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Call for Editors

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Edtech Editor Hogan

Mar 18, 2014, 11:49:46 AM3/18/14
EDTECh readers. The EDTECH listserv as you have come to know it is
changing. It's transitioning into something called H-Net Commons. This is
a good thing. It's hard to say goodbye to the way things have ran for this
many years; but, change is inevitable and EDTECH should embrace this type of

I'll be honest the majority of EDTECH readers come from K-12. The Commons
was built primarily for higher education and research inside specific
academic disciplines. We have a great deal of un-utilized potential
available to us.

That being said I'm soliciting help from the readers. EDTECH has changed
greatly over the years. We use to see around 50 messages a day split up
among multiple editors. Now that's about the amount of traffic we get in a

My reason for sending this is two fold:

1) How many of you would still continue to follow EDTECH if it
required visiting a network page. You'll continue to get email notices of
new content - but, you'd actually have to access the network page to view
and reply to the content.

2) How many of you stay with EDTECH because of the convenience of the

That all being said - to move forward I'll need some help. The Commons has
a huge potential that a listserv could never do. It can house curriculum
links, podcasts, reading lists and more. Here is my official solicitation:

EDTECH seeks to build a team of volunteers to serve as editors and review
editors for the network. Editors will be trained to use the H-Net Commons,
our new content management platform, to moderate discussions, build
content-rich projects for teaching and scholarship in the field of
Educational Technology and collaborate in the management of the network.
The Commons interface is a simple site-design and publishing system that
requires no advanced technical knowledge and enables editors to create
custom pages that dynamically update with fresh material.

Projects could include an annotated archive of syllabi, teaching guides, and
reading lists for this field (and subfields as desired); a dynamic link
database for one-stop access to primary sources; an annotated archive of
images suitable for use in class. Other project suggestions are very

Review editors will solicit and edit reviews of published works that they
select. They will be trained to use H-Net's online Reviews Management
System. For information about this service, visit


We would like to find at least two new review editors and two new editors.
The larger the team, the easier it is to accommodate the demands of
individual schedules and professional obligations.

Qualifications: a graduate degree or equivalent in professional experience
in the field of Educational Technology. Publications and teaching
experience are a plus. General facility with email, browsers, and office
software is helpful. H-Net editors serve for two-year renewable terms and
must be certified by the H-Net Council.

The H-Net Commons is a project-based, collaborative platform for publishing
discussions, multimedia materials, and blogs through its many field-based
networks in the social sciences and humanities. Its materials are freely
available under the Creative Commons 3.0 License. Learn more at

H-Net: Humanities & Social Sciences Online, is a nonprofit, tax-exempt
international organization based in the History Department at Michigan State
University. For more information about its mission and structure, visit


EDTECH is the H-NET Network for Educational Technology.

Edtech Archives, posting guidelines and other information are at:
Please include your name, email address, and school or professional
affiliation in each posting.
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