Here begins my musings.
What is the function of Sam, what is it that he does, or was called to do
and if he was called to 'do it', by whom or is a 'whom' necessary.
I see many many facts, documentation information and *response* to the
net, but not nearly as much *initation* of activity on the net. His
documentation takes up disk space, I have 90 cylinders on an IBM 3380,
so 'hey man, no problemo', is it possible that the people who pay for space
are dis-directing the complaint and the actual problem is space, not the
In IBM-land we have F9,delete, f3,next mail, f11,save mail, f4, print
and I also set up f24 (actually alt + f12) it is 'save to 'SDAMON NOTEBOOK A'
This means I actually read, not all of everything, but read enough to decide
if I want to keep it, and I do keep some stuff. My initial screen holds 21 line
so I can tell from the first screen if I want it or not.
Are our attitudes being challanged? The first thing to do when one is
challanged about one's beliefs, values, etc. is attack the questioner.
Always get them on the defense and then regardless your own belief's
validity, you don't have to prove it. This is a really smooth move, just
ask Rush.
However, in a sense of mobbery, my back yard is available. There used to
be a clothes line, the post is still there. I suggest we tie sam to it
and tittilate him til he confesses 1. he really has no girlfriend, 2.
Everything Aristotle about substance was right, 3. and this stuff he
post really isn't true, he just learned how to do good footnotes in
English class 5. That he secretly lives in my basement and calls me
'Sir, Yes SIR.' 6. confesses that Brad Pitt takes more baths than he doesn,
7,That the Bob Wills song, 'Big Balls in Cowntown' was not written about
Ft. Worth, but himself. (please note, the second line of the song is 'We'll
all go down." - like that Sam?) 8. He confesses that his favorite 'sex toy'
is a Caulking Gun filled with Mentholatum.
I now return you to your regularly scheduled queenfest, there has been
nothing wrong with your computer so don't waste your time re-arranging your
Jon Morgan Blevins, disclaimer: the first official Rock group
Somebody has to ask the questions was held at my house last night.
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, Republic of TEXAS