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BitCurator Users

Contact owners and managers
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Welcome to the BitCurator users mailing list! This list serves the BitCurator Consortium community and all users of BitCurator tools. This is the place to post questions, discuss issues, and connect with other members of the community.

Posts to the list are public, but only members may create or reply to posts. Please include one or more of your name, affiliation, and a brief statement of your interest in the list when requesting membership.

Useful links:

BitCurator Releases: Install the latest release and get up to speed with the Quickstart guide.

Our GitHub Pages site includes community-maintained documentation and workflow guidance for some releases. This documentation may include materials that apply only to legacy releases.

Overview of BitCurator Projects on GitHub Pages: High-level description of our projects and the organization of our repositories.

Ongoing support for the BitCurator community is made possible by members of the BitCurator Consortium. Visit the Consortium page to learn how your institution can join the membership.