I am using SQL-scripts at the psql-commandline to mass-copy configs, platform
and rules from one location to another, doing the necessary modifications with
SQL-replace(). This is much faster and less errorprone than manually copying
the stuff using the web-ui. That is: whoever creates a new branch and wants
Bitten-support on it, has to tell me.
Theoretically one could have a build-configuration listening to the parent-
branch of the featurebranches and could then perform the SQL-scripts as a
build. Never tried this, but you would have to analyze the commits and perform
the copy/modify only on "svn cp" resulting in new folders in the parent-
branch. Unfortunately the trac-/bitten-API does not seem to support such an
introspection. I am quite happy with my solution.
Here is what I do in PostgreSQL.
The scripts below are somewhat simplified in that, that a build-configuration
has to provide it's 'path' as a suffix of it's name. With some project-specific
convention, you should be able to have other options to identify the
configuration's primary keys in that LIKE-expressions.
* Copy build configurations from sourceBranch to targetBranch
INSERT INTO bitten_config
(name, path, active, recipe, min_rev, max_rev, label, description)
replace(name, 'sourceBranch', 'targetBranch'),
replace(path, 'sourceBranch', 'targetBranch'),
0, /* active: 1 */
replace(recipe, 'sourceBranch', 'targetBranch'),
'4711', /* first revision to be built a targetBranch */
replace(label, 'sourceBranch', 'targetBranch'),
replace(description, 'sourceBranch', 'targetBranch')
FROM bitten_config
WHERE name LIKE '%sourceBranch';
* Copy target platforms from sourceBranch to targetBranch
INSERT INTO bitten_platform (config, name)
SELECT replace(config, 'sourceBranch', 'targetBranch'), name
FROM bitten_platform
WHERE config LIKE '%sourceBranch';
* Copy rules from sourceBranch to targetBranch
INSERT INTO bitten_rule (id, propname, pattern, orderno)
SELECT PF.new_platform_id, bitten_rule.propname, bitten_rule.pattern,
FROM bitten_rule
source.id AS old_platform_id,
target.id AS new_platform_id
FROM bitten_platform AS source
INNER JOIN bitten_platform AS target
ON source.config = replace(target.config, 'targetBranch', 'sourceBranch')
source.name =
WHERE source.config LIKE '%sourceBranch'
AND target.config LIKE '%targetBranch'
ON (
bitten_rule.id = PF.old_platform_id);
When a featurebranch is reintegrated, you want to delete the build-
configurations (and all their artifacts in the database) again.
The following does the job. As a side-effect other orphanes are cleaned up too,
which somewhat attenuates the outcomes of bitten's lack of db-supported
referential integrity.
-- Delete build configurations from branch
DELETE FROM bitten_config WHERE name LIKE '%foobar';
-- Delete target platforms from branch
DELETE FROM bitten_platform WHERE config NOT IN (SELECT name FROM
-- Delete rules without platform
DELETE FROM bitten_rule WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM bitten_platform);
-- Delete orphaned builds
DELETE FROM bitten_build WHERE platform NOT IN (SELECT id FROM
-- Delete orphaned reports
DELETE FROM bitten_report WHERE build NOT IN (SELECT id FROM bitten_build);
-- Delete orphaned steps
DELETE FROM bitten_step WHERE build NOT IN (SELECT id FROM bitten_build);
-- Delete orphaned slaves
DELETE FROM bitten_slave WHERE build NOT IN (SELECT id FROM bitten_build);
-- Delete orphaned logs
DELETE FROM bitten_log WHERE build NOT IN (SELECT id FROM bitten_build);
-- Delete orphaned errors
DELETE FROM bitten_error WHERE build NOT IN (SELECT id FROM bitten_build);
-- Delete orphaned report_items. You may have the time to have coffee(s) here.
DELETE FROM bitten_report_item WHERE report NOT IN (SELECT id FROM
This does not delete bitten's logfiles from disk. I don't worry too much about
that and use a cronjob to cleanup the log-directory like that:
# Delete Bitten's logfiles each night at 2:00h, if they are older than 180 days
0 2 * * * find /trac/log/bitten -mtime +180 -type f -print | xargs rm -rf
Hope, that helps
- Roland Wilczek