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ToolBook still alive when used with the JS PowerPac

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Clifton Sleger

Mar 29, 2022, 7:44:33 PM3/29/22
Hi all,
I know not many ToolBookers are still around. However, there is a lot of legacy content that is still viewed. Please note the the JavaScript PowerPac for ToolBook still provides modern browser support for ToolBook versions 9.0 through 11.5.

The PowerPac not supports XML page configurations and all sorts of addons. It fully supports modern browsers with HTML5 and CSS3 coding.

I am still actively developing projects. The main ToolBook authoring product, while not actively being developed, is only required for the most basic page layout. After that, the real energy behind course development is in writing simple XML files for each page.
From our home page, take a look at our LearnToType Today product demo as it shows a sophisticated example of the power of ToolBook when used with the PowerPac's XML capabilities. We also have lots of examples in our forum at:

Clifton Sleger
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