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OLD compilers

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Phil Tully

Jul 6, 1998, 7:00:00 AM7/6/98

With the year 2000 approaching fast more and more code is being dredged up that
requires a no changes but must be recompiled. The applications groups are not
moving to "LE" based compilers because of the time constraints (and because I h
ave them installed and working) instead they are pushing to use old (non suppor
ted) compilers. Now here is the problem, the applications are written in OS/VS
COBOL (aka COBOL1) and OS/VS COBOLII (non LE CobolII). I have attempeted to ap
ply maintenance to these products last maintenance on COBOL1 was 1988 and COB
OLII 1994. The maintenance disk are missing files. IBM is attempting to reshi
p from ARCHIVE far the COBOL1 tape with a VM Feature code was the MVS
version and the COBOLII is still being looked for.

Now for the request! Does anyone have a copy of OS/VS COBOL 5740-CB1 R02M04
and/or VS COBOL II 5668-958 V1.4 that they can VMARC and ship to me? Or if you
have a copy of the install tape I will pay all shipping!

Any help will be appreciated.


Phil Tully

R Evans

Jul 10, 1998, 7:00:00 AM7/10/98
Phil Tully <TXP...@VMETH5.OSSD.GIS.ML.COM> wrote:


>Now for the request! Does anyone have a copy of OS/VS COBOL 5740-CB1 R02M04
>and/or VS COBOL II 5668-958 V1.4 that they can VMARC and ship to me? Or if you
>have a copy of the install tape I will pay all shipping!


If nobody comes up with a better offer, I have an installed copy on
disk of 5740-CB1 (with maintenance files) that appears to be 3rd May
1990, and 2x3480 cartridges for 5668-958 V1R3L2 at 9201. As I am in
England, the shipping may be slow and expensive.

Roger Evans, United Biscuits, Binns Road, Liverpool, L7 9NG, ENGLAND
Email: Roger_...@Biscuits.Com


Sep 20, 2021, 4:27:25 PM9/20/21
For years I have been looking for 566-958... I have modern compilers, but this is to remember an old ERA!
Could you share it?
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