BC Reports issue

已查看 68 次


2018年1月25日 14:48:522018/1/25
收件人 BitCurator Users
I am using the BitCurator Reporting Tool to create reports for a 250mb .dd disc image (the image is part of an upcoming workshop I am giving which includes having attendees image an external drive, hence why the image is so small - to save time on the image processing stage in Guymager during the workshop). 

The Fiwalk XML and Annotated Features stages complete without any problem, but the final reports stage just hangs. The orange indicator keeps moving, but nothing appears to be happening. Left the process going for over 2 hours, but it is still not completing. Have tried to redo a number of times, but does the same thing. 

I am running a VM of BC 1.8.12 - Macbook Pro, 2 CPU and 12GB of memory assigned. VirtualBox, 5.2.6. MacOS 10.13.2.

Thanks for any help anyone can give here. 

Kam Woods

2018年1月25日 15:21:202018/1/25
收件人 bitcurat...@googlegroups.com

This is a probably related to one or more known issue with the PDF repot generation module (which can fail for a number of reasons including, but not limited to, mishandling of some encodings). Unfortunately, there's no fix at the present time aside from running the tools on the command-line and omitting the PDF reports by running without "--pdf-report" (see the bottom of the README at https://github.com/bitcurator/bitcurator-distro-tools for examples of how to run the reports tool on the command-line).

It has been several years since anyone contributed to this tool. It's due for a refactor and various bugfixes. The best way to try and get this to happen would be to submit an issue with the BitCurator Consortium on their Jira instance (https://jira.educopia.org/projects/BCE/issues/BCE-1?filter=allopenissues).


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Manton, Jonathan

2018年1月25日 15:23:402018/1/25
收件人 bitcurat...@googlegroups.com
Thanks Kam! Good to know. Will try and work with the command line tools instead.


Jonathan Manton
Music Librarian for Access Services
Irving S. Gilmore Music Library
Yale University

E: jonatha...@yale.edu
T: 203-432-5549
Tw: @jonmanton
W: http://web.library.yale.edu/music

Book an appointment with me: http://schedule.yale.edu/appointment/16750

On Jan 25, 2018, at 3:21 PM, Kam Woods <kamw...@gmail.com> wrote:


This is a probably related to one or more known issue with the PDF repot generation module (which can fail for a number of reasons including, but not limited to, mishandling of some encodings). Unfortunately, there's no fix at the present time aside from running the tools on the command-line and omitting the PDF reports by running without "--pdf-report" (see the bottom of the README at https://github.com/bitcurator/bitcurator-distro-tools for examples of how to run the reports tool on the command-line).

It has been several years since anyone contributed to this tool. It's due for a refactor and various bugfixes. The best way to try and get this to happen would be to submit an issue with the BitCurator Consortium on their Jira instance (https://jira.educopia.org/projects/BCE/issues/BCE-1?filter=allopenissues).


On Thu, Jan 25, 2018 at 2:48 PM, <jonatha...@yale.edu> wrote:
I am using the BitCurator Reporting Tool to create reports for a 250mb .dd disc image (the image is part of an upcoming workshop I am giving which includes having attendees image an external drive, hence why the image is so small - to save time on the image processing stage in Guymager during the workshop).

The Fiwalk XML and Annotated Features stages complete without any problem, but the final reports stage just hangs. The orange indicator keeps moving, but nothing appears to be happening. Left the process going for over 2 hours, but it is still not completing. Have tried to redo a number of times, but does the same thing.

I am running a VM of BC 1.8.12 - Macbook Pro, 2 CPU and 12GB of memory assigned. VirtualBox, 5.2.6. MacOS 10.13.2.

Thanks for any help anyone can give here.

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Matthew Disregardmatthew Farrell

2018年8月22日 17:44:032018/8/22
收件人 BitCurator Users
Hi all - 

It looks like a number of bugfixes for the BitCurator Reporting Tool were wrapped into BC v. 1.8.16. I'm running 2.0.6 and still experiencing an issue where BC Reports hangs while trying to create PDF reports on some disk images. Is the recommended workaround still to run generate_reports.py from the command-line without the pdf reports option?


On Thursday, January 25, 2018 at 3:23:40 PM UTC-5, Manton, Jonathan wrote:
Thanks Kam! Good to know. Will try and work with the command line tools instead.


Jonathan Manton
Music Librarian for Access Services
Irving S. Gilmore Music Library
Yale University
E: jonatha...@yale.edu
T: 203-432-5549
Tw: @jonmanton
W: http://web.library.yale.edu/music
Book an appointment with me: http://schedule.yale.edu/appointment/16750

On Jan 25, 2018, at 3:21 PM, Kam Woods <kamw...@gmail.com> wrote:


This is a probably related to one or more known issue with the PDF repot generation module (which can fail for a number of reasons including, but not limited to, mishandling of some encodings). Unfortunately, there's no fix at the present time aside from running the tools on the command-line and omitting the PDF reports by running without "--pdf-report" (see the bottom of the README at https://github.com/bitcurator/bitcurator-distro-tools for examples of how to run the reports tool on the command-line).

It has been several years since anyone contributed to this tool. It's due for a refactor and various bugfixes. The best way to try and get this to happen would be to submit an issue with the BitCurator Consortium on their Jira instance (https://jira.educopia.org/projects/BCE/issues/BCE-1?filter=allopenissues).


On Thu, Jan 25, 2018 at 2:48 PM, <jonatha...@yale.edu> wrote:
I am using the BitCurator Reporting Tool to create reports for a 250mb .dd disc image (the image is part of an upcoming workshop I am giving which includes having attendees image an external drive, hence why the image is so small - to save time on the image processing stage in Guymager during the workshop).

The Fiwalk XML and Annotated Features stages complete without any problem, but the final reports stage just hangs. The orange indicator keeps moving, but nothing appears to be happening. Left the process going for over 2 hours, but it is still not completing. Have tried to redo a number of times, but does the same thing.

I am running a VM of BC 1.8.12 - Macbook Pro, 2 CPU and 12GB of memory assigned. VirtualBox, 5.2.6. MacOS 10.13.2.

Thanks for any help anyone can give here.

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