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Missing Kids (fwd)Well

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Bill Hincks

Nov 3, 1994, 10:45:55 PM11/3/94
Well if anyone was wathing the 5:00 news tonight the information was released t
hat the kids have been found in the back seat of the car. Of course the car
was found under 5 or so feet of muddy water. Needless to say they are dead.
The mother has confessed to the crime...and it's another wacko legal story.

What do people feel someone like the mother deserves in this case. My first
reaction is to fry the bitch, but are her actions those of a sane woman.
She certainly looked collected this morning on the Today show when she declared
her innocence. I think she's loopy. But can we kill her for that?

Bill Hincks

The Dave

Nov 4, 1994, 2:01:10 AM11/4/94
We don't kill her because she is LOOPY, we kill her because she killed
2 young children.

David C. Sorden +--------------------------+
Commercial Pilot + "It's better to be there + DS5...@CMSUVMB.EDU
M.S. Aviation Safety + than to do it" + (816) 747-9150
_ +--------------------------+
(o o)
Central Missouri State University

Andrew McFarland/Voice 202-686-7864

Nov 4, 1994, 9:46:04 AM11/4/94
Two kids, 3 yrs. and 14 mos. That's just old enough
to trust your Mom, Dad, and grandparents. And
their Mom killed them.

I, like someone else earlier, am no death penalty
advocate. This case certainly tests my views,
but I say that frying her would be too good.
Let her rot forever in jail. Her crime is beyond
words, and what she did to cover for it is an
offense in every sense of the world. I say
let her die a slow death in prison, thinking
about it.

Adam Bonin

Nov 4, 1994, 10:31:15 AM11/4/94
Ryder@magilla wrote:

: Does South Carolina have the death penalty. If they do what is the average
: length of the appeal process. (conviction to death)

Yeah, even though I don't believe in using it, if you're gonna do it, this
lady deserves it down there.

Shades of Vivian King?


Adam Bonin | "What do you need?"
U of Chicago Law 1L | "What have you got?"
Amherst College '94 | "What do you want?"
Go Lord Jeffs! | -Dylan & Valerie, BH 90210


Nov 4, 1994, 10:39:34 AM11/4/94
Haran Craig Rashes ( wrote:

> If the rumors about the letter from the mother's boyfriend is true, then the
> mother had a motive. The boyfriend wanted her, but no kids. I have two young
> children and the idea of hurting them is morrally repulsive to me. To do such
> a thing and plan her denial (even if after the fact) shows that this mother
> knew what she was doing. She purposely killed them in cold blow, showing a
> disregard for their lives. She should get the maximum sentance under SC law.
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Haran Craig Rashes
> Senior Computer System Specialist
> Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research
> University of Michigan, Box 1248, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106

> Law Student, University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio

> E-Mail: Phone: 1 313 764 4417

I feel that she should DEFINITELY get the death penalty. This
is not a case of some mentally unstable person killing her children, it
is not even a case of an abusive mother going too far. This woman
purposefully planned and staged the murder of her two young boys, and for
what? For herself and her boyfriend. If she didn't want the kids why
the hell didn't she give them to her estranged husband? The whole thing
is morally repugnant...she gathered the sympathy of the nation while
knowing all along that her sons were long dead by her own hand.

Andrea Lynn Dunham
Mount Holyoke College

The soul can split the sky in two/ And let the face of God shine through./ But
East and West will pinch the heart/ That cannot keep them pushed apart;/ And he
whose soul is flat--the sky/ Will cave in on him by and by.--E.StVincent Millay

Haran Craig Rashes

Nov 4, 1994, 3:33:35 AM11/4/94
In article <LAWSCH-L%9411032...@AMERICAN.EDU> Bill Hincks <WHIN...@URIACC.URI.EDU> writes:
>Date: Thu, 3 Nov 1994 22:45:55 EST
>From: Bill Hincks <WHIN...@URIACC.URI.EDU>
>Subject: Re: Missing Kids (fwd)Well

>Bill Hincks

If the rumors about the letter from the mother's boyfriend is true, then the


Nov 4, 1994, 11:43:45 AM11/4/94

Don L Whitney

Nov 4, 1994, 7:38:49 PM11/4/94
Someone took the words out of my mouth: FRY THE BITCH. And, slap anyone
you hear teach children to stay away from strangers. Well over 90% of
the crimes against children that I hear and read about are committed by
family members. Strangers are the only ones children have to run to for

Debra Powell

Nov 4, 1994, 9:59:57 PM11/4/94
Well, we certainly are becomming not only lawyers, but judges and
juries as well. Maby we should wait until the whole story gets out before
we make our opinions from what we saw on hardcopy.
After all we are entering a field where theoretically, we are
searching for just punishment rather than emotional revenge. No matter
how heneous the crime. ( and this one is a doosey)

L.J. Cox

Nov 7, 1994, 2:43:35 PM11/7/94
I would agree it would be nice to let her rot in jail but I don't want to spend
the $20,000 a year to house her. Yes I realize that after her 15 or so appeal
s it will cost near that but because she is only 23 you can figure she would be
in prison for about 50 years. I can't believe we have to spend $1,000,000 to
take care of such a brutal person. I am only an undergraduate so can anyone te
ll me how many appeals a person who admits to this type of crime is likely to g
et? Will it be 10 years before justice is served? Thank you

L.J. Cox


Nov 7, 1994, 10:12:32 PM11/7/94
On Thu, 3 Nov 1994, Bill Hincks wrote:

> Well if anyone was wathing the 5:00 news tonight the information was released
> hat the kids have been found in the back seat of the car. Of course the car
> was found under 5 or so feet of muddy water. Needless to say they are dead.
> The mother has confessed to the crime...and it's another wacko legal story.
> What do people feel someone like the mother deserves in this case. My first
> reaction is to fry the bitch, but are her actions those of a sane woman.
> She certainly looked collected this morning on the Today show when she
> her innocence. I think she's loopy. But can we kill her for that?
> Bill Hincks

I ahve always thought that there was something inherently wrong with an
individual who commits this type of act. I understand that many or most
of these people cannot be rehabilited using existing techniques, but that
is not proof that it cannot be done. Given that fact, shouldn't the goal
of an "advanced" society be the improvement/perfection of
rehabilitation? I believe that the death penalty probabaly does not act
as much of a deterrent for the mind that is capable of such atrocities.
I allow we can have no reliable statistics on the number of crimes
prevented by capital punishment's deterrent value (i.e., in a recent Gallup
poll 4.3% of the participants answered "yes" to the question "have you
ever seriously contemplated murder as a conflict resolution tool but
rejected it because of fear of capital punishment?"...). Nevertheless, I
think revenge is the only verifiably legitimate argument for the death
penalty (I have heard, and correct me if I am wrong, that it is more
expensive to put someone to death than to keep them in prison for life.
And I do not believe revenge is a proper objective of the penal process.
Of course I have "never had anyone close to me murdered senselessly,"
which allows me to examine the issue with [relatively] clear vision. Use
of phrases such as "fry the bitch," reinforces my thinking in this area.

Are there good pro-capital arguments out there? I have never really
debated the issue in earnest (or researched it), so I am anxious to hear
other peoples' thoughts.

Forrest Bregny Roche
86 Grant Street #32
Denver, Colorado 80203
(303) 777-5863

Scott B. Ritchie

Nov 4, 1994, 2:29:23 PM11/4/94
On Fri, 4 Nov 1994, Andrew McFarland/Voice 202-686-7864 wrote:
> I, like someone else earlier, am no death penalty
> advocate. This case certainly tests my views,
> but I say that frying her would be too good.
> Let her rot forever in jail. Her crime is beyond
> words, and what she did to cover for it is an
> offense in every sense of the world. I say
> let her die a slow death in prison, thinking
> about it.

If you are in favor of her suffering a slow death in prison, what are
your reasons for not being in favor of the death penalty? Certainly you
cannot argue that one is more cruel than the other.

Scott Ritchie

Andrew McFarland/Voice 202-686-7864

Nov 4, 1994, 3:42:21 PM11/4/94

Cost, pure and simple. I can't
remember the exact $$$ figures, but the
cost of keeping someone on death row
from the time of conviction to the time
of execution (IF they ever are executed)
far exceeds the cost of keeping someone
incarcerated for life. Why? The appeals
process primarily. The way I figure it,
we can put the taxpayer's money and the
criminal justice system's time to better
uses than giving this sick woman more
attention than she already deserves.

Don't worry, I'm not making a
cruel and unusual argument, and frankly,
I don't want to get into all that right
now. So cut me a break and give me a
little poetic license here, OK?

Andrew McFarland

Aug 22, 2013, 2:23:58 PM8/22/13
Check this out - the FBI has known about these criminals since Oct 2012 & more kids have been kidnapped & killed in CO - Still waiting...

The JonBenet Ramsey Ransom Note Analysis: "Pastor" Bob Enyart's = The "Small Foreign Faction" - w/ Notes by Dani Kekoa & Legend Detective Lou Smit

Victory, S.B.T.C = Shadowgov Breaks The Case & Strangle Bind Torture Children

"Few would disagree that the three-page ransom note is as important a piece of evidence as exists in this case. Anyone hoping to come up with a theory of who killed JonBenet Ramsey has to come to grips with the significance and meaning of this communication." -- FBI Criminal Profiler John Douglas, The Cases That Haunt Us
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