Blacklight Advanced Search 8.x Upgrade Path

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David Kinzer

Apr 19, 2023, 3:26:41 PM4/19/23
to Blacklight Development
Hey folks,

if you are interested in participating in a meeting to discuss as a community what to do about upgrading the blacklight_advanced _search gem for use in Blacklight 8.x  please add your availability to the following doodle:

We just had a committer meeting where the idea of dropping support for the blacklight advanced search gem in Blacklight 8.x was discussed.  Clearly that would be a pretty impactful decision that cannot be made in a vacuum.  So if you use the blacklight_advanced_search gem and you want a say in the future prospects of this gem, then please participate in the above poll and plan  to attend the meeting once the place and time are set.



David Kinzer

Apr 21, 2023, 10:14:31 AM4/21/23
to Blacklight Development
Just a reminder, I plan to close this poll and settle on a date by EOD today.

David Kinzer

Apr 21, 2023, 4:58:16 PM4/21/23
to Blacklight Development

The date settled on for this meeting is May 4, at 11 AM.  The zoom link is:  And the agenda and notes doc link is:

If you are planning to come but did not participate in the poll, please let me know.  I will have the waiting room zoom feature turned on.



Levy, Michael

Apr 26, 2023, 9:24:51 AM4/26/23
Dear David and all,

Thank you for bringing this question about the advanced search gem to the attention of a wide audience of Blacklight users and devs. I don't follow Slack channel very closely, and so this is the first I had heard that the gem was in question. I look forward to the discussion of a feature that is critical for our audience. US Holocaust Memorial Museum may have one or two other participants in addition to myself. Also a note for anyone who did not participate in the poll but who may wish to contact David to attend, the time that was selected on May 4 was 11:00 am EDT (advanced search is at

Michael R Levy  Consultant

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum 

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Rob Kaufman

May 4, 2023, 2:09:19 PM5/4/23
Hey Folks, I'm really sorry I missed this meeting. Timezones got messed up and it showed up on my calendar at 11am PDT instead of 8am PDT. A couple of points I think worth making:

Yale uses the Blacklight Advanced Search and would be willing to spend time maintaining it. They are a SoftServ client, so we'd probably end up tasked with this.

Quite a few Samvera Hyrax applications (which depends on Blacklight) have this gem installed and make significant use of it. Seems like maybe some other Samvera folks were on the call so it may be that point got made. 

Again, I'm sorry I missed the call. Please let me know if there is anything immediate we can do to help. 


Kelly Farrell

May 9, 2023, 3:44:18 PM5/9/23
to Blacklight Development
Hi all,
An action item from the 5/4 call about the Blacklight Advanced Search gem was to get a fuller picture of who was using the gem and what features they find most important. If your institution is using the gem, please take a moment to complete this form:

We plan to discuss the Advanced Search gem in future community meetings and your responses will help guide these discussions. Please share this with other communities that might leverage this gem as you see fit.

Kelly Farrell

David Kinzer

Jun 20, 2023, 3:54:15 PM6/20/23
to Blacklight Development
So it turns out that there was already a working PR that tests the blacklight_advanced_search gem against the latest blacklight 8.x release.  That PR has been merged thus making this upgrade path question mute. As for the local advanced search feature built into blacklight, I have been able to make that work.  My only guess is that feature is still not ready.


On Thursday, May 4, 2023 at 2:09:19 PM UTC-4 wrote:

David Kinzer

Jun 20, 2023, 9:02:38 PM6/20/23
to Blacklight Development
I have been informed that there isn't a blacklight-8-compatible gem released yet, so the discussion is not in fact moot. See you at tomorrow's meeting.
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