You mean:
The current value of bits 0-63 of the TOD clock is
stored in the eight-byte field designated by the sec-
ond-operand address, provided the clock is in the
set, stopped, or not-set state.
When the clock is stopped, zeros are stored in positions
to the right of the rightmost bit position that is
incremented when the clock is running. For STORE
CLOCK, when the value of a running clock is stored,
nonzero values may be stored in positions to the right
of the rightmost incremented bit; this is to ensure that
a unique value is stored. For STORE CLOCK FAST,
when the value of a running clock is stored, bits to
the right of the rightmost bit that is incremented are
stored as zeros.
Zeros are stored at the operand location when the
clock is in the error state or the not-operational state.
The quality of the clock value stored by the instruction
is indicated by the resultant condition-code setting.
For STORE CLOCK, a serialization function is performed
before the value of the clock is fetched and
again after the value is placed in storage.
Resulting Condition Code:
0 Clock in set state
1 Clock in not-set state
2 Clock in error state
3 Clock in stopped state or not-operational state
Program Exceptions:
. Access (store, operand 2)
. Operation (STCKF, if the store-clock-fast facility
is not installed)
Programming Notes:
1. Bit position 31 of the clock is incremented every
1.048576 seconds; hence, for timing applications
involving human responses, the leftmost clock
word may provide sufficient resolution.
2. Condition code 0 normally indicates that the
clock has been set by the control program.
Accordingly, the value may be used in elapsedtime
measurements and as a valid time-of-day
and calendar indication. Condition code 1 indicates
that the clock value is the elapsed time
since the power for the clock was turned on. In
this case, the value may be used in elapsed-time
measurements but is not a valid time-of-day indication.
Condition codes 2 and 3 mean that the
value provided by STORE CLOCK cannot be
used for time measurement or indication.
3. Condition code 3 indicates that the clock is in
either the stopped state or the not-operational
state. These two states can normally be distinguished
because an all-zero value is stored
when the clock is in the not-operational state.
4. If a problem program written for z/Architecture is
to be executed also on a system in the System/
370 mode, then the program should take into
account that, in the System/370 mode, the value
stored when the condition code is 2 is not necessarily
5. Two executions of STORE CLOCK FAST, or an
execution of STORE CLOCK FAST and STORE
CLOCK, either on the same or different CPUs,
do not necessarily return different values of the
clock if the clock is running. Thus, the values
returned by STORE CLOCK FAST do not necessarily
indicate the correct sequence of execution
of the instruction by one or more CPUs.
6. When the TOD-clock-steering facility is installed,
and assuming a valid operating system, then, for
the problem program, the TOD clock is always in
the set state and there is no need to test the condition
code after issuing STORE CLOCK or
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