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Low cost international rates (No need to switch)

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Lloyd Colston

Oct 14, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/14/96

International Telcom Ltd Rates (US$)
24 Hour, 7 Day, Per Minute Rate From the USA 09/01/96
USA Interstate Rate is $0.129/minute at all times
Access code: 10270 6 second billing 60 second minimum
(10404 for calls from area codes 206 and 360)

------- ---- ------- ---- -------
Afghanistan $1.44 Gibraltar $0.57 Nicaragua $0.81
Albania .70 Greece .50 Niger 1.18
Algeria .81 Greenland .71 Nigeria .79
American Samoa .87 Grenada .64 Niue 1.75
Andorra .41 Guadeloupe .41 Norway .31
Angola .98 Guam .36 Oman 1.03
Anguilla .64 Guatemala .75 Pakistan 1.05
Antigua .64 Guinea Bissau 1.43 Palau 1.34
Argentina .71 Guinea .82 Panama .72
Armenia .83 Guyana 1.04 Papua New Guinea .81
Aruba .58 Haiti .77 Paraguay .90
Ascension Island 1.00 Honduras .74 Peru .82
Australia .23 Hong Kong .43 Philippines .68
Austria .40 Hungary .46 Poland .49
Azerbaijan .95 Iceland .50 Portugal .42
Bahamas .36 India .78 Puerto Rico .25
Bahrain 1.00 Indonesia .78 Qatar .94
Bangladesh 1.03 Iran 1.04 Reunion Island 1.21
Barbados .64 Iraq 1.28 Romania .72
Belarus .83 Ireland .40 Russia .71
Belgium .35 Israel .70 Rwanda 1.02
Belize .84 Italy .36 Saipan .90
Benin .85 Ivory Coast 1.02 San Marino 0.53
Bermuda .57 Jamaica .57 Sao Tome & Princp 1.29
Bhutan 1.21 Japan .31 Saudi Arabia .82
Bolivia .77 Jordan .92 Senegal 1.20
Bosnia .67 Kazakhstan .95 Serbia .83
Botswana .92 Kenya, Republic .92 Seychelles Isl 1.43
Brazil .64 Kiribati 1.10 Sierra Leone 1.05
British Virgin .64 Korea .65 Singapore .30
Brunei .72 Kuwait .81 Slovakia .53
Bulgaria .64 Kyrgyzstan .95 Slovenia .63
Burkina Faso .86 Laos 1.58 Solomon Island 1.21
Burundi 1.02 Latvia .53 South Africa .47
Cambodia 1.26 Lebanon .92 Spain .39
Cameroon 1.08 Lesotho .87 Sri Lanka 1.14
Canada .15 Liberia .74 St Helena 1.03
Cape Verde Islan 1.04 Libya .67 St Kitts .64
Cayman Islands .57 Liechtenstein .29 St Lucia .64
Central African 1.23 Lithuania .79 St Pierre & Mi. .44
Chad 1.23 Luxembourg .39 St Vincent .64
Chile .62 Macau .81 Sudan .67
China .73 Macedonia .74 Suriname 1.10
Christmas Island .66 Madagascar 1.31 Swaziland .72
Colombia .64 Malawi .67 Sweden .19
Comoros 1.23 Malaysia .59 Switzerland .29
Congo 1.11 Maldives 1.15 Syria 1.04
Cook Islands 1.43 Mali 1.05 Taiwan, Republic .52
Costa Rica .70 Malta .60 Tajikstan .95
Croatia .57 Marshall Islands .88 Tanzania .94
Cuba .71 Mauritania 1.24 Thailand .94
Cyprus .65 Mauritius .94 Togo, Republic of 1.15
Czech Republic .51 Mayotte Island 1.23 Tonga 1.10
Denmark .26 Mexico Step 1 .20 Trinidad & Tobag .57
Diego Garcia 1.31 Mexico Step 2 .23 Tunisia .81
Djibouti 1.06 Mexico Step 3 .32 Turkey .64
Dominica .64 Mexico Step 4 .35 Turkmenistan .95
Dominican Republic .46 Mexico Step 5 .39 Turks & Caicos .64
Ecuador .75 Mexico Step 6 .49 Tuvalu 1.10
Egypt .89 Mexico Step 7 .58 Uganda .96
El Salvador .71 Mexico Step 8 .68 Ukraine .71
Equatorial Guinea 1.41 Micronesia .88 United Arab Emir .79
Estonia .45 Moldova .93 United Kingdom .17
Ethiopia 1.27 Monaco .29 Uruguay .95
Faeroe Islands .46 Mongolia 1.04 Uzbekistan .92
Falkland Islands 1.17 Montserrat .64 Vanuatu 1.15
Fiji Islands 1.25 Morocco .66 Vatican City .45
Finland .31 Mozambique .86 Venezuela .45
France .29 Myanmar (Burma) 1.43 Vietnam 1.33
French Antilles .80 Namibia .88 Wallis .42
French Guiana .78 Nauru 1.46 Western Samoa .88
French Polynesia .72 Nepal 1.28 Yemen Arab Rep .96
Gabon, Republic 1.10 Netherlands Ant. .46 Yemen Demo Rep .96
Gambia .73 Netherlands .30 Yugoslavia .61
Georgia .95 Nevis .64 Zaire .84
Germany .25 New Caledonia .99 Zambia .83
Ghana .86 New Zealand .35 Zimbabwe .52

Dialing Instructions:
To use the service, simply dial 10270 before each call, then dial as
normally do (011-number or 1-number).
(If you are calling from area code 206 or 360 use 10404 instead.)

Registration is online at

If you do not have WEB access, email your name, email, address, phone
number and I will register you. Again, you do not have to switch to
another phone service to use this service.

Email us if you have questions

Lloyd Pryor, OK USA
l mailto:
o Success comes in cans; not can'ts.

Lloyd Colston

Oct 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/15/96

Ma'rtin's' Krik'is

Oct 16, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/16/96

Save your time, the little print at their web-page says:

Service currently not available in AK, CT, HI, IN, ME, MN, NC, NH, RI, SD, VT
and in certain areas where LEC billing is excluded.

-- M.

Lloyd Colston

Oct 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/19/96

Lloyd Colston

Oct 21, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/21/96
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