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Gabaldon Reply (fwd)

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Julia Frizzell

Sep 9, 1994, 11:29:22 AM9/9/94
Fm: Diana Gabaldon/SL18 76530,523
To: Julia Frizzell 71460,3414

Dear Julia--
Well, thanks! Nice to meet you! As to how I am handling Section 18
_and_ writing a book, that's what my husband keeps asking. <g> Actually,
the kids _finally_ went back to school, so time has loosened up just a
Also, as I keep explaining to him (I've been doing this for the
last five or six years, as long as I've been hanging around CIS), talking
about the writing does in fact help me _do_ it, at least to some extent.
Oddly enough, I'd just had a request by E-mail from someone on RRL-A,
asking if they might upload my DRUMS files here to there. Is that "done"?
I mean, is there a place for library files? For some reason, I had just
thought the InterNet newsgroups worked strictly as messages. I
don't suppose I have any real objection to the files being uploaded on
other services--always provided I _know_ where they're being uploaded, and
they have my copyright notice!--but I have visions of someone catching the
day's messages in a newsgroup listing, hitting 150K of DRUMS excerpts and
going ballistic as the bytes scroll endlessly by. <g> Not that I think
they wouldn't _enjoy_ it, necessarily, but it isn't the sort of thing you
want to spring on people without due warning.

Well, there it is ... if Tamar doesn't get the files, let me know. I can
get them easily as well. :)

Tamar Bihari

Sep 9, 1994, 2:01:01 PM9/9/94

I hate to sound like a party pooper, but it's not really proper netiquette
to quote someone's private email without permission (even Diana

Anyway, like she said, I emailed her asking her permission. I'm going to
send her another note today explaining the plan, and then I'll let you
folks know what she says. Sounds like she'll be fine with it. I've already
got the chapters on my computer, but if I have any trouble uploading them,
I'll let you know, Julia, and ask your help.


Julia Frizzell

Sep 9, 1994, 4:15:58 PM9/9/94
On Fri, 9 Sep 1994, Tamar Bihari wrote:

> Julia,
> I hate to sound like a party pooper, but it's not really proper netiquette
> to quote someone's private email without permission (even Diana
> Gabaldon's!).

<sigh> That wasn't *supposed* to go out to the list. <frown> I had
*meant* to send it only to Kara, to show that we had permission. I'll
leave the file distribution to you, then. :)

Julia Frizzell CIS -71460,3414
"In cyberspace, everyone can hear you scream." -- Louis Evans, 8/18/94

Julia Frizzell

Sep 9, 1994, 4:17:19 PM9/9/94
On Fri, 9 Sep 1994, Tamar Bihari wrote:

> Julia,
> I hate to sound like a party pooper, but it's not really proper netiquette
> to quote someone's private email without permission (even Diana
> Gabaldon's!).

Oops...just forgot to also say it wasn't private email, but a public
forum message from the LitForum. I know, that doesn't make a *lot* of
difference, but I just wanted to let you (and everyone) know that it
wasn't a private conversation we were having, but part of a public
discussion on the boards.

Tamar Bihari

Sep 10, 1994, 2:41:02 AM9/10/94
>Oops...just forgot to also say it wasn't private email, but a public
>forum message from the LitForum. I know, that doesn't make a *lot* of
>difference, but I just wanted to let you (and everyone) know that it
>wasn't a private conversation we were having, but part of a public
>discussion on the boards.
>Julia Frizzell CIS -71460,3414
>"In cyberspace, everyone can hear you scream." -- Louis Evans, 8/18/94


It makes a lot of difference, IMHO. You did fine. Or as Emily Litella would
have said, "Never mind."

I sent a second message off to Diana Gabaldon today. I'll let you folks
know. And Julia, I may be calling on you to help me out -- I'm not sure how
my Word files will upload once they're back to text files. Should be okay,

And Kara, I assume that when I get the go-ahead from her, I can just email
you the chapters without prior notice. Issat okay?


Rebecca Sinclair

Sep 12, 1994, 3:36:35 PM9/12/94
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Quick question. the chapters to be u/l'ed to the group are pretty long. What
about those of us who don't have time to read them? Will they be available
in the archives upon request instead of just posted to the board?

-- Rebecca

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