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Professional Web Sites Make a Difference

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Chris Gunn

Dec 9, 2010, 11:48:33 PM12/9/10
We can make your Web Presence a Profitable Reality!

We'll ensure your web pages
stand out as a unique
and personal statement of your
business enterprise.

Our web pages are built manually to exacting HTML specifications and
verified with Internet Explorer and FireFox at 800, 1024 and wider screen
widths. They are fast, efficient, and rescale themselves to look well on
all monitors.

Where needed, we will build scripts to ensure your pages continue to perform
properly under all browser configurations. We will not stuff in Javascript
as a quick fix for what can be done with well designed HTML code, browser
independent scripting, or using the BIZyCart Ecommerce Server.

Our BIZyCart Ecommerce Server ( will handle almost anything
a well designed business site may need. BIZyCart includes extensive
blogging support along with complete ecommerce support. To supplement
BIZyCart, we have commercial quality software to handle:

(_) Live Chat Forums
(_) Message Chat Boards
(_) Subscribe/Unsubscribe to Mailing Lists
(_) Visible or Invisible Hit-Counters
(_) If we don't have it handy, we can build it.

Please feel free to drop by to see some
samples or just ramble around BIZynet. It's all our work.

Christopher G. Gunn
BIZynet Coordinator
Box 666
Questa, NM 87556
24-Hr Voice: (575) 586-1225
"The most respected business address on the Internet"

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