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Child Held At Gunpoint SAVED By Trent Stewart of Omaha, NE

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kilo 1, 1

Nov 7, 2009, 2:59:39 PM11/7/09
Dateline Fall,1995, Omaha, Nebraska, United States

In one of the most heroic acts EVER seen in the sewage dump of Omaha,
Nebraska, Mr. Trent J Stewart risked his life to save that of a teenage boy
being held at gunpoint.

While walking East on Frederick St. from the home of his room mate, Mr.
Gilbert "John" Styskal, to his local tavern, Clyde's Lounge, in Omaha, NE,
USA, Trent (TJ) Stewart heard cries for help coming from a half dozen meters
across the street.

Thinking it was a hoax or a stunt of some kind, Stewart gazed at the boy
crying for help initially without responding. But the small teenage boy was
crying and absolutely terrified to even move, begging Mr. Stewart, who was
alone, for assistance.

Deciding to examine the scene further, the thirty something year old Stewart
crossed Frederick Street and asked the child what was wrong.

"He's got a gun and he's going to hurt me," or something to that effect said
the child to Stewart.

Stewart hadn't even noticed anyone else nearby until then as the boy pointed
toward an old man standing about fifteen feet in front of the boy and behind

Stewart turned to see the old man standing there thinking the boy was his
mother's little drama queen until he looked into the eyes of the old man
standing there and recognized the eyes of evil.

It was then Stewart performed the most heroic act of anyone ever heard of in
Omaha, Nebraska.

Stewart, unarmed and unprotected, turned to face the old man glaring at him
with the eyes of a killer and placed himself between the old man and the
child. The old man glared at Stewart with what looked like a knife in his
hand. The two stood staring at each other from about four feet apart with
Stewart now aware the man was armed.

The old man became engraged and told Stewart the boy was in his yard and
stealing from him, charges which the boy denied immediately after the old
man spoke.

Stewart ordered the child to flee the scene. The kid was still sobbing, too
scared to move. Stewart had to yell the order again and told him which way
to run to escape, all the while face to face with the engraged armed

The Trent Stewart got mad, fighting mad, with the expression on his face
telling all. The old man, who was the predator holding the weapon until
then, began to cowar from looking into Stewart's eyes.

Without a saying another word, the old man, no longer the predator and
cowaring like prey, backed down. Stewart never said another word, either,
since the old man had backed down and looked down, defeated without a fight.

Stewart then turned back up the hill and toward his original destination,
not thinking too much of any of it, deep in thought over his constant state
of financial dispair.

At Clyde's Lounge, where Stewart was a regular, he ordered a beer and sat at
the bar drinking it when his room mate, Gilbert "John" Styskal, appeared and
sat next to him.

Styskal asked TJ if he had been in an altercation with "Auto's Dad". TJ said
no, he didn't even know "Auto's Dad" and had already forgotten about the
incident with the old man and the kid which occurred less than an hour

Gilbert "John" Styskal, who served under Medal of Honor winner Wesley L. Fox
of the USMC in Vietnam, himself a member of the 1st Batalion, 9th Marines,
aka "The Walking Dead" in Vietnam in 1969 and 1970, told his room mate TJ
that "Auto's Dad" aka Dwight Otteman of 3051 So 34 St. in Omaha, NE, had
telephoned him and told Styskal to relay a message to his room mate.

"Tell him every time he walks down the street he is going to be in the cross
hairs of a rifle scope," said Otteman to Styskal to be relayed to Trent (TJ)
Stewart. Styskal relayed that message to Stewart adding that Otteman also
called the Omaha Police Division to have Stewart arrested, for disrupting
his assault and murder of a teenage boy just minutes before which Stewart

That being arrested part got Stewart's attention and he and John discussed
what had transpired between the old man, the teenage boy, and Stewart
minutes before both agreeing that was to what Otteman was referring.

It was then that Styskal told Stewart the knife that he thought Otteman was
holding was actually a home made "zip" gun which Otteman had shown Styskal
before and Otteman admitted to Styskal in the telephone call he had when
Stewart ruined his assault on the boy he claimed was stealing from him.

To the notorious Omaha Police Division's credit, they never were dumb enough
to arrive to arrest Trent Stewart at Clyde's Lounge for saving the life of a
teenage boy being held at gunpoint.

But as usual with the Omaha Police Division, commanded then by the Friend
family and all their merry family members, they let this act of heroism go
unnoticed but by a few and the criminal, Dwight Otteman, go without ever
being questioned, let alone arrested.

Dwight Otteman's son, Auto, was a regular at Clyde's Lounge, too. Stewart
had asked him about his Dad following this incident and Auto had nothing
good to say about his father nor would he, Auto, be held responsible for his
actions. Stewart and Otteman, Jr, aka "Auto" left it at that.

Less than two years later, "Auto" died in the custody of the Omaha Police
Division after succumbing to alcohol poisoning.

A Grand Jury found no misconduct by the Omaha Police Division in the death
of Otteman, Jr.

When notified of his son's death, Dwight Otteman reportedly said, "He's
probably gay, anyway," of his late son.

Trent Stewart continued to use Frederick St. as he pleased without being
intimidated by the threats of terrorist Dwight Otteman.

Trent Stewart is the man responsible for bringing rape allegations against
Harold John "Hal" Daub of the Bush Administration to the attention of the
USDOJ, Nebraska Attorney General's Office, Senators Chuck Hagel and Ben
Nelson, as well as the Omaha Police Division.


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