Installed Bitcoinxt throttled down connection

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Aug 4, 2016, 8:29:45 AM8/4/16
to bitcoin-xt
Hi All,

I recently installed bitcoinxt, it works fine and tested successfully with bit-nodes. However it consumes a massive 13gb within 1 1/2 hours at a rate of roughly 1.3mbps.

I would like to ask would it cause a Blockchain download bottleneck to throttle down the connection to 60 - 90kbps; in other words the connections on my server are ahead of the latest downloaded block on my hard drive i.e. the latest block I have stored on my system cannot keep up with the latest connections coming through and could cause my node to become unreliable?
(I have a occasional STALLED status email from Bitnodes on some occasions, does that have anything to do with it?)

According to Bitnodes my average latency is the same, before and after throttle - 35 37ms, but I'm thinking that's just for the active connections part not the blockchain catchup?

(I know its a huge downgrade of connection performance, I do intend to keep my node running 24/7/365 days!. I don't have infinite HDD space and need to keep good with my ISPs fair usage policy)

Thank you for your support.

Best Regards,

Bitcoin MUST and WILL survive!.

Tom Harding

Aug 4, 2016, 11:41:54 AM8/4/16


It's not too useful to run a full node that will never catch up.  You could run in pruned mode, but you have to catch up first.

Bitcoin Core has a "blocksonly" mode that totally disables visibility to real-time transactions.  Bitcoin XT doesn't offer this, as it seeks to not impair the usefulness of those.

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