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editing mnemonic plist

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Fritz Lang

May 9, 2018, 12:22:23 PM5/9/18
I’ve forgotten how to edit/change a mnemonic plist.
I thought I could edit or delete one, quit and restart QS and the change would stick.  But apparently not.
Do I need to restart the Mac as well, or log out?
Or have I forgotten something?



“How can you put out a meaningful drama or documentary that is adult, incisive, probing, when every fifteen minutes the proceedings are interrupted by twelve dancing rabbits with toilet paper?” — Rod Serling, 1974

Rob McBroom

May 9, 2018, 1:09:38 PM5/9/18

On 9 May 2018, at 12:22, Fritz Lang wrote:

I’ve forgotten how to edit/change a mnemonic plist.
I thought I could edit or delete one, quit and restart QS and the change would stick. But apparently not.

I would quit Quicksilver before making edits, but you’re more or less on the right track. Just be sure to check for relevant data under both the “implied” and “abbreviation” sections.

Do I need to restart the Mac as well, or log out?

No, just restarting the app should be enough.

Rob McBroom


May 9, 2018, 4:25:35 PM5/9/18
to Quicksilver
doh! that was it. quit before edit.
wish there was a way to search plists with OSX plist editor.
I seem to remember I could with Xcode, but perhaps not.
thanks Rob.

Rob McBroom

May 9, 2018, 5:06:31 PM5/9/18
to Quicksilver
On 9 May 2018, at 16:25, metropical wrote:

> doh! that was it. quit before edit.

Glad you got it.

> wish there was a way to search plists with OSX plist editor.
> I seem to remember I could with Xcode, but perhaps not.

⌘F and ⌘G work for me. ⌘E never works for some reason, but you can
live without it.


May 9, 2018, 7:34:40 PM5/9/18
I found Xcode as well.  Just have to nav to it and works the ⌘F and ⌘G .
However.  I quit QS removed the wrong mnemonics from the plist.  Saved. The plist only shows the one I want.
But when I restart QS, it keeps showing the one I don't want.
Cleared the cache.  No change.
Dropped the score. N/C.  Deleted.  N/C.
Don't recall having this issue previously.
v 1.4.2 for Mavericks

never mind.  Figured it out.  I use 3 browsers (safari, chrome and Firefox, my default) coz sometimes 1 won't work with some pages for whatever reason.
There was a leftover bookmark in Safari that was the mnemonic.
Deleted the bookmark from Safari, the re-edited the plist for QS.  Gone.

Rob McBroom

May 11, 2018, 8:29:14 AM5/11/18
to Quicksilver
On 9 May 2018, at 19:34, metropical wrote:

> However. I quit QS removed the wrong mnemonics from the plist.
> Saved. The
> plist only shows the one I want.
> But when I restart QS, it keeps showing the one I don't want.

Have you tried the stuff in the UI, like “set as default” or the
Assign Abbreviation… action?


May 12, 2018, 9:12:58 AM5/12/18
to Quicksilver
I did.  But the leftover bookmarks in the other browsers seemed to kill the UI.
I have used Assign successfully previously with new bookmarks.
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