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Palestinian-Israeli violence flares after bombing

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Reuter / Mazen Dana

Mar 22, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/22/97

<TITLE>ClariNews: Palestinian-Israeli violence flares after bombing</TITLE>
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<H1><CLARI-ITEM HEADLINE>Palestinian-Israeli violence flares after bombing</CLARI-ITEM></H1>
<I><B><CLARI-ITEM COPYRIGHT>Copyright 1997 by Reuters</CLARI-ITEM></B></I> / <I><CLARI-ITEM DATE>Sat, 22 Mar 1997 11:20:56 PST</CLARI-ITEM></I><P>
<P> HEBRON, West Bank (Reuter) - Fierce clashes flared along an
Israeli-Palestinian confrontation line in the West Bank town of
Hebron Saturday, putting more strain on the Middle East peace
process a day after a suicide bombing in Tel Aviv.</P>
<P> Palestinian security forces in Gaza rearrested Ibrahim
al-Makadmeh, a recently freed leader of the Islamic group Hamas
that claimed responsibility for the Tel Aviv cafe attack Friday
that killed three Israeli women, a Hamas source said.</P>
<P> Israeli soldiers in Hebron fired live ammunition, rubber
bullets and teargas at hundreds of Arab protesters shouting the
name of the Palestinian suicide bomber and throwing gas bombs
and rocks.</P>
<P> Hospital officials said at least 20 Palestinians were shot
and another 80 treated for other injuries or teargas inhalation
in some of the most serious Israeli-Palestinian violence in
months. One protester lost an eye.</P>
<P> Yousef Sharawi, director of Alia Hospital, said it was not
yet clear how many of the gunshot wounds were caused by live
bullets, which an Israeli military spokesman told Reuters troops
fired on several occasions ``when their lives were in danger.''</P>
<P> The Israeli army said four soldiers and three paramilitary
border policemen were lightly injured by rocks in the second day
of street battles along what has become a battle line dividing
the Palestinian- and Israeli-controlled sections of the city.</P>
<P> Israeli-Palestinian tension has been high since right-wing
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sent bulldozers last Tuesday
to a hill between Jerusalem and Bethlehem to begin a new Jewish
settlement in territory occupied by Israel.</P>
<P> ``With souls and blood we will sacrifice ourselves for you,
Mousa,'' Arab youths shouted, invoking the name of Mousa
Abdel-Qader Ghneimat, a West Bank resident identified by
Palestinian sources as the suicide bomber.</P>
<P> In Muscat, Palestinian President Yasser Arafat criticized
the United States for vetoing Friday a U.N. Security Council
resolution demanding that Israel halt the project at Jabal Abu
Ghneim, or Har Homa.</P>
<P> ``We were surprised, just as all Arabs and Muslims were
surprised, by the United States' use of the veto especially
since it had guaranteed ... there would be no demographic
changes in Palestinian lands in the interim (self-rule) period
especially in the city of Jerusalem,'' he told Oman's official
news agency ONA.</P>
<P> It was the second veto the United States has cast in two
weeks to kill a Security Council resolution demanding that
Israel shelve the East Jerusalem project.</P>
<P> ``Tension is very high because of Netanyahu's crazy
policy,'' Palestinian West Bank security chief Jibril Rajoub
said in Hebron.</P>
<P> Israel's widely condemned plan to build 6,500 homes for Jews
would add another link to an Israeli chain of apartment blocks
cutting off East Jerusalem from the rest of the West Bank.</P>
<P> In Gaza, a Hamas source who declined to be identified said
Makadmeh, a dentist and leader of a military wing of the group,
was taken into custody late Friday.</P>
<P> Makadmeh, who Palestinian President Yasser Arafat released
from jail this week, told a rally Friday after the suicide
attack during the Jewish costume holiday of Purim that only
bombs could stop Israel's settlement drive.</P>
<P> Netanyahu had accused Arafat of tacitly giving Hamas a
``green light'' to strike against the Jewish state by freeing
Makadmeh and other militants arrested last year after suicide
bombers killed 59 people in Israel.</P>
<P> Israel clamped a closure on the West Bank and Gaza Strip and
sealed the home of the suicide bomber in the Israeli-controlled
West Bank village of Sourif.</P>
<P> The army said it had arrested 13 Sourif residents and four
people from the village of Nuva in the Hebron area as part of
the investigation of the Tel Aviv bombing.</P>
<P> Israeli authorities confirmed a nation's fears Saturday --
the baby girl wounded in the cafe lost her mother in the blast.
Anat Rosen-Vinter, 31, the infant's mother, was identified as
one of the three women killed in the attack.</P>
<P> Television pictures broadcast around the world showed an
Israeli policewoman cradling the baby, dressed in a tattered
clown costume, and looking frantically for the parents. The
infant was taken to the hospital and was expected to recover.</P>
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