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NEW: Who-RPG-L - Discussion of role-playing in the universe

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Ian McDonald

Apr 14, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/14/95
Who-RPG-L on

WHO-RPG-L is the mailing list for discussion of roleplaying in the
universe portrayed by the well-known British science-fiction
programme "Doctor Who". Topics are likely to include how to prevent
the dominance of the Doctor spoiling the game, discussing characters
and storylines, amending the two Dr Who role-playing games and
playing Dr Who using other systems. This has not been done before,
and there is no telling what shall happen :).

The mailing list, including this document and the list archive, are at The net.supplement archive is on anonymous ftp at and on the WWW with the URL:

Who-RPG-L is an open, unmoderated, discussion list on role-playing
the settting of the Dr Who universe. To subscribe put the following
command in the BODY of email to (not the subject):

subscribe Who-RPG-L your name

Owner: Ian McDonald

DISCLAIMER: NEW-LIST announcements are edited from information
provided by the original submitter. We do NOT verify the technical
accuracy nor any claims made in the announcements nor do we
necessarily agree with them. We do not warranty or guarantee any
services which might be announced - use at your own risk. For more
information send e-mail to LIST...@VM1.NoDak.EDU with the command
GET NEW-LIST README in the body. mgh

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