_r_anx3
lse_div =~ m_se_div1 + m_se_div2 + m_se_div3 + m_se_div4 + m_se_div5 + m_se_div6
lcd_stress =~ m_cdstress2 + m_cdstress3 + m_cdstress4
ljobsat =~ m_jobsat1 + m_jobsat2 + m_jobsat3
lt_rel =~ m_t_rel1 + m_t_rel2 + m_t_rel3 + m_t_rel4_r + m_t_rel5
lt_aut =~ m_t_aut1 + m_t_aut2 + m_t_aut4_r + m_t_aut5_r
# Regressions
lse_div ~ lranx + studmb_l + intfri2_l
lcd_stress ~ lranx + studmb_l + intfri2_l
ljobsat ~ lranx + lse_div + lcd_stress + studmb_l + intfri2_l
lt_rel ~ lranx + lse_div + lcd_stress + studmb_l + intfri2_l
lt_aut ~ lranx + lse_div + lcd_stress + studmb_l + intfri2_l
bfit_comp1 <- bsem(FOVmodel_comp1, data = FOVdata_imp,
dp = dpriors(nu = "normal(2.5,1)"), n.chains = 2,
burnin = 5000, sample = 5000)
For example, the summary command only returns the estimate, without Post.SD, pi.lower, pi.upper etc....
blavFitIndices() only returns BRMSEA, BGammaHat, abjBGammaHat and BMC, and not the BCFI or BTLI even when specified (and a null model was specified).
And the summary.bfi() does not return any output...
Is there a mistake in my model specification that could lead to these incomplete outputs? Or is it a problem with the package?
Any help is appreciated!
Thanks a lot,