New "Choose your wallet" page on

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Saïvann Carignan

Jul 16, 2014, 11:16:51 PM7/16/14
A new reworked "Choose your wallet" page has been submitted for review
on .

Live preview:

Descriptions for the changes can be found below. Hope you all like the
result, more testing, opinions and feedback is always welcome!


This new layout is addressing many issues and feedback, with a focus on
the following points:

- Providing increased transparency about security and the zero trust model.
(making it a better education material and providing incentives to
developers to improve their wallets over time.)

- Easing the selection process for the visitor.
(by simplifying the page and allowing users to filter wallets by
platform, with access to clear information and screenshots.)

- Allowing the page to scale with the increasing diversity of wallets.
(by not isolating wallets into single categories anymore and
introducting anticipated hardware wallets.)

- Encourage diversity and decentralization.
(by not recommending a single wallet anymore, and by rotating wallets
daily by « zero trust levels » - full nodes followed by SPV wallets
followed by hybrid & multisig wallets followed by web wallets.)


The following points are reviewed for all wallets:

- Private keys
What control the user has over his bitcoins?

- Block chain
How secure and « zero trust » is payment processing?

- Transparency
How transparent and « zero trust » is the source code?

- Environment
How secure is the environment of the wallet?

- Privacy
Does the wallet implement change addresses properly? (for now)


Web wallets controling users private keys were previously hidden behind
a strong warning.

The new page is displaying the same warnings and a few others from the
wallet bubble. Web wallets are sandboxed out of all categories unless
they provide control over private keys to the user and a native app that
signs transactions locally. Future certification standards could
possibly allow web wallets to provide enough transparency to be listed
outside of the sandbox in the future.


Bitcoin Core previously had a complete paragraph inviting users to adopt
full nodes.

The new page instead always displays Bitcoin Core as the first wallet
and the reasons why users should choose Bitcoin Core are better outlined
by its good zero trust score. Bitcoin Core is also contextually linked
from other wallets' disclaimers.


This layout has been tested on recent and older versions of CH, FF, OP,
IE, SA, Android & iPhone. A few small bugs exist for older browsers,
IE6-7 isn't supported for now.
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