case study for beaming of transactions via QR

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Andreas Schildbach

Dec 6, 2011, 10:30:06 AM12/6/11
In order to try out the concept of "beaming" transactions, I just
released a new testnet version 1.43 of Bitcoin Wallet. You'll need to
install that version on both the sending and the receiving phone.

If you long-click on a tx in the tx list, you'll now have the option to
view the transaction details. This also includes a QR code that contains
the whole transaction! You can currently scan the QR code only with an
external app like ZXing or Goggle, which allows you to view the details
of the same transaction on a second phone.

In order to leverage the Android intent mechanism once again, I invented
a new URI format "btctx:<base64-encoded-bitcoin-serialized-tx>". A bit
more elaborate:

- tx is serialized using standard Bitcoin serialization
- resulting bytes are base64-encoded, without padding or wrapping
- "btctx:" scheme is prepended
- QR code type URI is generated from that

Some issues I found on the way:

Typical tx sizes of around 500 bytes seem to work quite well. However, I
have one 1200 byte tx which obviously busts even a "version 40" QR code.
I think there is some room for optimization, base64 and QR codes does
not seem to be the best fit. The reason I did not chose a "binary" QR
code is that ZXing does not seem to support this, and the intent
mechanism would probably not work either.

After the tx has been beamed, the date is missing. This is expected,
since its not part of the Bitcoin serialization.

After the tx has been beamed, the amount is zero. This is probably due
to the fact that BitCoinJ does not have access to the matching wallet.
Is there any workaround to this problem? Is the amount(s) not contained
in the tx and could be read from there? Anyway, I would expect BitCoinJ
to throw an exception rather than returning the wrong value from

Currently, I cannot feed the tx into the validation process, so the
beaming of transactions in not of any particular use for the user.

I will extend my study to NFC and perhaps Bluetooth and/or Wifi direct.
Let's see which limitations we will hit there.


Dec 6, 2011, 11:10:58 AM12/6/11
What would I have to do to forward the tx to the bitcoin network ?

Is it:

1) Read QR code / de-base64 - deserialise
2) <I should have a valid tx now>
3) call peer.broadcastTransaction(tx);
(ok broadcastTransaction is not public but that's what
crowbars are for)

Andreas <- could you put an example tx as a QR code somewhere on a
web page so I can grab it ? I don't suppose it matters if I
double spend it, it would just get thrown out by the miners.

I presume I can forward the tx in a 'dumb' fashion i.e I
do not need to know anything else.


p.s. Love the phrase "beaming" !

-- Money, reinvented

Andreas Schildbach

Dec 6, 2011, 11:54:00 AM12/6/11
On 12/06/2011 05:10 PM, Jim wrote:

> What would I have to do to forward the tx to the bitcoin network ?
> Is it:
> 1) Read QR code / de-base64 - deserialise


> 2) <I should have a valid tx now>

Syntactically valid, yes I guess so.

> 3) call peer.broadcastTransaction(tx);
> wallet#confirmSend(tx);
> (ok broadcastTransaction is not public but that's what
> crowbars are for)

I'd say first BitCoinJ should check if the tx is already known (dupe
cache, transaction pools, perhaps blockchain on a fully validating
node). If known, dump.

Then I think everything possible should be checked if the tx is not only
syntactically valid but also valid in the sense of double spending etc.
I know this is probably only possible on a fully validating node.

Finally, I think the tx should be added to the pending pool like any
other pending tx that comes over the bitcoin network. From there, it can
be re-broadcast easily.

To sum up, I think pending tx received should be handled all the same,
no matter if they arrive via the Bitcoin network, QR code, NFC...

> Andreas <- could you put an example tx as a QR code somewhere on a
> web page so I can grab it ? I don't suppose it matters if I
> double spend it, it would just get thrown out by the miners.

I mailed you a screenshot directly. The tx has yet to be confirmed (on

> p.s. Love the phrase "beaming" !

Well, Google has been using that term for NFC-based communication
lately, so I thought I'd borrow it...

Andreas Schildbach

Dec 7, 2011, 4:27:31 AM12/7/11
On 12/06/2011 04:30 PM, Andreas Schildbach wrote:

> Typical tx sizes of around 500 bytes seem to work quite well. However, I
> have one 1200 byte tx which obviously busts even a "version 40" QR code.
> I think there is some room for optimization, base64 and QR codes does
> not seem to be the best fit. The reason I did not chose a "binary" QR
> code is that ZXing does not seem to support this, and the intent
> mechanism would probably not work either.

I managed to cram the 1200 bytes transaction into a QR code and read it
with the ZXing scanner on a Galaxy Nexus by changing the following:

- Error correction down from L (30%) to Q (25%).

- Made sure the QR code is type Alphanumeric and make use of as much as
possible of the available codespace:

Characters space and % are left out because they have special meaning
and render the URL invalid. I'm not sure about the + sign, but all my
tests went well.

I derived a "Base43" variant from the Base58 implementation.

I guess 1200 byte transactions are near the sensible maximum. Goggles
already chokes at detecting it properly, while ZXing still can manage.
How common are those big transactions? The vast majority I encountered
were below 500 bytes. But what about the future, if Bitcoin grows?

What do you think of the algorithm at all? Should we propose this as a
"standard" for transactions in a QR code?

Jonny Heggheim

Dec 7, 2011, 4:34:30 AM12/7/11
Maybe it is also an option to compress the data if the space limit is causing problems..


Andreas Schildbach

Dec 7, 2011, 5:46:36 AM12/7/11
Good idea. I just ran some tests with GZip
( and BZip2

Generally, BZip2 seems to be very bad at compressing transactions. It
was only able to squeeze 1% from the 1200 byte tx.

GZip however, achieved ratios of 24% to -10%, with smaller transactions
having less compression potential than larger.

If we decide to compress, we should make this optional. I'd suggest the
first char after the scheme to serve as an compression identifier:

- = none
G = GZip

What do you think?


Dec 7, 2011, 6:27:56 AM12/7/11
I have added some code to MultiBit that succesfully braodcasts
Andreas's transaction QR codes.

See log excerpt:

11:17:00.189 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO o.m.qrcode.QRCodeEncoderDecoder -
Decoded image successfully, result was :

AbstractTradePanel#decoded 258 bytes.

01 00 00 00 01 c8 88 db ef b0 12 ae 71 08 bc 4c
5c c3 6a 90 d9 1d 46 e8 c2 17 f5 df 6d 26 60 4b
03 42 34 bb b2 00 00 00 00 8b 48 30 45 02 21 00
d8 3b 24 63 a5 53 39 0f 9c ad 7a eb c5 5d cd 06
94 ce d9 69 49 aa 3d 0f b8 7f 12 43 c1 55 01 09
02 20 1d 64 94 ce b3 4a 19 83 19 82 54 3f e6 e6
e6 b9 b0 51 4e 2f b6 4e a4 c2 a9 a0 14 3f ed 34
b3 9e 01 41 04 5c 9c fb c6 bc cb 76 51 ef 01 a1
07 f5 e9 df 34 29 df 37 8a d3 af 2c 4d 2e e8 56
2b c4 76 56 ef af ff ae f7 7f f6 41 80 fb 8a 12
e7 c4 8b 5f 72 4a 92 44 09 92 6f 72 be a8 11 b2
43 2c dd 3d 2e ff ff ff ff 02 00 51 25 02 00 00
00 00 19 76 a9 14 55 25 6d 15 b8 e7 44 e4 98 65
d6 4f c9 c3 d7 c8 7c f0 f4 fb 88 ac a0 d8 f2 1b
00 00 00 00 19 76 a9 14 c4 8c 90 2a 25 d7 93 96
68 f8 a3 a1 19 41 79 cf 7b ad e0 b9 88 ac 00 00
00 00

AbstractTradePanel#created transaction
from mySD89iqpmptrK3PhHFW9fa7BXiP7ANy3Y
to moHAZmhbhEoJx9yPcC5EhqFD1H4tjFmm5A 0.36 BTC
to mySD89iqpmptrK3PhHFW9fa7BXiP7ANy3Y 4.68 BTC

AbstractTradePanel#result of broadcastTransaction was true

It certainly looks like it has been sent successfully.

Also, mainly for fun, I have converted the 'btctx:' string into
a sound file using the Java codec I have been working on.

Here is what the bitcoin tx sounds like: (6.9 seconds)

I will add the transaction send code into the MultiBit code
base - you just drag a QR code onto the send swatch target and
it sends it. You have to look in the logs to see what happened -
there is no user feedback or anything.

Andreas Schildbach

Dec 7, 2011, 6:28:21 AM12/7/11
On 12/06/2011 04:30 PM, Andreas Schildbach wrote:

> Anyway, I would expect BitCoinJ
> to throw an exception rather than returning the wrong value from
> tx.amount(wallet).

I just found out this method is part of my delta, so this is not an
issue with main BitCoinJ. Sorry about that.

Jonny Heggheim

Dec 7, 2011, 6:40:50 AM12/7/11
Glad you are able to squeeze some more bytes into the QR code.

I have little knowledge of QR-codes, but from what I understand that it is:
 * Limited space
 * Only text

I would just describe a simple algorithm without if/if/else/then etc.. like:
1. Just dump the transaction into a stream
2. Compress it with only one algorithm option (find out what is best, e.g GZip)
3. Base64 encode it
4. Print/save it as QR code

And call it something like Andreas-Beam (Or Jonny-Beam)

Just keep in mind that; the scope of the specification is very limited, the adoption will not be higher with URI, "readable" Base43, optional compression.
The specification will always be very targeted and will only red by special Bitcoin software.


Thilo Planz

Dec 7, 2011, 6:45:11 AM12/7/11
> And call it something like Andreas-Beam (Or Jonny-Beam)



Gary Rowe

Dec 7, 2011, 8:11:39 AM12/7/11
Love that name :-D


Dec 7, 2011, 8:58:40 AM12/7/11
I am going to trade up from my iPhone 4 and buy an Android phone.

But which one is the most bitcoin friendly ?
I am thinking speedy processor, Bluetooth, NFC, easy to program.

Preferably not pink. :-)

Recommendations ?

Jonny Heggheim

Dec 7, 2011, 9:02:42 AM12/7/11
Google Nexus phones tend to be the only with NFC :(


Gary Rowe

Dec 7, 2011, 9:17:19 AM12/7/11
Both me and missus have HTC's (mine's a Desire, hers a Sensation). Both work really well with the various Bitcoin wallets I've installed (hat tip to Andreas) and the Android experience in general is great. However, neither has NFC (see so looks like Jonny is correct.

On a side note, to get start with Android programming I'd recommend "Hello, Android!" as a good introduction.

Andreas Schildbach

Dec 7, 2011, 9:59:06 AM12/7/11
I'd recommend the Galaxy Nexus. It has all the features you can imagine
(NFC, Wifi Direct, Android 4 aka Ice Cream Sandwich), is the official
developer phone (will receive upgrades), has a wonderful, big and
high-resolution screen and is reasonably priced (�520 in Germany).


Dec 7, 2011, 11:19:27 AM12/7/11
Looks like the Galaxy Nexus it is.
Thanks for your suggestions.

On 7 Dec 2011, at 14:59, Andreas Schildbach <> wrote:

> I'd recommend the Galaxy Nexus. It has all the features you can imagine
> (NFC, Wifi Direct, Android 4 aka Ice Cream Sandwich), is the official
> developer phone (will receive upgrades), has a wonderful, big and

> high-resolution screen and is reasonably priced (€520 in Germany).

Miron Cuperman

Dec 7, 2011, 11:51:57 AM12/7/11
On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 1:27 AM, Andreas Schildbach <> wrote:
I guess 1200 byte transactions are near the sensible maximum. Goggles
already chokes at detecting it properly, while ZXing still can manage.
How common are those big transactions? The vast majority I encountered
were below 500 bytes. But what about the future, if Bitcoin grows?

Transaction sizes are mostly due to fragmentation of coins.  Coins can always be defragmented by creating transactions that consolidate multiple outputs into one.  I can imagine a maxSize parameter to coin sending that will create multiple transactions to fit each one under the limit.  All transactions other than the last one would be for consolidation.  This will probably require bitcoinj to support spending from unconfirmed outputs.

Miron / devrandom

Andreas Schildbach

Dec 9, 2011, 6:44:58 AM12/9/11
Going forward with beaming of transactions, I just created a case study
for NFC.

The Android NFC stack allows for binary data being inserted into the
message, together with a mime type. The intent filtering mechanism can
listen for that mime type and dispatch any transaction directly to the
client application. Thus, I made up the following proposal:

- Bitcoin-serialize the transaction
- put these bytes as payload into an NDEF record with tnf=MIME_MEDIA
- put this record as the first record into an NDEF message (more records
can be added in future and should be ignored by readers for now)
- either write this message to an NFC tag or push it to a second device

Note that I skipped any compression in this case, because NDEF record
payloads can be as large as 2^32 bytes (in theory).

If you push messages, be aware that Android currently supports these two

- NDEF push protocol [Gingerbread/2.3 and later]
- NFC Forum's SNEP (Simple NDEF Exchange Protocol) [Ice Cream
Sandwich/4.0 and later]

(I expect all NFC-capable Gingerbread devices to be updated to ICS
anyway. AFAIK its only Nexus S and some Galaxy S2.)

If you write messages to a tag, I can provide you with a simple Android
app to do so (incl. source). I did not find a tag writer in Android
Market that is capable of writing binary data.

As for supported tag technologies:

I know all of this is quite Android specific. However, I have no idea
how NFC support and messages dispatching looks like in other OSes. I
appreciate any input to make this proposal as "compatible to the world"
as possible.

Mike Hearn

Dec 13, 2011, 3:42:58 AM12/13/11

You'll probably have one before me :) but yes, galaxy nexus is probably one of the best phones on the market right now, as it's one of the newest . Android 4 is great!

Mike Hearn

Dec 13, 2011, 4:36:42 AM12/13/11

Yes, this is very cool work. Some things we need to bear in mind: it may be that you want to provide several transactions in a chain because your spends dependencies are not included in the chain yet. For example because they were never broadcast, as the sender was trusted to not double spend. It may also be that the fee included is not enough and the recipient is expected to provide the fee instead. So for these reasons I think nfc and/or insecure Bluetooth is the way to go .... unless you use multiple qrcodes we'll reach the limit of what can be done really fast.

Re: knowing the amount. The getValueSentToMe method should do what you want, I think. To know the input sizes means resolving the input dependencies .... a bit more work.

Andreas Schildbach

Dec 14, 2011, 6:55:28 AM12/14/11
Yes, QR codes are just an interim solution. I expect that NFC and/or
NF/QR-code initiated Bluetooth or Wifi Direct connections will dominate
this usecase as soon as the technology is more widespread. I will
investigate into the Wifi Direct scenario very soon.

As for multiple transactions, I guess this will never fit into one QR
(even a single transaction can be too large).

NFC fits well. We can put multiple Ndef records into one Ndef message,
each containing one transaction.

Would it make sense to expose a method in BitCoinJ that - for a given
transaction - tells which other transactions should probably be
transferred as well?

About the "fee provided by recipient": This concept is still very
unclear to me. Do you have any pointers for info? I don't understand how
a signed transaction can be altered by the receiver. Does the receiver
offer the fee to the sender beforehand?

On 12/13/2011 10:36 AM, Mike Hearn wrote:
> Yes, this is very cool work. Some things we need to bear in mind: it may
> be that you want to provide several transactions in a chain because your
> spends dependencies are not included in the chain yet. For example
> because they were never broadcast, as the sender was trusted to not
> double spend. It may also be that the fee included is not enough and the
> recipient is expected to provide the fee instead. So for these reasons I
> think nfc and/or insecure Bluetooth is the way to go .... unless you use
> multiple qrcodes we'll reach the limit of what can be done really fast.
> Re: knowing the amount. The getValueSentToMe method should do what you
> want, I think. To know the input sizes means resolving the input
> dependencies .... a bit more work.
> On Dec 7, 2011 5:51 PM, "Miron Cuperman" <

Mike Hearn

Dec 14, 2011, 7:01:33 AM12/14/11
About the "fee provided by recipient": This concept is still very
unclear to me. Do you have any pointers for info? I don't understand how
a signed transaction can be altered by the receiver. Does the receiver
offer the fee to the sender beforehand?

The payer gives a fee-less transaction. The receiver then creates another transaction that spends the first, but includes a fee, then broadcasts them both. Miners should (but currently won't) resolve the dependencies and include the entire tree to collect the fees on the final transaction. In this way the receiver pays for network security instead of the sender, which is what you'd intuitively expect.

Andreas Schildbach

Dec 14, 2011, 8:27:11 AM12/14/11

Ah I see. Thanks for the explanation.

(Do I understand correctly: The receiver would need to pay double the
fee on average, because its two transactions rather than one,
potentially taking twice the amount of space in the block.)

For the QR usecase however, I don't see the connection. The QR code is
only for getting the tx from the sender to receiver quickly (e.g. POS).
If the receiver puts another transaction on top (paying to himself),
that's his own thing. It does not need to go to any particular client
quickly, Bitcoin (re-)broadcast should be enough to get it confirmed by
the network.

Thinking about how the "receiver pays fees" could be integrated into

1) Pending transactions that have no fee or a "maybe too small" fee
attached should get some attention marker in the GUI. The logic should
take any following pending transactions into account. As this logic is
probably non-trivial, it should be contained in BitCoinJ I think.

2) From the transaction details screen or the context menu of a
transaction, it should be possible to "Pay fee", which creates a
transaction crafted exactly for this purpose. The magic should be again
contained in BitCoinJ I think. As soon as this fee transaction is
amongst the pending transactions, the marker from step 1 will
automatically disappear.

I wonder if it will be possible for the sender to pay a fee for the
already broadcasted tx without a fee (in case he changes his mind)?
Difficult, because he does not own the addresses of the transaction
outputs. Possible solution: He could intentionally double-spend the same
outputs - identical transaction but this time paying a larger fee. Two
transactions would race for getting included into the block chain -
transaction with fee attached will probably win. Hopefully the sender
would not be punished for double spending.



Mike Hearn

Dec 14, 2011, 8:42:49 AM12/14/11
(Do I understand correctly: The receiver would need to pay double the
fee on average, because its two transactions rather than one,
potentially taking twice the amount of space in the block.)

That depends on the miners rules.

The purpose of the fee is twofold:
  1. Avoid DoS attacks that bloat the size of the chain by letting transactions be priority ordered when blocks start getting full.
  2. More importantly, provide an incentive for mining when inflation falls. This is the reason called out in the paper.
By determining the fee recursively you don't make DoS attacks easier, because the space in the block is still limited. Given two transaction pools, one with a single transaction of 0.01BTC fee and another with 10 transactions that add up to 0.01BTC fee, you will always pick the first. From a mining incentive PoV it makes no difference because including transactions is very cheap.

So I think it'd make no difference to the fees you pay.

For the QR usecase however, I don't see the connection. 

Consider a chain of such chain-less trades. You only need the block chain when you don't fully trust the payer, so you want the distributed consensus to confirm that "you win". If you do trust the sender, broadcasts (and the associated tx fees) are just overhead. You don't need them to keep score.

An example might help. My brother pays me some money as a birthday present. It's a gift from somebody I trust, so the risk of a double spend is trivial. Rather than broadcast the transaction and potentially pay a fee for inclusion, I just keep it in my wallet. Now I go to a shop and buy something with that birthday money. I also create a free transaction and send both mine and my brothers to the merchant. The merchant then runs a risk analysis to decide whether to use the network for consensus or not. If I am deemed risky or perhaps just of unknown risk, the merchant creates a third transaction that simply pays "back to himself" with a small fee, then broadcasts all 3 transactions together. If I am deemed non-risky (ie, have a good reputation with that merchant and am present in person) then the merchant just stores those 3 transactions in its own wallet and the cycle repeats.

The key thing to realize is that the block chain and miners provide a service, for a price, which is optional. Whether I'm willing to pay miners not depends on the prices they set and the calculated risk of a double spend.

Therefore when making a payment, you may need to include an arbitrary number of other transactions along with the new one.

Note that change here is not a problem. If my brothers birthday transaction has a change back to himself, he can simply present that same tx to somebody else when making a transaction. If that recipient then chooses to broadcast the birthday TX before I or somebody I gave it to does, then we need to notice that and handle it.

These are the sorts of complications I'm trying to handle with the pending tx work. It's not quite so important now because network speeds are pretty high, but at the end of next year inflation will halve and speed along with it. We need to plan the transition to fee based incentives starting now, because the issues are subtle.
1) Pending transactions that have no fee or a "maybe too small" fee
attached should get some attention marker in the GUI. The logic should
take any following pending transactions into account. As this logic is
probably non-trivial, it should be contained in BitCoinJ I think.

Agreed. I think exposing transaction confidence levels to the UI in some simple form may be the way to go, along with buttons to "upgrade" the confidence.

Alessandro Polverini

Dec 14, 2011, 8:41:04 AM12/14/11
On 12/14/2011 02:27 PM, Andreas Schildbach wrote:
> (Do I understand correctly: The receiver would need to pay double the
> fee on average, because its two transactions rather than one,
> potentially taking twice the amount of space in the block.)
For what I understand, if transaction A depends on transaction B and
only A has fees, miners should understand that they have to include both
in the block if they want to collect A's fees since A alone is invalid.


Mike Hearn

Dec 16, 2011, 4:46:01 AM12/16/11
For what I understand, if transaction A depends on transaction B and only A has fees, miners should understand that they have to include both in the block if they want to collect A's fees since A alone is invalid.

My reading of the code is that this won't happen, unfortunately, but I think it makes sense to fix that.

Andreas Schildbach

Dec 21, 2011, 5:52:05 AM12/21/11
> The key thing to realize is that the block chain and miners provide a
> service, for a price, which is optional. Whether I'm willing to pay
> miners not depends on the prices they set and the calculated risk of a
> double spend.

Wow, thanks for explanation! This puts whole Bitcoin into a new light
for me.

> Therefore when making a payment, you may need to include an arbitrary
> number of other transactions along with the new one.

This should be no problem with NFC. I'm looking forward to implement this.

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