Announcing the release of the Tool Selection Factors from DANNNG

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Brian Dietz

May 13, 2024, 8:09:39 AMMay 13

With much gratitude to the digital archives and preservation community for their insightful and helpful comments, the Digital Archival traNsfer, iNgest, and packagiNg Group (DANNNG) is pleased to announce that the following resource is now ready for its official release:

  • Tool Selection Factors (Version 1.0.0), which provides structure around factors to consider when evaluating tools for digital archival and preservation workflows. The Factors also include guidance to help practitioners connect the framework to their specific use cases.


We sincerely appreciate the time, care, and attention all our reviewers took to comment on our prior drafts. If you have any questions about the above resource, please contact Dianne Dietrich (dd388 at cornell dot edu).


On behalf of the DANNNG team,


Brian Dietz (he/him)
Lead Librarian for Collections Stewardship and Discovery
NC State University Libraries
2 Broughton Drive, Campus Box 7111, Raleigh, NC 27695-7111

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