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Public disclosure of 10 vulnerabilities affecting Bitcoin Core < 0.21.0

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Antoine Poinsot

Jul 3, 2024, 12:36:02 PM7/3/24
to Bitcoin Development Mailing List
Hi everyone,

Today we are releasing 10 security advisories for the Bitcoin Core project. Those bugs affect versions of Bitcoin Core before (and not including) 0.21.0.

This is part of the gradual adoption by the project of a new vulnerability disclosure policy.

The policy and the 10 security advisories can be found on the project's website at .

We will follow up later in july to publicly disclose vulnerabilities fixed in version 22.0. And then in august to disclose those fixed in version 23.0, and so on until we run out of old unmaintained versions to disclose vulnerabilities for. The announced policy will then start to be observed for new versions.

Antoine Poinsot

Antoine Riard

Jul 8, 2024, 9:16:12 PM7/8/24
to Bitcoin Development Mailing List
Hello Antoine,

Nothing really new in those 10 security advisories, I think one thing that could be a benefit could be to assign a unique numeric identifier to each sec advisory.

As openssh showed this week this could be good to minimize risks of regressions by favoring methodic screen of old vulnerabilities at review of new changes.

On the security researcher / handler-side, having unique numeric identifiers make it also easier to coordinate mitigation patches development and deployment.

Antoine (the other one).

Antoine Poinsot

Jul 10, 2024, 4:09:00 AM7/10/24
to Antoine Riard, Bitcoin Development Mailing List
Hey Antoine,

I think one thing that could be a benefit could be to assign a unique numeric identifier to each sec advisory.

Those are underway. We retro-actively requested CVE numbers for historical issues from Mitre.

Antoine (the other other one).
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