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How to remove BLANKS from the middle of Var

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Lizette Koehler

Jun 26, 2009, 12:32:56 PM6/26/09
I am working with LISTDSI and I would like to take the date created in SYSCREATE and make it more like June 01, 2006 or 01Jun06.

Since the filed comes back as 2006/150 I was giong to parse out the two fields and recombine then and then use the DATE function.

When I display my combined date I get 06__150 (_ represents a blank).

What am I doing wrong?


Jul_LL = Length(Syscreate)
Jul_Lngth = Pos('/',Syscreate)
Jul_Year = Strip(Substr(Syscreate,1,Jul_Lngth-1),'b')
Jul_Days = Strip(Substr(Syscreate,Jul_Lngth+1,Jul_ll),'b')
Jul_Date = Substr(Strip(Jul_Year,'b'),3,4)||Strip(Jul_days,'b')
Say " Create Date " SYSCREATE " " Jul_Date

From Trace

26 *-* Jul_LL = Length(Syscreate)
>V> "2006/150"
>F> "8"

27 *-* Jul_Lngth = Pos('/',Syscreate)
>L> "/"
>V> "2006/150"
>F> "5"

28 *-* Jul_Year = Strip(Substr(Syscreate,1,Jul_Lngth-1),'b')
>V> "2006/150"
>L> "1"
>V> "5"
>L> "1"
>O> "4"
>F> "2006"
>L> "b"
>F> "2006"

29 *-* Jul_Days = Strip(Substr(Syscreate,Jul_Lngth+1,Jul_ll),'b')
>V> "2006/150"
>V> "5"
>L> "1"
>O> "6"
>V> "8"
>F> "150 "
>L> "b"
>F> "150"

30 *-* Jul_Date = Substr(Strip(Jul_Year,'b'),3,4)||Strip(Jul_days,'b')
>V> "2006"
>L> "b"
>F> "2006"
>L> "3"
>L> "4"
>F> "06 "
>V> "150"
>L> "b"
>F> "150"

>O> "06 150"

31 *-* Say " Create Date " SYSCREATE " " Jul_Date
>L> " Create Date "
>V> "2006/150"
>O> " Create Date 2006/150"
>L> " "
>O> " Create Date 2006/150 "
>V> "06 150"
>O> " Create Date 2006/150 06 150"
Create Date 2006/150 06 150


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Rabbe, Luke

Jun 26, 2009, 12:44:02 PM6/26/09
Do you only want to get a Substr here that is 2 characters long as
opposed to 4?

Jul_Date = Substr(Strip(Jul_Year,'b'),3,4)||Strip(Jul_days,'b')


Mark Zelden

Jun 26, 2009, 12:55:28 PM6/26/09
TSO REXX Discussion List <TSO-...@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on 06/26/2009
11:32:36 AM:

> I am working with LISTDSI and I would like to take the date created in
> make it more like June 01, 2006 or 01Jun06.
> Since the filed comes back as 2006/150 I was giong to parse out the two
fields and
> recombine then and then use the DATE function.
> When I display my combined date I get 06__150 (_ represents a blank).
> What am I doing wrong?
> Jul_LL = Length(Syscreate)
> Jul_Lngth = Pos('/',Syscreate)
> Jul_Year = Strip(Substr(Syscreate,1,Jul_Lngth-1),'b')
> Jul_Days = Strip(Substr(Syscreate,Jul_Lngth+1,Jul_ll),'b')
> Jul_Date = Substr(Strip(Jul_Year,'b'),3,4)||Strip(Jul_days,'b')
> Say " Create Date " SYSCREATE " " Jul_Date


If I understand correctly, you want to reverse the strip/substr
on Jul_Date by changing:

Jul_Date = Substr(Strip(Jul_Year,'b'),3,4)||Strip(Jul_days,'b')


Jul_Date = Strip(Substr(Jul_Year,3,4),'b')||Strip(Jul_days,'b')

Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead
Zurich North America / Farmers Insurance Group - ZFUS G-ITO
z/OS Systems Programming expert at
Mark's MVS Utilities:

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Lizette Koehler

Jun 26, 2009, 12:56:20 PM6/26/09
Thanks everyone. That was my problem, 3,4 vs 3,2. Going between languages does make for some interesting issues.


>Do you only want to get a Substr here that is 2 characters long as
>opposed to 4?

>Jul_Date = Substr(Strip(Jul_Year,'b'),3,4)||Strip(Jul_days,'b')


>>I am working with LISTDSI and I would like to take the date created in
>SYSCREATE and make it more like June 01, 2006 or 01Jun06.
>Since the filed comes back as 2006/150 I was giong to parse out the two
>fields and recombine then and then use the DATE function.
>When I display my combined date I get 06__150 (_ represents a blank).
>What am I doing wrong?
>Jul_LL = Length(Syscreate)
>Jul_Lngth = Pos('/',Syscreate)
>Jul_Year = Strip(Substr(Syscreate,1,Jul_Lngth-1),'b')
>Jul_Days = Strip(Substr(Syscreate,Jul_Lngth+1,Jul_ll),'b')
>Jul_Date = Substr(Strip(Jul_Year,'b'),3,4)||Strip(Jul_days,'b')
>Say " Create Date " SYSCREATE " " Jul_Date


Dunkel, Martin

Jun 26, 2009, 1:09:11 PM6/26/09
Just as a side note, I often like parse var better. It is often


Martin Dunkel
ECS - Release Management
National City, now a part of PNC

216-257-5354 (office)



From Trace

>O> "06 150"


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Ulrich Krueger

Jun 26, 2009, 1:14:21 PM6/26/09
You should be able to use the DATE() function to read your Julian date value
and return a converted date format in something like mm/dd/yy or other
for more info.
If you need individual variables for Jul_year and Jul_days, you could try
something like
PARSE VAR Syscreate Jul_year "/" Jul_days
(not tested, I'm not near a mainframe right now)


Ulrich Krueger

Dunkel, Martin

Jun 26, 2009, 1:30:05 PM6/26/09

The date function does not convert Julian format to anything. You need
to do it yourself. Here is my simple solution:

You know the year, yyyy, so establish Jan 1 in base date format, add the
julian days (minus 1), then convert it back into whatever format you

/* REXX */
trace ?i
rc = listdsi(my_prof directory norecall)

parse var syscreate yyyy "/" ddd .
j1="1 Jan" yyyy

Martin Dunkel
ECS - Release Management
National City, now a part of PNC

216-257-5354 (office)

-----Original Message-----
From: TSO REXX Discussion List [mailto:TSO-...@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf
Of Lizette Koehler
Sent: Friday, June 26, 2009 12:33 PM
Subject: [TSO-REXX] How to remove BLANKS from the middle of Var


From Trace

>O> "06 150"


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Dunkel, Martin

Jun 26, 2009, 1:36:33 PM6/26/09

The variables I used, j1 and j2, don't really make much sense. I used
j1 to indicate Jan 1, then at the end I came up with a j2, which does
not mean Jan 2; rather, it is just your final output date converted to
the format you want.

Sorry about that. Use whatever variable names make sense to you.

216-257-5354 (office)


216-257-5354 (office)


From Trace

>O> "06 150"


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Walter Pachl

Jun 26, 2009, 1:43:17 PM6/26/09
say translate('abcd efgh',syscreate,'abcdefgh') /* untested but only one
line */

Mark Zelden

Jun 26, 2009, 2:05:31 PM6/26/09
TSO REXX Discussion List <TSO-...@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on 06/26/2009
12:28:56 PM:

> Lizette,
> The date function does not convert Julian format to anything. You need
> to do it yourself. Here is my simple solution:

I have a date conversion routine on my web site (URL below) caled
RDATE. I wrote it prior to REXX supporting an input date conversion
format (OS/390 2.4). But it still can do some stuff the builtin
DATE function can't.


Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead
Zurich North America / Farmers Insurance Group - ZFUS G-ITO
z/OS Systems Programming expert at
Mark's MVS Utilities:

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Schwarz, Barry A

Jun 26, 2009, 2:58:34 PM6/26/09
Since I use the date function to convert dates between many different
formats, including Julian, what am I misinterpreting about your

-----Original Message-----
From: Dunkel, Martin

Sent: Friday, June 26, 2009 10:29 AM
Subject: Re: How to remove BLANKS from the middle of Var


The date function does not convert Julian format to anything. You need
to do it yourself. Here is my simple solution:


Dunkel, Martin

Jun 26, 2009, 3:11:48 PM6/26/09

I stand corrected!

Here is what it says in the Rexx manual:

Julian date in the format: yyddd.
Note: When used for date_format1, this option is valid only when
input_date is not specified.

I have just interpreted this to mean that Rexx doesn't convert Julian to
other formats. But, honestly, I never tried it. WOW!!!

Here's my code:

/* REXX */
trace ?i


Here's my trace:

3 *-* dj="09177"
>L> "09177"
4 *-* dt=date("n",dj,"j")

>L> "n"
>V> "09177"
>L> "j"
>F> "26 Jun 2009"
5 *-* exit

Looks good. THANKS!!!

Martin Dunkel
ECS - Release Management
National City, now a part of PNC

216-257-5354 (office)

-----Original Message-----
From: TSO REXX Discussion List [mailto:TSO-...@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf

Of Schwarz, Barry A
Sent: Friday, June 26, 2009 2:57 PM


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Dunkel, Martin

Jun 26, 2009, 3:20:57 PM6/26/09

So, regarding Lizette's original question, here is the simplified code I
came up with:

/* REXX */

rc = listdsi(my_prof directory norecall)

parse var syscreate yyyy "/" ddd .



say dt

Note: Rexx Julian format is yyddd with a 100 year sliding window. So,
that is why I am only using the right two characters of yyyy to get yy.

Martin Dunkel
ECS - Release Management
National City, now a part of PNC

216-257-5354 (office)

-----Original Message-----
From: Dunkel, Martin
Sent: Friday, June 26, 2009 3:11 PM
To: 'TSO REXX Discussion List'
Subject: RE: [TSO-REXX] How to remove BLANKS from the middle of Var


I stand corrected!

Here is what it says in the Rexx manual:

Julian date in the format: yyddd.
Note: When used for date_format1, this option is valid only when
input_date is not specified.

I have just interpreted this to mean that Rexx doesn't convert Julian to
other formats. But, honestly, I never tried it. WOW!!!

Here's my code:

/* REXX */
trace ?i


Here's my trace:

3 *-* dj="09177"
>L> "09177"
4 *-* dt=date("n",dj,"j")

>L> "n"
>V> "09177"
>L> "j"
>F> "26 Jun 2009"
5 *-* exit

Looks good. THANKS!!!

Martin Dunkel

ECS - Release Management
National City, now a part of PNC

216-257-5354 (office)

-----Original Message-----
From: TSO REXX Discussion List [mailto:TSO-...@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf

Of Schwarz, Barry A
Sent: Friday, June 26, 2009 2:57 PM


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Scott Gonyea

Jun 26, 2009, 3:29:51 PM6/26/09
Why so little love for TRANSLATE? You people make TRANSLATE sad :-(

****** ***************************** Top of Data
000001 /* REXX
000002 /* */
000003 /* List dataset information to get date (in SYSCREATE variable)
000004 /* */
000005 x = LISTDSI("'CJAY.REXX' DIRECTORY NORECALL") /* x is unused */
000006 /* */
000007 /* Use 'TRANSLATE' method to transform text into DATE() readable
form */
000008 /* */
000009 /* Junk: vv v */
000011 /* */
000012 SAY "Creation Date is:" crDate
000013 /* */
000014 /* Convert using DATE() method */
000015 nmDate = DATE(, crDate, 'J')
000016 SAY "Normalized Date is:" nmDate
000017 /* */
000018 /* EOF
****** **************************** Bottom of Data

Creation Date is: 08270
Normalized Date is: 26 Sep 2008

Scott Gonyea
Enterprise Information Security Office

The information contained in this electronic message and any attachments
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this message and any attachments.

Lizette Koehler <>
Sent by: TSO REXX Discussion List <TSO-...@VM.MARIST.EDU>
06/26/2009 09:32 AM
Please respond to
Lizette Koehler <>



[TSO-REXX] How to remove BLANKS from the middle of Var

Jeff Byrum

Jun 26, 2009, 3:38:50 PM6/26/09
Instead of:

parse var syscreate yyyy "/" ddd .

you could just code this:

dj = TRANSLATE('34678',syscreate,'12345678')

PARSE is great when the tokens you want to isolate are variable in length, but if the format is fixed, as in this case, TRANSLATE works fine.

I'll admit I find the syntax a little hard to grasp, but all the above says is to take positions 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8 of the input string and put them together as one 5-char string, like this:

|| |||

Dunkel, Martin

Jun 26, 2009, 3:40:41 PM6/26/09

PARSE is a keyword instruction and TRANSLATE is a built-in function. I
have been told that PARSE has less overhead. But, who knows? I'm on a
downward "wrong" streak today. So, I could be wrong again. ;-)

I guess it's just a matter of preference. I usually prefer the fewest
lines of code to accomplish a task. And, I really like PARSE. PARSE
automatically strips leading and trailing blanks without having to tell
it to do so. And, I think the entire Rexx language was built around

Oh well, have a good weekend all...

Martin Dunkel
ECS - Release Management
National City, now a part of PNC

216-257-5354 (office)

-----Original Message-----
From: TSO REXX Discussion List [mailto:TSO-...@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf
Of Scott Gonyea
Sent: Friday, June 26, 2009 3:29 PM



From Trace

>O> "06 150"


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Jeff Byrum

Jun 26, 2009, 3:42:11 PM6/26/09
Excellent! Much easier to understand than "34678"! Thanks!

-----Original Message-----
From: TSO REXX Discussion List [mailto:TSO-...@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of Scott Gonyea
Sent: Friday, June 26, 2009 3:29 PM

Dunkel, Martin

Jun 26, 2009, 3:43:52 PM6/26/09

I'm heading home, chuckling.

Paul Gilmartin

Jun 26, 2009, 3:51:52 PM6/26/09
On 06/26/09 11:28, Dunkel, Martin wrote:
> The date function does not convert Julian format to anything. You need
> to do it yourself.

-- gil

Scott Gonyea

Jun 26, 2009, 3:53:05 PM6/26/09
Hi Martin,

I know what you're saying, but in my opinion... If overhead or speed are
ever an issue--interpreted languages shouldn't be used in the first place.
Everything should be about readability and maintainability, first and
foremost. Storage and CPU cycles have been cheaper than labor for decades
now, so it always blows my mind when I see a programmer taking the "long"

Besides, I'm sure if you compile the REXX then it will be optimized so the
TRANSLATE is actually faster than the PARSE + variable assignments, etc.

Scott Gonyea
Enterprise Information Security Office

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this message and any attachments.

"Dunkel, Martin" <Martin...@NATIONALCITY.COM>

Sent by: TSO REXX Discussion List <TSO-...@VM.MARIST.EDU>

06/26/2009 12:39 PM
Please respond to

TSO REXX Discussion List <TSO-...@VM.MARIST.EDU>


Paul Gilmartin

Jun 26, 2009, 3:57:29 PM6/26/09
On 06/26/09 10:32, Lizette Koehler wrote:
> I am working with LISTDSI and I would like to take the date created in SYSCREATE and make it more like June 01, 2006 or 01Jun06.
> Since the filed comes back as 2006/150 I was giong to parse out the two fields and recombine then and then use the DATE function.
> When I display my combined date I get 06__150 (_ represents a blank).
> What am I doing wrong?
I've not read this thread to the end, but how about:

user@MVS:139$ rexx "trace R; Syscreate = '2006/150';
say date( 'N', substr( Syscreate, 3, 2 )right( Syscreate, 3 ), 'J' )"
1 *-* Syscreate = '2006/150'
>>> "2006/150"
*-* say date( 'N', substr( Syscreate, 3, 2 )right( Syscreate, 3 ), 'J' )
>>> "30 May 2006"
30 May 2006

-- gil

Scott Gonyea

Jun 26, 2009, 3:58:21 PM6/26/09
Oh no you di'int

Scott Gonyea
Enterprise Information Security Office

The information contained in this electronic message and any attachments
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may contain confidential or privileged information. If you are not the
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this message and any attachments.

Paul Gilmartin <PaulGB...@AIM.COM>

Sent by: TSO REXX Discussion List <TSO-...@VM.MARIST.EDU>

06/26/2009 12:50 PM

Please respond to
TSO REXX Discussion List <TSO-...@VM.MARIST.EDU>


Re: [TSO-REXX] How to remove BLANKS from the middle of Var

Paul Gilmartin

Jun 26, 2009, 5:06:42 PM6/26/09
On 06/26/09 13:56, Scott Gonyea wrote:
> Oh no you di'int
In fact, true; but I have now, and I stand by my assertion.

> Paul Gilmartin <PaulGB...@AIM.COM>
> Sent by: TSO REXX Discussion List <TSO-...@VM.MARIST.EDU>
> 06/26/2009 12:50 PM

> On 06/26/09 11:28, Dunkel, Martin wrote:
>> The date function does not convert Julian format to anything. You need
>> to do it yourself.

I mean:

4.3.16 "z/OS V1R7.0 TSO/E REXX Reference"
4.3.16 DATE
| |
| >>__DATE__(__ __________________________________________________ ____> |
| |_date_format1_ ________________________________ __| |
| | |_,input_date_ _______________ __| | |
| | |_,date_format2_| | |
| |_,input_date_ _______________ ____________________| |
| |_,date_format2_| |
| |
| >__)________________________________________________________________>< |
| |

returns, by default, the local date in the format: dd mon yyyy (day,
month, year--for example, 25 Dec 2001), with no leading zero or blank on
the day. Otherwise, the string input_date is converted to the format
specified by date_format1. date_format2 can be specified to define the
current format of input_date.

... which tells how to use DATE() to convert one date format to
another. A couple other plies in this thread have made similar

Gardiner, Roy , UK Europe and Middle East, Technology Services

Jun 29, 2009, 5:19:06 AM6/29/09
Preference, and what's to be done.

TRANSLATE is for when simplification or transformation is required at
the individual character level. It is so powerful that if you have such
a problem* a good approach is 'The answer is TRANSLATE; now, how do I do
it?' PARSE is better for manipulating blocks of characters and
especially for when what is found influences how the parse continues.

'I have a string. It may contain any character. I wish to form a
string 26 characters long, '1' in the first position if my string
contains at least one 'A', '0' if it does not, and so on'.

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Gardiner, Roy , UK Europe and Middle East, Technology Services

Jun 29, 2009, 5:39:21 AM6/29/09
Martin, I think your interpretation is common. I have not written Rexx
in anger for some years, read this thread, got fooled again.

The manual might, IMO, be worded better -- I hope this is right... :-)

'Date() can be used to convert between any of the Rexx formats, with one
exception. It will not convert *to* Julian format (converting *from*
Julian format is possible).'

> -----Original Message-----
> From: TSO REXX Discussion List

> [mailto:TSO-...@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of Dunkel, Martin

> *** WARNING : This message originates from the Internet ***
The Royal Bank of Scotland plc, Registered in Scotland No. 90312. Registered Office: 36 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh EH2 2YB

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Hamilton Phd, Robert L

Jun 29, 2009, 9:05:48 AM6/29/09
It's true in OBJREXX also: got this error

Oooops ! ... try again. Incorrect call to routine
DATE argument 1 must be one of BDELMNOSUW;
found "J"
rc = 40 ....................................... Program on WindowsNT

-----Original Message-----
From: TSO REXX Discussion List [mailto:TSO-...@VM.MARIST.EDU] Subject:
Re: How to remove BLANKS from the middle of Var

Martin, I think your interpretation is common. I have not written Rexx
in anger for some years, read this thread, got fooled again.

The manual might, IMO, be worded better -- I hope this is right... :-)

'Date() can be used to convert between any of the Rexx formats, with one
exception. It will not convert *to* Julian format (converting *from*
Julian format is possible).'

Dunkel, Martin

Jun 29, 2009, 9:22:39 AM6/29/09

Thanks for the clarification. Thinking back, this was my understanding.
But, in this case, I just had it backwards.

Anyway, it has always bothered me that if the DATE function is so
versatile, converting from and to every date format under the sun, why
will it not convert "to" Julian format. Do we need to wait for a new
release of Rexx for that?

Paul Gilmartin

Jun 29, 2009, 9:27:02 AM6/29/09
On Jun 29, 2009, at 03:39, Gardiner, Roy (UK Europe and Middle East,

Technology Services) wrote:
> 'Date() can be used to convert between any of the Rexx formats,
> with one
> exception. It will not convert *to* Julian format (converting *from*
> Julian format is possible).'
This is indeed a bizarre restriction. Does anyone know
the rationale for it?

-- gil

Gardiner, Roy , UK Europe and Middle East, Technology Services

Jun 29, 2009, 9:37:39 AM6/29/09
Dregs of memory, it's an ambiguity in Julian format -- but *don't* put
money on it.

Mike Cowlishaw wrote the entire first implementation of Rexx, with all
the functions. As he is a bit clever, there will be a good reason, I'm

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:TSO-...@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of Dunkel, Martin

> Subject: Re: How to remove BLANKS from the middle of Var

> Anyway, it has always bothered me that if the DATE function
> is so versatile, converting from and to every date format
> under the sun, why will it not convert "to" Julian format.
> Do we need to wait for a new release of Rexx for that?
> Martin Dunkel
> ECS - Release Management
> National City, now a part of PNC

Schwarz, Barry A

Jun 29, 2009, 3:26:41 PM6/29/09
Since it will convert today's date to Julian, maybe your text should
read "... will not convert a specified date to ...".

-----Original Message-----
From: Gardiner, Roy (UK Europe and Middle East, Technology Services)
Sent: Monday, June 29, 2009 2:39 AM
Subject: Re: How to remove BLANKS from the middle of Var

Martin, I think your interpretation is common. I have not written Rexx
in anger for some years, read this thread, got fooled again.

The manual might, IMO, be worded better -- I hope this is right... :-)

'Date() can be used to convert between any of the Rexx formats, with one
exception. It will not convert *to* Julian format (converting *from*
Julian format is possible).'


Schwarz, Barry A

Jun 29, 2009, 3:28:10 PM6/29/09
Possibly because the "D" conversion does all the hard work for a
specified date which will already include the year.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dunkel, Martin
Sent: Monday, June 29, 2009 6:22 AM
Subject: Re: How to remove BLANKS from the middle of Var


Thanks for the clarification. Thinking back, this was my understanding.
But, in this case, I just had it backwards.

Anyway, it has always bothered me that if the DATE function is so
versatile, converting from and to every date format under the sun, why
will it not convert "to" Julian format. Do we need to wait for a new
release of Rexx for that?


Gardiner, Roy , UK Europe and Middle East, Technology Services

Jun 30, 2009, 4:41:16 AM6/30/09
Sounds right.

:-) I congratulate myself that the wording was clear enough for the
error to be spotted easily.

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:TSO-...@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of Schwarz, Barry A

> Subject: Re: How to remove BLANKS from the middle of Var
> Since it will convert today's date to Julian, maybe your text
> should read "... will not convert a specified date to ...".
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gardiner, Roy (UK Europe and Middle East, Technology
> Services) []
> Sent: Monday, June 29, 2009 2:39 AM
> Subject: Re: How to remove BLANKS from the middle of Var
> Martin, I think your interpretation is common. I have not
> written Rexx in anger for some years, read this thread, got
> fooled again.
> The manual might, IMO, be worded better -- I hope this is right... :-)
> 'Date() can be used to convert between any of the Rexx
> formats, with one exception. It will not convert *to* Julian
> format (converting *from* Julian format is possible).'

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Grant Ward Able

Jul 13, 2009, 3:34:33 AM7/13/09
Looks like everyone who codes in REXX knows all they need to, cos nothing
is happening on this forum!

Regards - Grant
Note: Any opinion expressed is my own

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John P Kalinich

Jul 13, 2009, 7:56:31 AM7/13/09
Grant Ward Able of the TSO REXX Discussion List <TSO-...@VM.MARIST.EDU>

wrote on 07/13/2009 02:34:16 AM:

> Looks like everyone who codes in REXX knows all they need to, cos nothing
> is happening on this forum!

Does anyone have code to parse an Excel spreadsheet in comma separated
value (csv) format? How do you handle the embedded commas inside of double

John K

Lizette Koehler

Jul 13, 2009, 8:29:13 AM7/13/09
I am not sure if this would work, but if I were working on this as a flat
file in REXX on MVS, I might do the following:

In REXX, Copy the file to a temp file.
If the file has commas that I need, then I would use an ISPF EDIT MACRO on
the temp file and change all "," to something else (spaces or a unique char)
Then parse based on spaces or the unique char.

Or if there are no other commas other than the "," then I would translate
the double quotes to spaces, then parse using the commas as the delimiters.


> > Looks like everyone who codes in REXX knows all they need to, cos
> > is happening on this forum!
> Does anyone have code to parse an Excel spreadsheet in comma separated
> value (csv) format? How do you handle the embedded commas inside of
> quotes?


Paul Gilmartin

Jul 13, 2009, 8:58:24 AM7/13/09
On Jul 13, 2009, at 05:56, John P Kalinich wrote:

> Grant Ward Able of the TSO REXX Discussion List <TSO-


> wrote on 07/13/2009 02:34:16 AM:
>> Looks like everyone who codes in REXX knows all they need to, cos
>> nothing
>> is happening on this forum!
> Does anyone have code to parse an Excel spreadsheet in comma separated
> value (csv) format? How do you handle the embedded commas inside
> of double
> quotes?

Faced with this task once, but having the original .xls at hand,
I opened it with and Saved As .html.

o No problem with embedded commas.

o My original was a multi-sheet document and I was able to Save
all sheets in a single .html document. .csv can only Save each
sheet as a separate document.

(my target processing language was awk, but the same considerations
would apply to Rexx.)

-- gil

Farley, Peter x23353

Jul 13, 2009, 8:58:54 AM7/13/09