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India-D Digest - Aug 20

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Uma Ramamurthy

Aug 20, 1993, 11:23:22 PM8/20/93
India Interest Group Digest Fri, 20 Aug 93 Volume 2: Issue 331

Today's Topics:

Entertainment - Puzzles::
Math Gurus Answer
Puzzle 10

FTP sites
India-related GIF/SUN Raster Files.

Info. on Singapore Visa

Info. Wanted::
Anyone going to Delhi in septermber by Delta Airlines?
Car model/price in india
Duty free stuff
For visitors from India -> US, type of ticket ASAP
History essay
How can I get the current Indian Stock Values?
Sending stuff to India/Nepal
Ticket for world cup soccer

I remained Veggie
Reg. Vegetarianism

Please avoid these kind of writings !
PVNR - puerile politician ?
Questions about Aryans.....
Regarding the article that appeared about N.Ram
Reg. N.Ram, the left-wing McCarthyite is a reincarnate of Aurungzeb!
Second Independence [Part I]
VHP Members - How they were born ...
Who is the liar? Reg. Hindutva is not the common culture of bharat

Students' Issues::
Address of the Attorney-General's office
UNLV incident (2 msgs)
UNLV Incident - Jane Reno's Phone No.
UNLV INCIDENT: Contact person needed!!!
A clarification re yesterday's UNLV draft letter

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Entertainment - Puzzles

Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1993 14:35:00 -0400 (EDT)
From: pra...@ele.uri.EDU (Venkata Sanigepalli Praveenkumar)
Subject: Math Gurus Answer

Hai netters,
An interesting problem.Usually differentiation of a function
is considered to be its slope and integration its area.Then in the
common mans sense how can an area outdo a slope and viceversa.I dont
know the answer and dont know whether there is one.


Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1993 08:52:44 -0500 (EST)
From: Shan <>
Subject: Puzzle 10

The solution to Puzzle No. 8 which appeared in the Digest of August
17th is not Optimal. The solution with the least number of
transactions is:

Transfer Volume in
No. 8 l Can 5 l Can 3 l Can

1. 3 5 0
2. 3 2 3
3. 6 2 0
4. 6 0 2
5. 1 5 2
6. 1 4 3
7. 4 4 0

Nilanjan Palit had sent me the correct solution.

Puzzle No.10

A large round dining table, has a spot on its edge (circumference).
The table is pushed into a corner touching the two walls. The spot is
9 and 8 inches away form the respective walls.

What is the diameter of the table?



Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1993 18:49:20 -0500
From: (Jay Rao)
Subject: FTP sites

I wanted to thank everyone who has sent me the ftp site address, and also
the information on how to display these files.
I have recieved lot of responses where some of them wanted to know the ftp
site address.
I lost some of these e-mail addresses, so here is the ftp site address
I received from Naren and Bhandari.
If some one wants the india.gif or india.uu files they can send me the
Anonymous ftp to and try looking under
Anonymous ftp to and try looking under
Note that those files are in the Sun rasterfile format viewable with xv or
any decent image viewer. Look under alt.binaries.* FAQs for conversion
programs. ( /pub/usenet/alt.binaries.*/*).


Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1993 11:08:55 +0200
From: (Raj Singh)
Subject: India-related GIF/SUN Raster Files.

The addresses of these sites was posted recently on SCI news group.
I have ftp'ed and viewed some (about 9 MB). Also, on SCI, JPEG-coded
images of popular actresses (Dimple, Rekha, Sridevi, Madhuri, ....)
were posted recently.

The addresses of the 2 sites that I know are as follows : (under pub/srips) (under pub/prip/raja/rasterfiles/south_asia)

If anyone knows of other sites please e-mail or post it on INDIA-D.

-- Raj



Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1993 15:45:36 +0000 (U)
From: R Gopinath <>
Subject: Info. on Singapore Visa

Hi Netters,
I am back with a brief summary of all responses received by me, to my
query on Info. about getting a Visa to Singapore.
Sorry for the cramped summary, since the Digest accepts only 40 lines.
So Folks, THANKS A TON to all out there who responded ! Bye, Gopi.
<<<<<< Attached TEXT file follows >>>>>>
Visa issued at Changhi Airport for 24 hours, if passenger has Onward
Ticket and Reservation. For durations greater than 24 hours, one has
to apply in the U.S. Just call up or write and request for a Visa form.

2424 S E BRISTOL SUITE # 320 1824 R STREET, N.W,
TEL : (714) 476 2330 TEL : (202) 667 7555
FAX : (714) 476 8301 FAX : (202) 265 7915

1. Completed Visa Form (Form No. 14)
2. Photocopies of : (a) Passport (All pages, except blank pages)
(b) Confirmed Onward Airticket
3. Visa Fee of US$ 10.00 per application in the form of Money Order
Payable to either "Singapore Consulate" or "Singapore Embassy".
4. A Self Addressed 29-cent stamped Business envelope
5. Passport Validity of at least 3 months beyond the last day of
Intended stay. (Will be processed in 5 - 7 days)

1. There is a free tourist promotion tour conducted by the Singapore
Airlines / Government. If you take this tour, you don't need a visa.
The Tour Conductor collects your passport before the tour and returns
it to you after you reurn. The tour lasts for about 2 - 3 hours.
This tour does not allow to you to alight anywhere in the City.
2. Take bus # 392 to Raffles Tower. The Bus station is below the
airport. From Raffles Tower you can either take a Taxi or walk
to Little India. There are two big stores : Mustafa and VKK
KalyanaSundaram and sons.. This will take about 4 hours.#026#


Info. Wanted

Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1993 11:00:17 -0400 (EDT)
From: Vivek Vohra <>
Subject: Anyone going to Delhi in septermber by Delta Airlines?

Hello Everybody,
Mother of my friend wants company to Delhi by Delta Airlines
in september. Dates and place from where the flight could be is
very flexible(anywhere in the u.s. of a. but preferably from Chicago
or Atlanta/Jacksonville/Orlando and around). Will appreciate if someone
can write back to me if he/she is going to Delhi in September by Delta
Airlines or know of someone who will be going.


Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1993 09:42:09 -0500 (EST)
From: (v.m. gopinath)
Subject: Car model/price in india

If anyone knows the different model cars(with features) and
prices in india(like maruti,fiat,tata siera etc) please
let me know.
My e-mail address is
Thank you very much,


Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1993 11:12:08 -0700 (PDT)
From: (Shailesh Shah)
Subject: Duty free stuff

I will highly appreciate if any kind soul will provide right info
for the duty free stuff my parent can carry to India. All that want
is to take VCR with them. They have been here on a visitor's visa since
four months.

Please reply me at
p.n. 408-956-9442 (R).


Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1993 07:35:14 -0700 (PDT)
From: (Jagdish Jajal)
Subject: For visitors from India -> US, type of ticket ASAP

I don't know if this is correct address to ask question.
Question : Should I buy One way OR two way ticket ?

My father is comming on visitors visa, chancese are that he
can get greencard within a year because of my citizenship
coming on the way. My plans for him to stay atleast until
he gets greencard.

Normally visitors visa is for 6.0 months and economy ticket
lasts only for 4 months, so buying two way ticket logically
don't make sence, now all travel agents are recommanding
to buy 1.5 tickets and return 1 ticket after passenger arrives
in to US.

Mostly he is comming on 8/31/93 so can someone if know advise
me AS SOON AS POSSIBLE that "Should I buy one way OR two way ticket?".
Thank you very much in advance for help.


Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1993 13:41:42 -0500 (EST)
From: Taneja Sumit <>
Subject: History essay

Dear netters,
This may be silly but I have an essay to do about
something called the ROSETTA STONE. This is a stone with
inscriptions in ancient greek found near the ancient city of Rosetta
in Greece. I tried to locate stuff about this stone in my Uni
Library, but could not get much info.
The actual title of the essay is :
"What is the relevance/relationship of the Rosetta Stone to
modern Information Technology. " ( 1500 words )
I'd appreciate if some historian friends could help me out on this.
My email address is
-Sumit Taneja


Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1993 15:20:13 -0500 (CDT)
From: Mahesh Kumar Bagade <>
Subject: How can I get the current Indian Stock Values?

Dear Fellow,
Can somebody out there let me know if I can some home get the latest stock
market values in India. Even if I get an update once in couple of days, it is
ok. I don't mind even if it is a private service like Prodigy, etc...

Any pointers, help in this direction will be much appreciated. I am not on
the Internet so an email to my address would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance for any info. provided.


Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1993 17:54:26 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Sending stuff to India/Nepal

Hi Folks :
I need to send some car parts to Nepal. I have heard that there are some
Indian company called E-Z Mail that does it. If anyone would no more on
how to send stuff, I would be greatful if you couls share the information.

Thanks a lot,


Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1993 19:12:40 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Ticket for world cup soccer

Dear netters,
Can any one of you send me info about the following:
1. Are the World Cup Soccer tickets still available?
2. If available can you kindly send me the addresses where these
tickets are sold ?
3. What is the price of the ticket ?

Thanks in advance,
Pradipta Sarkar



Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1993 15:45:48 -0700 (PDT)
From: (Ashok Patel)
Subject: I remained Veggie

Hi folks,
I am in US for more than 2.5 years and never feel scareceity of veggie food.
This place is even better for prepared/half_cooked veggie food, than India.
I used to prepare full meal (>4 iteams) withing 45 minute. Also I never drink
any-alcoholic baverages because there are plenty of soft-drinks to choose
from. There are many Indian restorants all-over the US even when you are
travelling (so far, I have visited 8-states). However, I agree that you don't
get good veggie food when you are travellig in to small cities. My place,
the bay area, has plenty of Indian-restaurants where buffet lunch is around
$5-6 with around 18-20 veggie items. Therefore, as somebody said earlier,
if you want to remain veggie (or atheist) it is much easier here.

> turns out, the Beans contain animal fat (heck, it is impossible to find
> beans in the grocery store that don't have "pork" or "bacon" bits added to
> them). Taco Bell Beans have animal products in them (this is the information

I agree with you that Taco-bell is not a good place for vagitarian but not
for the reasons you gave. My reason is that because, they never pay attention
to special-veggie-orders. My personal experience is that, 70% of the time
they mistake your request for without-meat. Also the pork or bacon beans
always specifically says "prok" or "bacon" on the can. Morever, it is
mandatory to mention content of food on the product-package, no matter what
percentage it is. So you can always check the 'ingradients' mentioned on the

Why eat animals when you have choice !! No intention to kafirize
'non-believers' !!


Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1993 08:43:10 -0400 (EDT)
From: Kannan Aravamudan <>
Subject: Reg. Vegetarianism

This is in response to Sony Gala's posting where it was mentioned that
Pizza huts and Italian restaurants are sources of Vegetarian food. I am
not sure if even the so called vegetarian pizzas can be classified as pure
vegetarian stuff because it contains a product called Rennet which is an
enzyme derived from the calf's stomach for curdling the milk. Once i
asked a pizza shop employee if he can prepare a veggie without cheese in it.
He said that it would not be a problem but he strongly advised me against
eating it because it would taste like ****. Of course it is possible to
make pizzas at home if time and patience are available. I tried once in
the Oven. But without the cheese to stick on to, the toppings fell off into
the oven and i burnt my fingers when trying to remove the Pizza crust from
the hot grill. It is about 1 year since i have eaten Pizza.
For those people who consider eggs as taboo it might be of interest
to know that Lecithin is derived from many sources including egg yolk. So
it may not be a wise idea for these people to use coffee whitener and
biscuits unless the list of ingredients specifically says corn Lecithin.
Finally it can be mentioned in the passing that even some plants are
non-vegetarian. For example the Venus fly trap has a pitcher like
arrangement which can attract and trap flies.



Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1993 10:36:00 -0700
Subject: Please avoid these kind of writings !

Hi folks,

Mr. Ramana Murthy writes:
> N Ram made violent moves in his garden chair, while
>his wife sat across telling him what his column for tommorrow should contain.

>N Ram advised his friends in journalism, "manufacture consent" via "secularism
>propaganda". He further suggested, people are fools, they will buy any form of
>fundamentalism. Let us preach bigotry, Islam (oops!, I should control, myself
>giggled Aurungzeb), socialism and denounce Hinduism. His Irish wife looked
>contemptously at the Hindu boy saying his morning prayers across the street
>and muttered under her breath, "Well, there won't be too many of those..."
>and kicked her Hindu housemaid who was cleaning the floor. Again N Ram shook
>violently. Aurungzeb was content. He liked the intrigue. Suddenly Shivaji's

Mr.Murthy, I deeply deplore and condemn your writings regarding
Mr.N.Ram and consider them as those of a person who doesn't
have any sense of democracy. Let me make it very clear that I
personally do not agree with many of Mr.N.Ram's views. But people like
you who are scared that the opposite views will gather popularity
attack every thing about the other person except their views themselves.
This reveals lack of substance and an inability to put forth intelligent
arguments. This is clearly a case of " Hitting below the Belt "
and reveals the the quality of the person writing such letters in a
public network like this.

If you thought that whatever u had written was interesting so are
vulgar writings. The net is no place for showing personal hatred.Though
the editors had made this clear I am sorry that these kind of writings
find their way thro to the net. I hope the editors do not allow such
ourage in the future and maintain the credibility of the digest.

Kumaresan Ilanko.


Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1993 20:54:08 -0300 (ADT)
From: Prasad Gokhale <>
Subject: PVNR - puerile politician ?

> India News Network Digest Tue, 17 Aug 93 Volume 2 : Issue 97


> NEW DELHI, Aug 15 (Reuter) - Prime Minister P.V. Narasimha Rao said on
> Sunday that India and Pakistan could be friends and set the world an
> example of good relations, if Islamabad would give up its claim to
> Indian-held Kashmir.

Same old discourse by the honarable PM of Bharat (PBUH) ! I hope the
above statement by the PM is not supposed to affirm the unity and
integrity of the country. If this the state of diplomacy and tact
in the political arena that an Indian diplomat can deliver ?

How many times have statements like above hit news-headlines ? Even
the Pakistani officials might be bored to hear the same old puerile
'threats' from their counterparts across the border. Anyone who boards
the boat of power, issues a 'last warning' to Pakistan to stop meddling
in its internal affairs, blah..blah..blah...

But this one takes the cake. "Do this and we will be friends"..! Is this
some sort of a joke ? Most like, Shriman PM was full of humour on the
independence day celebrations and accidently, rendered the above

Come on GOI, be more assertive, affirmative and aggresive and flush out
all the militants out of the valley ! Pakistan is more of a 'nuisance'
than of a problem. Show Pakistan its place with stategy and power -
empty words neither do mean nor achieve anything.


Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1993 10:42:00 -0500 (EST)
From: Jitendra Khare <>
Subject: Questions about Aryans.....

There are a couple of questions which have been bogging me about the Aryans
of ancient India. Perhaps somebody on the net has knowledge to answer them.
Are Aryans Caucasians or is Caucasian a general term applied to the people
having their homeland in th Caucasus, including the Aryans? Did the Aryans
have light coloured eyes and lighter hair? If they did and if indeed the
Indian people have descended from Aryans, is it possible that the lighter
hair and lighter eyes would completely disappear in India after centuries
of mixing of different races? Are there any references made to lighter
hair in ancient writings?


Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1993 13:25 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Regarding the article that appeared about N.Ram

The article on N.Ram ( that he was an incarnation of Aurangazeb )
was cheap and juvenile. It was in poor taste. I think it
is perfectly OK to disagree with someone but to resort to
such mudslinging is bad. I did not get the point of the article
other than the fact that it was meant to ridicule an individual
The article on N.Ram ( that he was an incarnation of aurangazeb )
and his wife was for whatever socio-political affiliations theirs are.



Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1993 21:14:58 -0500 (CDT)
From: (Anil Kumar Reddy Gurijala)
Subject: Reg. N.Ram, the left-wing McCarthyite is a reincarnate of Aurungzeb!

>From: ram...@p4.f250.n2619.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Ramana Murthy)
>Subject: N.Ram, the left-wing McCarthyite is a reincarnate of Aurungzeb !

>Few centuries ago. On a rainy night after having his sister killed, Aurungzeb
>sat contemplating. He thought aloud, "I don't think I can convert India into
>Islam" as long as Shivaji is alive. He picked up the needle and started
>stitching his next cap. He died vowing to return to "convert" India to Islam.

>1993. The year Aurungzeb decided to raise his "ugly" head. He chose "secular
>fundamentalism". Aurungzeb had a thing for fundamentalism. He was reborn and
>took on the body of this timid journalist from the south, N Ram, Aurungzeb
>liked the looks of N Ram's extreme left wing Irish wife, too. As the winds

A lot of stuff deleted.

I feel Mr Ramana Murthy is becoming some what desperate for no reason. I don't
think the articles, such as above one, should have place in this group. Mr
Ramana Murthy JI!, don't disparage yourself by mentioning family members in your
articles. When N. Ram wrote about Bofors, you people made him hero and awarded
'Padmasri'. Now, suddenly he became Aurangazeb. Again, in future if he supports
BJP, he becomes Shivaji. Give a break, man.


Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1993 19:57:06 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Second Independence [Part I]

This 15th of August we have celebrated our 47th independence day. We
achieved Independence in a manner which is UNKNOWN,UNPRECEDENTED to this
world, which is known and possible only to INDIANs- by Satyagraha (or Non-
Violence) Bharatmata has seen bloodshed in her lap, of her own children.

Inspite of having very good resources, mineral wealth, brian & man-power
technological advancement and etc..we haven't progressed much in the fields
of finance, trade and didn't become a super power which we ought to be. We
all love our motherland (of course with some exception). We all are
prepared to scarifice our best.

Then why is this contradiction? I firmly believe that CONTRADICTIONs do not
EXIST in this world. If there are any we need to check our moral premises,
one of them must be wrong. India needs you & me and World needs India.

What's happening to our country ? it's breaking all over. With the recent
uprise in the regional movements, fundamentals & secessionists are creating
havoc with support coming overwhelmingly from in & out of India.

Who's mistake is this ? It has become very easy to put the blame on govt.
which I believe is another grave mistake we r doing. Yes brothers/sisters
let's accept gracefully that it's our own mistake to bring in such people
who are motivated by their selfish ends to the extent that they smuggle
weapons and arms to kill our people. This scum of the nation is not only
ruining or country's morale and character they are bent upon filling their
coffers at any cost even if it takes to break the country again.

Don't we all KNOW how many HEARTS & HOMES were broken with division during
Thanx to the cmmunal & fundamental forces behind the LUNATIC, PERVERTED,
(may be comparable only to HITLER)

India has survived thousands of years beacuse of the will to succeed, will to
accomodate, will to progress spiritually and scientifically and due to the

SREEDAHR DUTT ( to be concluded...)


Date: Fri Aug 20 17:19:51 1993
From: "Prasad, Krishna" <>
Subject: VHP Members - How they were born ...

Shiri P. N. Hoax, the Directal General of ArchaeoIllogical Survey of
India, in his latest book, explains why some (not all) Ram Bhakts are such
a confused set of all people. They chant, rant and rave the name of Lord
Ram yet they seem to have the etiquette and minds of chimpanzees and the
hearts of rakshasas. He says he could decipher some old scripts which he
found near Tyejo Mahal area. This tendency, he says, is evident from the
behaviour of many VHP leaders. Excerpts from his book:

" Shiri Ramji was returning back after his victory from Lanka. His entourage
was in several PushpakPlane loads. One plane was full of Vanara Sena (Male
monkeys) and the booty they won (female rakshasins). They were having good
time. This news soon reached Shiri Ramji and he immediately called the
vanara sena, on cellular phone: "Cut it out. If the rakshasins became
pregnant there is no way the people in Ayodhya would assimilate those
illegitimate offsprings. You are talking about a cross between monkeys and
rakshasins not even between humans and monkeys or even humans and
rakshasins. If there will be any illegitimate births, the kids will be on
their own" he declared. The vanaras and rakshasins continued their orgy
anyway, resulting in many births. the Vanara Sena started to throw the kids
overboard and the kids fell on the ground (their brains permanently damaged).
The kids grew up, not knowing who they were, without parents. They remembered
the name of RAM however. Their genetic traits of monkey etiquette, rakshasa
heart remained and to this date they yearn for a Rama Rajya, where they
think, they still have a place".
Dr. Hoax is pretty sure he can prove this theory by matching the DNA
fingerprints of some of those belligerent and more vocal VHP leaders with
those of monkeys and the Himalayan apeman, if they volunteer to be human
guyanapigs. He says this behaviour does not improve with education. "That is
the reason why you find this phenomenon even in people with higher qualifica-
tions and in those who have have migrated to developed countries (VHP-America
?). They always look backwards. Expatriates from other countries are sending
back expertise and money. These guys send bricks to their homeland because
they have an identity crisis". He says if excavations underneath Tyejo Mahal
are allowed more information could be unearthed.
To order the book please call 1-800-YES-HOAX. Price: 1 Yugoslav Dinar.
Shipping: $ 1000. Handling: $1000000000. No CODs or personal cheques.
Limited quantities. Hurry now. Operators are standing BHAI. With the order
you will receive a picture of a chimpanzee, free.
............................................. "SURVEY JANA SUKHINO BHAVANTU"


Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1993 21:17:32 -0500 (CDT)
From: Asad Raza Khan <>
Subject: Who is the liar? Reg. Hindutva is not the common culture of bharat

Dear Nettors, I have been publicly called a liar on this digest, and my
credibilty and intellectual honesty has been questioned. Therefore, I feel
compelled to respond, in order to clear my name. I am referring to the
posting by Mr Raman Murthy, as shown below.

Asadji has done it again. Twisting my words. Nowhere, I repeat, I have
Gurumurthyji quoting, "commonality with Hinduism". Stop lying. It is very
unbecoming of you.

Since, I was responding to Mr Murthy's posting on 12th August, I have taken the
liberty of including the relevant section of that post.

" Going back to the "cultural current" of Gurumurthyji, one
can easily see the underlying commonality, with "Hinduism" being an equal to
other "cultural, religious" invasions which have been part of this common
cultural current,"Hindutva", for centuries .

As one can clearly see Mr Murthy is the one who has falsely accused me in public
and I feel very strongly that he owes me an apology on the same forum in which
he has accused me. I do believe very strongly in freedom of speech, however
that in no way gives anyone a right to slander anyone else. It would be in the
interest of all concerned if Mr Murthy can own up to his false accusation and
retract it.


Students' Issues

Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1993 22:20:00 -0400 (EDT)
From: Sanjeev Katti <>
Subject: Address of the Attorney-General's office

In connection with the UNLV tragedy, someone asked for
the address of Attorney-General, Janet Reno's office so
that people can write letters to her about the case. The
address is as follows:

The Honorable Janet Reno
Attorney General of the United States
Department of Justice
10th and Constitution Avenue, N.W.,
Room 4400,
Washington D.C. 20530.

The salutation to be used is Dear Madam Attorney-General.


Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1993 11:42:59 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Amir Tuteja" <>
Subject: UNLV

Here is a draft letter to the AG which all concerned can/should write:

Honorable Janet Reno, Attorney General
Department of Justice
Tenth & Constitution Ave. NW, Rm. 4400
Washington, DC 20530

Dear Madame Attorney General:

I am writing this letter in my personal capacity as a concerned
US resident from a foreign country. Recently, on the campus of
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Mr. Srinivas Chirukuri died in an
incident that can be considered as a `hate crime'.

Mr. Srinivas, a graduate student from India was suddenly engulfed in
flames while researching in his lab at late night in July. In his death
bed testimony, Mr. Srinivas said that two assailants knocked on the
laboratory door, which he opened, and said "We don't need any foreigners
here." They poured some liquid on him and set fire. Mr. Srinivas died a
few days later. However, to the shock of the entire student community
and other concerned in Las Vegas and in USA, the coroner's office termed the
death `an accident'. We are extremely saddened that justice has not been
done to the soul of Mr. Srnivas with the coroner's finding. Moreover, the
international student community across the country is totally
unhappy with the way the incident was handled.

Under these circustances, I very much like you to investigate the
matter thoroughly, so that justice is done and the truth behind such
henious crime is revealed.

Thank you,




Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1993 21:36 +0000
From: (BALA)
Subject: UNLV incident

Hello everyone:
What appears to be clearly a homicide has been washed out as accident at
UNLV. Hate crime is a reality here, and all of us should be conscious of it.
A month ago, we received an anonymous threatening call at our home.
Since we were not home at that time, the guy left a threatening message in
our answering machine asking us to leave the country.
We don't have any personal enmity with anyone. Clearly it is nothing but racial
We should have reported that to police, atleast for record sake; but we
ignored. Now, most unfortunately, the message has been erased while resetting
the answering machine. We realize that such incidents should be taken
seriously. Certainly the case of Srinivas is no small matter. Washington
should get to know that all is not well here.


Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1993 22:26:08 -0700
From: Debabrata Goswami <de...@warsgi.Princeton.EDU>
Subject: UNLV incident

I was just wondering if anybody has compiled a letter regarding the UNLV
incident that we can all sign. I have many non-Indian friends (Americans,
European, etc.) who have expressed concern on this unfortunate incident.
We would all like to sign a pettition letter to White House to make sure
the incident gets its due importance. I think it would be a good idea to
post such a letter on the INDIA-D so that all of us use it to express our
views. Otherwise, please send to my personal email:
Thank you


Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1993 17:02:08 -0400 (EDT)
From: Shyam <>
Subject: UNLV Incident - Jane Reno's Phone No.

Hi Netters,

I just got Attorney General Janet Reno's phone number. It is
(202)514-2001. We can call and try to deliver a message along the lines
I would like to report a hate crime at the University of Nevada at
Las Vegas which has resulted in the death of a foreign student.

If they are not willing to take a message over the phone, we can ask them
for the fax number we can fax a letter to.

We not only owe it to Srinivas we owe it to ourselves to try and prove
the cynics wrong. Let's jam that phone# with calls.


Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1993 14:25:28 -0700 (PDT)
From: Anupam Datta <>
Subject: UNLV INCIDENT: Contact person needed!!!

Dear Friends,
We the Indian Student Community at the University of Washington at Seattle
are currently in the process of framing a letter reg. the "Homicide of
Late Srinivas Chirukuri case", appealing to the federal govt. to intervene
and have the FBI investigate the case as a HATE CRIME. We plan to send
these letters to the president, vice-president, congresspeople, the
attorney general, Indian Ambassador SS Ray, etc.

For this purpose, we need to have a copy of the special report on this
incident which was posted about a week back on the digest. Also we need a
contact person at UNLV who can check the verity of the facts we mention in
the letter. (We do not wish the letter to lose it's impact just because of
some unconfirmed/emotional charges).

Could some netter at UNLV please contact me at: Tel: (206) 527-9468.

Also, I would like to hear from Indian Student Communities at other US
Univs. if they too are planning a similar letter campaign. We could unify
our efforts.



Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1993 14:04:17 -0400
From: (Gargeya)
Subject: A clarification re yesterday's UNLV draft letter

A clarification regarding the draft letter to media I posted yesterday
about the UNLV incident. The purpose of the letters to media is to jump-start
the stalled investigation. Investigation must take precedence over publicity.
The hope is that Las Vegas authorities, when called about this incident, from
different media organizations around the country, might put more resources
into their efforts. So, if any of you are writing letters, you may want to
word it so the investigation aspect is stressed.


End of India Interest Group Digest

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