Meethi Memories of Mamma-Dadis Shantamani, Manohar Indra, Hriday Pushpa, Chandramani, Bhagwati, Dhairyamaniji

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Amola Shah

Jun 22, 2015, 9:25:44 PM6/22/15
to bkindia,

Meethi Memories of Mamma



On the 15th of June 2010 Respected Dadi Shantmaniji left her physical body at the age of 87 in Madhuban.   Even though her body was unwell during her last few months, her face was constantly  glowing and smiling peacefully!


After Brahma Baba, Dadi Shantamani's lokik family was next in line, to surrender their lives to Shivbaba.  She was only 13 years of age and already had the sanskaars of serenity, patience and maturity.  During her entire life she had nothing in her heart, except for BABA and His MURLI.

MAMA’s mother was Dadi Shantamani's mother’s lokik sister.

Today in her fond remembrance let's hear what she had to relate about our Beloved MAMA : -

Mateshwariji’s  Lokik Life   – Dadi Shantamaniji

"Mama (Mateshwariji) ’s  lokik name was Radhe  and her lokik father and mother were Pokardas and Rocha, respectively.  She was born in Amritsar (Punjab), in 1919.  She had one older sister, Parvati, who was already married, and a younger sister named Gopi.  Her father dealt in gold and silver and was also a whole-sale dealer of desi ghee (pure clarified butter).  His business was spread over Mumbai, Madras (now Chennai), and Ceylon (Sri Lanka).  He suddenly faced heavy losses in his commercial transactions and was left penniless.  This shock led to his death due to heart failure. Radhe then moved from Amritsar to Hyderabad, Sindh, along with her mother and Gopi to live with her maternal grand-mother and maternal uncle.


Continuing with Mama’s lokik life-story, Brahma Kumari Dadi Shanta Mani mentions that both sisters were admitted into Kundanmal Model School, Hyderabad.  Radhe was number one in her studies, not to mention number one in singing and dancing too.  Radhe always won first prize at any school competition.  Her famous song was “Twinkle, twinkle little star…” People found her enchanting when she danced in a white frock and hat.  It was one of Radhe’s hobbies to buy any rich, new dress material that came into the market, she was very fashionable.  She would create a design herself, and then tell Parvati who in turn would ask their maternal uncle’s wife, Rupwanti, to stitch the same.  Radhe thus, wore a newly designed frock to school daily.  Radhe’s hair was very long and beautiful.  Gopi resembled Radhe and when people would see both of them on their way to and from school, they would be left speechless in admiration!  Radhe’s studies continued till the Class 10.   


Mama’s mother was my mother’s lokik sister.  They had another sister, our second aunt, Dhyani, who was a widow as well.  After her husband’s death, she too returned home to her parent’s home, that is, Mama’s home.  There was much grieving at home since two sisters had lost their husbands and three, their father.  Mama’s mother and her sister wept a lot and prayed to God.  My mother too visited their home to pray with them.  She would read the Jap Sãheb, Sukh Mani (scriptures of Sikh religion) for them in the hope that their sorrow would alleviate and make their minds peaceful.  My mother often visited them, and Baba’s lokik wife, Mother Jashoda would see her come and go.  One day, my mother happened to meet Mother Jashoda.  She asked my mother where she went everyday.  My mother answered that both her sisters had lost their husbands, and the family gathered regularly to pray for solace and peace.  Mother Jashoda then mentioned, “Dada (Brahma Baba) conducts a good satsang (spiritual gathering) at home.  Why don’t you come and experience it for yourself?  You could bring them along if you find it worthwhile.”  Accepting her invitation, my mother visited their home the following day.  Baba sat with the Gita in hand and explained the holy Sanskrit verses.  The second chapter of the Gita delves into the topic of the ‘soul’; the soul is eternal, imperishable.  The soul renounces one body and takes on a new one and so it is fruitless to cry (over someone’s death).  This is just a game for the soul…

Whenever Baba began or concluded a satsang, he chanted ‘OM’.  As soon as people heard the chant, they would experience themselves being separate from the body.  My mother too had this experience and consequently brought both her sisters (Radhe’s mother and my Aunt, Mother Dhyani) to meet Baba the next day.  These sorrowful mothers became very happy on hearing the complete knowledge of the ‘soul’ and experiencing detachment from the body.  Radhe was perplexed on seeing her mother’s and aunt’s crying faces bloom in happiness after returning home from the satsang.  She asked them, “Until yesterday, both of you cried a lot but today your faces are joyful and blooming – what did you find there?”  Her mother replied, “We had gone to meet Dada.  He gave us a very good explanation on the Gita.  Radhe, you probably have been studying the Gita at school.  You too should accompany us.  After listening to the points, you can clarify them to us.”  And so, Radhe’s mother took her to the satsang the next day.  The second Baba saw Radhe, he felt she was his heir-daughter.  And Radhe too felt, ‘This is the same father who had been separated from me for a long time.’  Baba then spoke to her in a causal manner asking her how she was, how she spent her time etc.


Radhe was 17 years of age, when her family members began discussing her marriage.  One day, Baba asked her, “Radhe, would you like to marry Pitambardhãri (one of Krishna’s names) or someone in suit and boots? Will you bring benefit to yourself and the world through this knowledge or get married and take care of your home?  Think about it and let me know.”  Baba gave Radhe 24 hours to think over the answer, but Radhe only took a second to decide the course of her life and told Baba immediately, “I am the Radhe that belongs to Girdhar Gopal (Krishna).  I will follow this path of knowledge and bring benefit to the world.”  That day onwards, Baba began showering Radhe with the rain of knowledge and placed the urn of knowledge on her head.  Radhe was adept in chanting ‘OM’ within the satsang.  Those who attended were much attracted to the chanting; everyone began calling her ‘Om Radhe’, including Baba.  This was how the name ‘Om Radhe’ became permanent.

Om Radhe was an accomplished singer.  Baba was delighted when she penned and sang the song, “What I saw and attained on coming to Om Mandali.”  Daily, Baba would write a song and ask Om Radhe to sing it in class.  Her songs made the audience feel elated and imprinted an indelible memory on their hearts.  The satsang gradually grew and was attended by both mothers and kumaris (young girls). 


After a while, Baba left for Kashmir with his lokik family.  From Kashmir, Baba wrote letters addressed to Mama and other sisters.  The sister who received the letter would read it to the satsang; the satsang continued to expand.  Once, Om Radhe’s younger sister, Gopi, was attending class.  As the chant of “OM” began, she went into trance.  She had a vision of Shri Krishna and began dancing.  This was the first episode of trance in the gathering.  Following this, many others started going into trance.  When Baba returned from Kashmir, Gopi had a vision of Shri Krishna on seeing him and simultaneously saw Om Radhe as Shri Radha.  She caught hold of both of them and began dancing the ‘raas’.  This was when the wonderous part of divine vision opened up. 

Gradually, all those who came to the satsang began going into trance; they would see Shri Krishna, Shri Radha, Shri Narayan, Shri Lakshmi and begin to dance with them.  Baba then spoke about purity: “Children, you will have to become pure if you wish to go to Shri Krishna’s kingdom of Vaikunth (Paradise).”  This did not pose a problem for the young girls, as it did for the mothers.  When their husbands returned from their business trips abroad, the couples started quarrelling.  The husbands demanded the poison-like vice (sexual intercourse) but the wives would say, “We have promised the Supreme Soul we will remain pure; we cannot indulge in this poison.”  The husbands began wondering and discussing amongst themselves who this magician was after all, granting visions of Shri Krishna and asking them to remain pure!  Then on, opposition, demonstrations, and picketing began… But Om Radhe remained stable and carefree and carried on looking after the satsang.  This took place in 1936.  If anyone asked, Baba would say, “I am not doing anything.  This spiritual gathering belongs to the mothers and young girls.  That One conducts the satsang.  The One living above comes, speaks, and leaves.  I too follow whatever He says.  I am ignorant about everything else.”  Saying this, he would direct everyone to Om Radhe.  Baba always kept Om Radhe before him. 

Gopi’s role of going into trance went on for one entire year.  She then caught typhoid and left her body in Hyderabad.  At that time, Baba sent all the mothers and young girls to the funeral ground.  This was the first incident of its kind in the history of Sindh; prior to this, females never visited the graveyard.  People were shocked to see so many females in a funeral procession.  And it was Om Radhe who carried out the last rites. 


Mama was a young girl of 17-18 years, yet everyone called her “Mama” or “Mother”.  Baba too sometimes called her “Mama”, sometimes “Daughter” and occasionally both “Mama-Daughter.”  Thus, Om Radhe became Mama.  Gradually, her physical appearance transformed accordingly. 

Dadi Nirmal Shanta, Baba’s lokik daughter, says: “Baba was the one who kept me with Mama.  Since I was young in age, Baba probably thought it was better I stayed with Mama so that I would not miss my own mother.  Baba once told me that Om Radhe looks after you, which is why she is your Mama.  Up until then, everyone called her “Om Radhe” but it was I who began calling her “Mama” and everyone followed suit.”  

Day by day, the satsang continued to expand.  Baba appointed Om Radhe as ‘Honorary Administrator’.  Along with her, eight other mothers and kumaris (who were firm in knowledge) were selected to form an executive committee and Baba surrendered his entire wealth and property in the name of the Mothers.

MAMA & PURUSHARTH (Spiritual Effort-Making)

The most important characteristic about Mama’s personal purusharth was that she loved to be in solitude.  Everyday, she woke up at 2 a.m., sat in solitude, and remembered Shiv Baba with a lot of love.  There was so much love filled in her remembrance that her eyes would shed tears of love.  She would stay up on full-moon nights and sit in tapasya through the night. 


Brahma Baba’s lokik wife, Mother Jashoda, too called Mama, “Mama” and would go into Mama’s lap of love.  They shared a very good and sweet relationship because Mother Jashoda would get a vision of Shri Lakshmi whenever she looked at Mama.  She too had immense faith in Baba and Baba’s elevated versions of knowledge. 

I have spent much time playing blissfully with Mama and Baba.  In Karachi, Mama, Baba and I did not stay at the same place; Baba stayed separately.  From his residence, Baba would send us advice and news, and Mama related the same to us.  We stayed with Mama and performed all tasks.  When we moved to Abu (Rajasthan), we started living together and came more in contact with Baba.  When we lived in Brij Kothi, at Abu, Mama’s role of tapasya began.  There too, many of us received divine visions, through which Shiv Baba entertained us.

Mama’s and Baba’s roles during ‘beggary part’ were amazing and indescribable!  During that period, Mama and Baba never ate anything until all the children had eaten their meal.  Mama never gave advice in Baba’s presence.  She did exactly what Baba asked of us and inspired us to do the same.  If Baba was unavailable, only then did she make decisions.  Such was the unlimited respect Mama had for Baba!



I loved Mama’s form of Shri Lakshmi.  It felt as though Shri Lakshmi was my own mother.  I never saw Mama as my aunt’s daughter or my cousin-sister but as my own mother, Jagadamba.  Mama was a mine of virtues; all virtues existed naturally within her.  I greatly admired Mama’s virtue of maturity.  I too paid attention to imbibe and bring into action the virtues of ‘tolerance’ and ‘patience’, along with ‘maturity’. 


I would like to share this message of Mama with the decoration of the entire Brahmin clan: Mama would say: 

Always see God, the Father, and follow Brahma Baba.  If you wish to become perfect, then constantly remember Shiv Baba, follow His shrimat and emulate Brahma Baba.  Hukmi hukum chala raha hai (The One giving you orders is making you move).  Never doubt Shiv Baba.  Become completely viceless.                               


Gyan Visharde, Sangeet Sharde Mateshwari -Dadi Manohar Indraji

 I was hundred-fold fortunate that both Baba’s and Mama’s houses were located close to my own home.  I often visited Baba’s home even in lokik days.  When Mama visited the yagya for the first time, what was Baba’s and Mama’s experience on seeing one another?  Mama felt that this person is my true spiritual father.  Baba too felt, “This is my heir-daughter.  This child is master of my physical and subtle treasures.”  From that day on, Mama continued to progress ahead in knowledge.  Mama’s form, behaviour, thinking, attire all transformed.  The depth of her understanding and interest in yoga increased. 

Mama was excellent at singing.  When a talented person comes to the alokik realm, their talent or art enhances and helps him or her to progress.  Mama sang beautiful songs to the accompaniment of the harmonium (Indian musical keyboard where air from pedal-operated bellows causes the reeds to vibrate) as well as sitãr (musical instrument with long neck and round body, usually 3 to 7 strings and resonator).  Mama once wrote a song, based on her own experience, and sang it to us.  She sang well and delighted her listeners.  She had written the song in Sindhi language, the translation of which is as follows:

                “O Friends! What can I tell you?  And how should I describe

                What I saw on visiting Om Mandali…

                Friends, how can I express the joy I felt?

                The spiritual chant of ‘OM’ over there

                Struck my mind like an arrow and calmed it down

                And the accounts of my sorrow have cleared away!


Subsequently, Baba penned a song daily; Mama would create a tune and sing it in the gathering.  Attracted by the sweetness of the knowledge of the Gita and Mama’s songs, the number of people attending the satsang increased day-by-day.  A majority were mothers and young girls.  It was then that Baba, the Bestower of Divine Vision, opened up the treasure-store of visions.  Listening to the chanting of ‘OM’, many mothers and kumaris went into trance and saw many divine scenes.  The mothers had visions of playing with Shri Krishna in Heaven.  Eyes closed, they would still see Shri Krishna.  When Shri Krishna walked away, they followed him.  Baba realized that the mothers were seeing Shri Krishna in him and were moving to get catch hold of him; he then started climbing the stairs to the upstairs room.  Despite having their eyes shut, the mothers still followed, or rather ran after Shri Krishna, that is Brahma Baba, up the stairs!  News spread that people get visions of Shri Krishna in Dada Lekh Raj’s satsang.  Many more people began to come and the satsang grew in size; Mama’s responsibilities increased alongside.

Mama chanted ‘OM’ within the gathering, which is why Baba re-named her “Om Radhe” from Radhe.  When a mother or kumari were asked where they were going and for what reason, they would answer, “To meet Om Radhe.  She teaches us how to chant ‘OM’, as well as explains its significance and how we can stabilize ourselves in OM.”

Baba handed over care of his bungalow and the satsang’s responsibilities to Om Radhe and went to Kashmir with his family.  Whenever Mama attended the satsang, she would do some service and then return to her lokik home; she never ate prasãd or her meals there.  She felt that this would create a karmic account.  ‘If we don’t do service or do less and then eat meals or toli etc. from the yagya, this creates a burden.  Our job is to do service and not merely come to the gathering to ‘eat and drink.’  When Baba learned that Mama never ate or drank anything at Om Mandali, he sent her a letter from Kashmir: “Daughter, your presence there itself is a great service.  Many souls will be served through your mere presence.  You should stay and also eat your meals there.”  From then on, Mama started eating from the yagya as per Baba’s directions.  She normally would come in the mornings, conduct the satsang, then go home and go in the evenings, and go back home at night.  But when she took up residence in the yagya full-time, a great deal of self-transformation took place.

From Kashmir, Baba would send letters addressed to either Mama, Dadi Kumarka or Dadi Chandra Mani.  He would write, “This is a letter of knowledge.  Read and imbibe the gyan yourself and share it with the gathering too.”  Mama followed Baba’s instructions completely, but few sisters were nervous about sharing gyan.  Mama instilled the virtues of perseverance and courage in them and taught them how to give the knowledge to others.  Young girls of around the ages of 16, 17, 18 began reading Baba’s letters filled with knowledge and sharing with others.  Everyone was amazed that these little girls were speaking such great knowledge!  In time, Mama accumulated so much spiritual power that whenever she sat at the sandali (small stool-like table with a white cushion) or stood and gave drishti, souls would sometimes get a vision of Shri Radhe and sometimes Shri Lakshmi.  Almighty Shiv Baba had granted visions of Shri Krishna through Brahma, in order to clarify to all that the same Brahma will become Shri Krishna and Shri Narayan in the future.  Similarly, He gave people visions of Shri Radhe and Shri Lakshmi through Om Radhe, to prove that she indeed would become the future Goddess.  As time went on, Mama’s virtue of giving sustenance became apparent.

The businessmen of Sindh went abroad on business tours; their wives were generally left at home alone and so began visiting the satsang.  Coming to the gatherings, they gradually began inculcating the knowledge.  Their way of living changed and they became simple and easy-natured.  They removed all their jewellery and lived in simplicity.  When their husbands returned home, they were bewildered at what had happened to their wives!  They were not indulging in vice. They remained quiet and detached;  they did not wear any jewellery.  The husbands then started to physically abuse their wives.  During this period, Mama sustained these bandheli mothers (mothers in bondage) with knowledge and sweet words. She gave them courage and strength so that they slowly filled themselves with spiritual power and were prepared to face and tolerate obstacles.  In this manner, Mama’s role of sustenance reached its peak.  Baba then created a committee, consisting of 8 mothers and young kumaris, and dedicated his entire property and assets to the same.  Mama’s name was first on the committee.  When commotion began against the adoption of celibacy by those who attended the satsang, Baba instructed the mothers and kumaris to bring a letter of permission from their relatives, in Mama’s name.  The letter said: “I, ….…….…, happily give consent for my daughter to visit Mother Om Radhe of Om Mandali, in order to drink the nectar of knowledge and enable others to do the same.”  Mama was thus the living Mother Durga who strengthened mothers and young girls and heightened their zeal and enthusiasm.

When Baba returned from Kashmir, Almighty Baba would speak the Murli and reveal deep secrets of knowledge through Brahma’s body.  It was clarified that Brahma was the Father of the entire human race.  He is to become Shri Krishna and then Shri Narayan in the future, and Om Radhe is in fact, Jagadamba Saraswati, daughter of Brahma, who in turn will become the future Shri Radhe and Shri Anuradhe (Lakshmi).  From that point on, Mama’s conduct, speech, behaviour, thinking and interactions developed in nobility and maturity.  I never saw Mama walk along at a fast speed; she always strolled on at ease and in a yogic state.  Sitting at home, many people started getting visions of Mama, Baba and sometimes of Shri Lakshmi and Shri Narayan. 

Many young children also attended the satsang and began giving speeches on the knowledge; this pleased the audience.  Service continued to carry on well.  Baba then bought large bungalows in Karachi and opened “Om Niwas.”  We all started residing in Karachi, where Mama’s role of Yagya Mata (Mother of the Yagya) began.  About 450 dedicated sisters and brothers lived together, with mothers, kumaris and kumars residing in four separate buildings.  Mama lived with the kumaris, and Baba on his own.  We spent our daily schedule from Amritvela to night-time with Mama.  All tasks were executed under Mama’s supervision.

Mama was accurate in everything.  Every task she undertook went on systematically.  Mama never verbalized any teaching or how to do service;  she taught us by doing it herself.  For instance, Mama would be the first to sit down to cut vegetables or clean grains, and others followed.  She wouldn’t call them one by one.  I observed that Mama used words very little but actions more.  She performed the task practically and taught others the same.  What is the yagya?  What is the importance of the yagya-prasãd (toli)?  Who is Baba?  How great is Baba?  What respect should we give him?  Mama followed all these rules of conduct herself and then taught us.  Mama never considered any of Baba’s directions or orders to be ordinary.  She thought of Baba’s orders as God, the Almighty Baba’s orders. 

Mama never doubted Baba even in the slightest degree.  She always saw the Incorporeal Father when she looked at the Corporeal Father Brahma.  She did precisely what Baba said; such was Jagadamba Mother’s nature of obedience and loyalty.  She loved every one of Baba’s thoughts.  One time, the doctor had declared that Mama needed to undergo a minor operation, failing which her illness would remain uncured.  On hearing this, Baba became silent and later on said, “Baba is not inspired to go ahead with this operation,” and Mama accepted.  She never thought that it may be better to have the operation since the doctor had recommended it.  “I only like whatever Baba likes.”  Her favorite words were, “Hukmi Hukum… (The One giving you orders is making you move).” Whatever Baba, the Huzoor (Lord) commands or desires, I will do that alone.  All of this belongs to Him; nothing is mine.”  She had immense faith and trust in Baba.  Baba too paid equal respect to Mama.  If a situation arose in the yagya or a decision had to be made, Baba always told the children: “Ask Mama what her thoughts are.  Only after hearing Mama’s advice will I share my own, as she is Mother of the Yagya.”  And so, Baba would never do anything without first consulting Mama.

As a mother pays attention to every aspect of her child’s upbringing, Mama too paid attention to do everything possible for the physical, mental, social progress, and well-being of the yagya’s children.  She solved all problems.  She nurtured the children with love and affection.  She won over every child’s heart.  While doing everything, as well as going into the depths of knowledge and unveiling its secrets to us, she never made us feel that this was her speciality; she constantly indicated and drew everyone’s attention to one Shiva Baba.  As Mama sustained the children both physically and spiritually, her name came to be “Mother of the Yagya, Jagadamba Saraswati.”

In front of Baba, Mama would smile, lower her head and say only one thing, “Ji Baba” (“Yes Baba”), and nothing more.  Baba called her ‘Mama’ as well as ‘Daughter’.  Before Baba’s Murli class everyday, it was the yagya’s system for Mama to come 10 minutes earlier and play the sitãr of knowledge, following which Baba would come and play the flute (Murli) of knowledge. 

Although she was the Goddess of Knowledge and Wisdom, Mama had deep love for the study and would read the Murli thrice a day.  She would say, “However many times you read the Murli, you will accordingly receive new treasures.”

Mama’s main dhãrnã was introversion.  Whilst being amidst others, Mama remained alone.  She would be in constant conversation with the Almighty Father.  Mama would wake up at 2 a.m. for Amritvela meditation, sit on a chair in her room and remember Baba in solitude.  While carrying out her tasks during the day, she remained intoxicated by churning the knowledge.  She never allowed anyone to be attracted to her own being.  She always drew attention to the Mother and Father.  As much as she was sweet-natured, she was equally fearless.  Her belief was, “When God, the One whom we should fear in our life now belongs to us, who else are we to fear?  Only those one who commit a sin are scared.  We perform elevated and true actions, and follow God’s directions, so why should we be scared? 

Mama did not have particular liking for certain foods.  She never complained or commented about yagya-prasãd.  Whatever she was given, no matter how much or how it was presented, she accepted it respectfully devoid of any desire. 

Mama was a mine of virtues, 16 celestial degrees complete and embodiment of all maryãdãs (Godly Disciplines) of the elevated clan.


Mama Filled Me With All Her Divine Powers-Dadi Hriday Pushpaji

Once in Karachi, I had a severe stomach ache. I had to go to the bathroom at least 30 times. I was not worried about anything, since I had the determined faith that my life was in God’s hands. God is my protector and it is His choice whether He keeps me here or in His subtle world. I said, “Baba” and fell unconscious. On hearing this, Baba came to me immediately and gave me drishti. In a little while, I opened my eyes and began uttering, “Baba, Baba…” Baba called Mama and asked her to look after me. Mama said, “Yes, Baba.” Baba then prepared a 7-day schedule of what I should be given to eat and drink. Baba instructed Mama, “Give the daughter only 3 spoonfuls of water every hour for two whole days. After that, give her 3 spoons of water and 3 of milk every hour for two days. On the fifth day, give her two spoons of khichdi (steamed rice and pulses).” Mama followed these directions accurately and I was made well in a week’s time. It was only davã (medicine) and duvã (blessings) that cured me. But even after recovering, Mama continued to feed me. I told her, “Mama, I am better now and can eat on my own.” But Mama insisted, “This is Baba’s direction. When Baba permits it, only then can you eat meals yourself.”

Next day, Mama asked me to come to her room at 10 p.m. When I met her, she sat at the sandali with me before her and conducted meditation, giving me drishti from 10 p.m. to 4 a.m. the next morning! It felt as if Mama had bestowed all her divine powers on me and I was sitting in divine light. In the morning, Mama said, “Now go to your roomand sleep.”

Later on in the morning, many sisters went to Mama and asked her what tapasyã Sis. Hriday Pushpa had done to merit Mama’s attention. Mama replied, “Why don’t all of you go and ask her yourself?” The sisters came to me and asked, “What tapasyã have you done that Mama herself has specially served you?” I answered, “Mine is one Shiv Baba and none other. I have surrendered my life to Him alone. Since I have given this life to Baba, I see no one else but one Shiv Baba. This alone is my tapasyã.”

When sisters were sent from Madhuban on Godly service, I too was sent to Bangalore. Many years passed without any expansion of service and the days went by with difficulty. We had to tolerate a lot because no one wanted to listen to hear this new and different spiritual knowledge. When Baba heard the news, he told Mama, “My daughter is in much discomfort. Please go to Bangalore and bring her back with you.”

When I received the news that Mama was coming to Bangalore for the first time, I sat in meditation. Since Mateshwari Jagadamba was coming here, prakruti (nature) would surely become a servant. I then experienced as if someone was saying, “Go to Commercial Street.” I got up from meditation and wondered where this Commercial Street was! I left the centre and started walking. Asking around I finally reached Commercial Street, but didn’t know whom to meet there. The voice of my mind said, “Go ahead” and I walked on. Little ahead, I saw a wealthy Seth (businessman) entering his shop and my inner voice said, “Go meet the owner of this shop – he is a devotee of Jagadamba.” When I went in, the owner said, “Mataji (Mother), what do you need?”

I asked him, “Do you know Jagadamba?” and he said, “Yes, of course. I am Jagadamba’s devotee.” I said, “That same Jagadamba is now in the living form and she is coming to Bangalore.”

Hearing this, the businessman looked amazed and said, “Is that true? It is great fortune that I will meet my dearly loved goddess in the physical form and be blessed by her. My deepest wish of many births will be fulfilled.” He continued, “Listening to you, I can visualize myself meeting Jagadamba.”

I said, “There are many souls who are eagerly waiting to meet her.”

He asked, “Please tell me how I can help.”

I replied, “We would need a big hall to seat all the people who come to meet her. And a large house for her to stay during her visit.”

The businessman said, “Mother, we have recently inaugurated a new dharamshãlã (rest-house for pilgrims, travelers) a few days back. Please come and see if it is suitable.” He immediately drove me to see the dharmshãlã, which was satisfactory. It was new and had good lodging facilities. The Seth then had wheat, rice, ghee sent over, furnished every room with bed, mattress etc., and specially put in a bed, sheets and sandali in a Mama’s room.

I then had to prepare invitations for people to meet Mama. I began thinking what should be done. An inner voice said, “Go ahead.” I went on and saw a printing press. I entered and the owner asked me, “Mother, what would you like?” I said, “Jagadamba Saraswati is coming to Bangalore and I need to print invitations for the occasion.” He said, “Tell us what to print and we will do it accordingly.” The English words that emerged from my mouth could not have been uttered by even educated people: “Mateshwari Jagadamba is arriving in Bangalore. Please have the blessings of complete Purity, Peace and Prosperity for many births. All are invited.” The owner asked for the payment, but as I didn’t have any money I told him, “I will send the money with another mother. Please give her the cards when she comes.”

How was I going to welcome Mateshwari? This required garlands and flowers etc. I remembered that a few days back, a gardener brother had taken the course. He himself said, “I will bring as many flowers and garlands for Jagadamba Mother as needed.”

We then waited for Mateshwariji’s arrival. The day came when she reached Bangalore and we gave her a grand welcome. When the Seth saw Mama, he felt his mind’s deepest desire was being fulfilled – he was content. Many eminent people came to meet Mama and were elated on hearing her talks. The Brahmin family met her as well and were overjoyed. Mama stayed in Bangalore for one week. The day of Mama’s departure soon dawned and Mama told me, “You haven’t yet shown me Baba’s home!” I had been avoiding it but when Mama repeatedly asked, I took her to the tiny room where I lived. I did everything in that one room: preparing and eating meals, conducting class, resting, giving the course etc. Mama saw the place and said, “Baba has sustained all of you like princesses. I cannot bear to see how you are living here. Baba specifically sent me to bring you back to Madhuban.” I said, “Mama, I am not a cowardly soldier. I will not return from the battlefield.” Mama replied, “You are not coming out of your own desire. Baba himself is calling you. Please come back with me.” But I insisted, “I will die but not move from here. I will only come to Baba when I have created a bouquet (of souls).” Seeing my firm faith, Mama returned alone to Baba in Madhuban.

This was how Mama became a humble server and nursed me during my illness, and at a time of crisis, came to the place of service and gave her co-operation, love and filled me with the strength to move forth in service.




Mateshwari– The Embodiment Of Power & Attainments-Dadi Chandra Maniji

I was Mama’s assistant when we lived in Kunj Bhawan, which is why I had many opportunities to be in her company and learn from her.  I greatly admired every one of Mama’s virtues.  She was the true yogin (female ascetic).  I never saw her while away time in wasteful matters or tasks.  To look at the virtues in every soul, neither look nor talk about someone’s defects, relate knowledge to others, guide someone and help make their life, make the young girls fearless and Shakti Lionesses, and then help them dedicate themselves to Baba…these were the specialities I learned from Mama.  Mama showed me how to love the virtues of every sister and brother (whether senior or junior). 


Mama’s instructions always had an unlimited connotation.  Her motives came from the ãdi (original) and anãdi (eternal) perspectives.  She viewed every matter and person from an unlimited standpoint.  My understanding is that Mama’s unlimited drishti, attitude, and feelings were the reason she could inculcate so many divine virtues.  Being the embodiment of strength, she feared no one.  She was constantly stabilised in yoga.  Her sense organs were always under control.  She gave everyone motherly love.  Although she was younger in age, souls older than her called her “Mama”  and I feel the reason for this was that she will become the future Shri Lakshmi.


Several times we asked Mama: “Mama, what are you thinking about?  Where are you?” and Mama would reply, “I am not walking on this earth.  I am walking on the land of Vaikunth (Paradise).”  Occasionally, she shared experiences of visualizing herself as the Empress Shri Lakshmi and Princess Shri Radha.  She had 100% faith in her own future and Baba’s elevated versions.  She accepted whatever Baba said, and became the embodiment.  Everything about Mama was powerful – whether it was in knowledge, yoga, inculcation or service. 

Mama neither was attracted to anyone nor did she dislike anybody.  She belonged to everyone and made everyone belong to her.  In this way, Mama was a Shakti, a Mother, and an extraordinary Embodiment of Attainments. 

Shri Bhagwati, The Lady Of Paradise -Dadi Bhagwatiji

Mama’s drishti was powerful.  One moon-lit night, Mama was sitting in meditation.  When I sat in front of her, Mama gave me drishti and I went into trance.  In trance, I saw bright light in all four directions and at the centre was Almighty Shiv Baba.  I continued to look at Baba.  Mama then asked me, “What are you looking at?”  I answered, “Mama, I am watching Baba” and she continued, “That’s fine.  Continue to see Baba.”  This episode took place in Karachi, where I often went into trance.  Baba too would say, “Mama, send her on a tour of the subtle region” and Mama would send me into trance.  I would see Paradise, drink nectar, and dance with Shri Krishna. 




I knew how to stitch shirts and pants.  One day, Mama called me and asked, “Bhagwati, can you stitch a coat?”  I replied, “No, Mama.  I cannot.”  Mama then said, “Listen, never say, ‘No’.  There is nothing like ‘No’ in this drama.  When you can make shirts and pants, why is it not possible for you to make a coat?  Say ‘yes’, and the skill will gradually develop.  Never say ‘No’.  If you say ‘yes’ even though you don’t know how to do something, you will become proficient with practice and effort.”  In this manner, I made efforts and in time learned how to stitch a coat.  From that day on, I never refused any service and always said, “Hã Ji, Hã Ji.”  This was how I received the blessing to be successful in all my endeavours.




Her virtues and task made her ‘Mama’.  She became Mama due to the power with which she took care of her responsibilities, her greatness, method of instructing and teaching others, and her good behaviour towards everyone.  Mama won all hearts with her power of love and sustenance and thus became Mother of the Yagya.   


Mama Taught Me Yoga & Made Me Yogya (Worthy)

-Dadi Dhairya Mani ji  (Jewel of Patience)


I first visited the satsang with my sister, Bhagwati, in 1937.  Mama saw me as soon as I entered.  She smiled, gave me a hug, and fed me toli.  I too smiled and Mama said, “Come tomorrow as well.”  I started visiting every day and was very fond of listening to the knowledge.  Mama became instrumental in giving me gyan and making me part of the yagya.  I was very young and therefore Mama told me to stay at Om Niwas (boarding house for little children) and study gyan and yoga, but my parents were not in agreement.  Mama told me how to handle them tactfully: “When your parents are in a good mood, go and sit in their lap and ask for permission lovingly.  They will definitely consent.”  And that is exactly what happened!  When my parents were in a happy mood, I made my request.  My father readily wrote a letter of consent and got my mother to sign as well.  And thus, Mama helped me free myself from the lokik bondages.   




Mama taught me how to meditate.  She would seat me on the sandali next to her and conduct meditation.  She checked our mental stages.  Even whilst performing physical (karmana) service, she maintained her stage.  I once asked her, “Mama, what are you thinking about while you clean the wheat?”  Mama replied, “I am not cleaning the wheat.  I am a detached observer and making the sense organs clean the wheat.  I am not doing the task; I am making it happen.”  The knowledge was not as expansive as it is now, but we learned the art of living, created our life, and adopted virtues by observing Mama and Baba.  




She became ‘Mama’ by nurturing everyone and giving them motherly love.  She became ‘Mama’ by making everyone belong to her.  She became ‘Mama’ through her purity, and by attracting everyone with her power of selfless love.  Mama was simple-natured.  When I was with Mama, I experienced being with Shri Lakshmi and World Mother.  She taught us the speciality of not harbouring hostile feelings for anyone; ‘never look at anyone’s defects nor adopt those weaknesses yourself’.


Once a week, we of the ‘Supreme Party’ (the children of the yagya were divided into different groups) used to sit with Mama for Amritvela meditation.  When Mama sat in the moon-light and meditated, we too followed and sat in various corners to meditate.  We sometimes invited Mama into our group and she would conduct meditation from 3:30 a.m. to 4 a.m.  When we sat before Mama and meditated, the cool rays of light from Mother, the moon of knowledge, would carry us to the Land of Silence.  This is how Mama made us into yogis and simultaneously, yogya (worthy).

Mama would wake up at 2 a.m. and sit alone in meditation.  She was usually ready and out of her room by 3:30 a.m.  From 4 a.m. to 5 a.m., we sat in collective meditation where Mama would definitely be present.  Later on, she bathed and took care of personal matters.  After breakfast, she would come for Murli class, which was held at 9 a.m.  Following which, she daily selected one sister to sit on the sandali and explain a point of knowledge.  She taught everyone how to give speeches and conduct classes.  Everyone would then get engaged in service.  We rested after lunch.  Mama used to come at 5 p.m. to sit in the office and give toli to the children of the yagya.  She would then look into office work.  In those times, I had the duty of writing down the Murli.  In the evening, I got involved in yagya service like cleaning grains, cutting vegetables etc.  At night, Mama held court after dinner.





1.                       One must not only satisfy one’s own hunger with spiritual knowledge, but find ways to donate peace to unhappy souls.


2.                       The Supreme Soul, Supreme Father is the Creator of the Universe.  He will certainly accomplish His task of creating the new world but you children have to destroy your sins and create divine virtues.  When a burden is placed on a person, he or she cannot move fast. Similarly, there is the burden of a very heavy bundle of sins on your head.  If you wish to progress ahead quickly, then you first need to get rid of the bundle of sins, implying that you need to burn away past sins.  The only method to achieve this is to remember your Supreme Father, Supreme Soul Shiva with every breath.  Forge all relationships with Him and claim the right to definitely attain deity-sovereignty for 21 births.   Make this determined thought firm.


3.                       Some souls remember their past life repeatedly and thus consequently cannot remain happy.  I need to check myself:  I have to clear the old register and begin a new one (karmic accounts).  If you continue mixing old and negative thoughts within the new register, then neither will the old register be cleared nor will a new one be established.  Therefore, forget about the old thoughts of Maya.  Past is past.  This is now your new spiritual birth, so constantly remain happy.


4.                       To serve means to lead an idealistic life, which will be an inspiration to many other souls. 


5.                       You have now become true Sitas belonging to the true Ram, and so should not keep any sign or trace of Ravan with you. 

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Mamma-Dadis Shantamani, Manohar Indra, Hriday Pushpa, Chandramani, Bhagwati, Dhairyamaniji.pdf
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