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WebExplorer V0.91 is now available

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Joey Maxie

Oct 29, 1994, 12:44:15 PM10/29/94
The following is a note from comp.os.os2.networking.tcp-ip . A new beta
copy of the WebExplorer (0.91) is now available from
"/pub/WebExplorer/web.exe". Here is the readme.web file from this

+++ readme.web +++

Web Explorer for OS/2 Now Available (V.91 beta)

Please note - this file assumes that you have installed both Warp and
the IBM Internet Connection for OS/2 (IIC/2) product already, or that
you have OS/2 2.1 and TCP/IP 2.0 installed. If you are using TCP/IP
2.0, you must have CSD UN64092 installed.

Installation Instructions

1. Get web.exe using binary FTP. The file should be put in a
temporary subdirectory, such as c:\temp .

2. Put an empty, formatted diskette in the a: drive and type

cd c:\temp
web a:

3. To complete the installation, type


You do not need to reboot after the installation completes. You will
find an icon for Web Explorer in the Internet Connection folder of
your desktop.

4. While you are starting the Web Explorer, if you see the following
message, you can ignore it:

'INI file error, unknown data tag ignored - line 24

If you see the following message on the Web Explorer start up, you can
also ignore it:

'Could not open INI file 'explore.ini'- default settings will be used.

If this is the first use of the program, an INI file will be created
automatically on program exit.'

5. It may be necessary to configure a home page. Use the Configure
pull-down menu. Select Servers. Under the Home document URL:

- On the Internet, you might use

When you exit the Configure dialogue, hit the icon with the home to load
the home page.

6. Have fun!


Please use the news group comp.os.os2.networking.tcp-ip for comments, bug
reports, or questions. Unfortunately, the Web Explorer developers will
not be able to respond to most appends.

+++ End of readme.web +++
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
From: @ (John Ruiz)
Newsgroups: comp.os.os2.networking.tcp-ip
Subject: WebExplorer V0.91 is now available
Date: 28 Oct 1994 15:52:55 GMT
Lines: 60
Message-ID: <38r6on$>
Reply-To: (John Ruiz)
X-Newsreader: IBM NewsReader/2 v1.03

Warp users:

Use the "Retrieve Software Updates" icon in the IBM Internet
Connection for OS/2 folder. You will have to change the program
settings. Change the "Path and file name:" field from:




Change the "Parameters:" field from:




The change to use UPDATE.EXE directly rather than through LINKUP.EXE
is due to a bug in GAMMA that has been fixed for the GA version (i.e.
what will be available in the stores). LINKUP.EXE is used to check
for a slip connection before starting the internet applications.
Because of this GAMMA bug, which is a conflict between LINKUP.EXE and
UPDATE.EXE you can not run any other internet applications using
LINKUP.EXE during the WebExplorer download. All the icons for the
applications use LINKUP.EXE, but you can use the applications if you
start them directly from a command line.

The other change to the program settings is to specify the proper
host. I will post again to comp.os.os2.networking.tcp-ip when this
change is no longer necessary.

Other users:

The WebExplorer code is also available via anonymous ftp from in the /pub/WebExplorer directory.

These are the official methods for getting the latest WebExplorer
code. Please post bug reports, comments and suggestions here on
comp.os.os2.networking.tcp-ip. Notices of new beta versions and other
news will be posted here.

The WebExplorer beta will also run on OS/2 2.1 with IBM TCP/IP V2.0
for OS/2 if you have the latest CSD (Corrective Service Diskettes)
applied. The latest CSD is UN64092 and is available via anonymous ftp
to in the /pub/tcpip/os2 directory.

The WebExplorer has excellent internal viewers for GIF and JPEG image
files. If you select to not use the internal viewers WebExplorer is
pre-configured to use the viewers shipped in Warp in the Bonus Pack.
The Warp viewers have support for .au audio files, but the image
viewer does not support JPEG.

John Ruiz
OS/2 TCP/IP Development

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