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JES2 Output and Status column in SDSF

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Lizette Koehler

Nov 17, 2010, 12:07:56 PM11/17/10
I have a problem with mail delivery. We are using SMTP and it is not
getting delivered.

I am reviewing the output in SYSOUT Class B (SMTP) and the STATUS column in

I am so tired, so be kind

How to I remove this JHOLD in SDSF? When I do a $DSxxxx,LONG the
HOLD=(NONE) shows on the output. The $DSxxxx,long on the task itself shows

I issued a $TOSxxxx,HOLD=NONE but do not see the status column change.

Am I missing something?



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Mike Schwab

Nov 17, 2010, 1:10:35 PM11/17/10
On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 6:04 AM, Lizette Koehler
<> wrote:
> I have a problem with mail delivery.  We are using SMTP and it is not
> getting delivered.
> I am reviewing the output in SYSOUT Class B (SMTP) and the STATUS column in
> SDSF shows JHOLD.
That is the O screen

> I am so tired, so be kind
> How to I remove this JHOLD in SDSF?  When I do a $DSxxxx,LONG the
> HOLD=(NONE) shows on the output.  The $DSxxxx,long on the task itself shows

Go over to the ST screen and release from there.

> I issued a $TOSxxxx,HOLD=NONE  but do not see the status column change.
> Am I missing something?

There are two different ways to hold a job, from two different
screens, and you have to release it from the same screen.

> Thanks
> Lizette
Mike A Schwab, Springfield IL USA
Where do Forest Rangers go to get away from it all?

Staller, Allan

Nov 17, 2010, 1:21:30 PM11/17/10
What does $DOUTCLASS(B) say? Is it a held output class?

Elardus Engelbrecht

Nov 17, 2010, 1:31:15 PM11/17/10
Lizette Koehler wrote:

>I have a problem with mail delivery. We are using SMTP and it is not
getting delivered.

>I am reviewing the output in SYSOUT Class B (SMTP) and the STATUS
column in SDSF shows JHOLD.

>How to I remove this JHOLD in SDSF?

Release it on O screen, failing that do that on ST screen.

>Am I missing something?

If you are having problems that SMTP does not pick up the output, do
$DEBUG,SECURITY=YES to see what is the problem. You can change the
output class to something else and change back so SMTP can pick it up again.

HTH !!

Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrecht

Lizette Koehler

Nov 17, 2010, 1:59:04 PM11/17/10
I found my answer.

The problem was someone had inadvertently HELD the STC while it was running.
That naturally affected the ability of the output in SYSOUT Class B for
SMTP. Once a $AS command was issued, everything was fine.

The problem was in the way I was researching the issue. I did not see it
was held at the task level until after I had cycled the task. Normally I
use the ST command in SDSDF but this time I focused on the DA panel and that
did not show the HELD status. I also issued at $DS on an output group and
it had hold, so I issued the $TOS and released it - or so I thought. It was
not until a $AS was issued that it cleared up.

I am going to use OPS/MVS to capture JES2 commands against this particular
STC to reduce the likelihood of this reoccurring.

Thanks everyone for their input. I am adding that to my triage document. I
have to remember to look at all facets of a job running to make sure nothing
is out of sorts. Just because there are no error messages does not mean
there is not a problem. My bigger issue is the JES2 command had been
entered 5 hours earlier. And no one noticed the lack of emails for that
length of time. Emails only get driven if there are job failures and we
have a fairly stable (no failure) environment. So it is possible for hours
of running without an email. So this was easy to miss.


> Lizette Koehler wrote:
> >I have a problem with mail delivery. We are using SMTP and it is not
> getting delivered.
> >I am reviewing the output in SYSOUT Class B (SMTP) and the STATUS
> column in SDSF shows JHOLD.
> >How to I remove this JHOLD in SDSF?
> Release it on O screen, failing that do that on ST screen.
> >Am I missing something?
> If you are having problems that SMTP does not pick up the output, do
> $DEBUG,SECURITY=YES to see what is the problem. You can change the
> output class to something else and change back so SMTP can pick it up
> again.
> HTH !!


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