Dear Subscribers:
Please read this message! Your subscription to this list is affected.
Please save yourself some later confusion by reading through.
As you may have heard H-Net is in the process of moving to our H-Net
Commons, which is the new platform for H-Net Networks. You should have
received a previous e-mail explaining what the H-Net Commons is and why
we are transitioning. If you would like more information about the
H-Net Commons go to:
We will be migrating this network to the new site sometime on or after
five days from the posting of this notice. The actual date depends on
the readiness of the new site and its editors.
If you do nothing, you will continue to receive discussion posts via
email from the new site, but you will not be able to post to the network
or manage your settings unless you confirm your new H-Net account.
YOUR ACCOUNT: If you remain subscribed to this listserv, your subscribed
address will be automatically transferred to a new, free account at the
H-Net Commons and subscribed to this network at that location. The
migration script will not transfer your subscription settings; this
means that if your subscription is set to NOMAIL, it will be set to
DIGEST at the new location and mail will resume.
WATCH FOR MAIL: When the list moves, a system e-mail directed to your
subscribed address will explain how to log in to the new H-Net Commons
and how to access the network. THAT MESSAGE WILL CONTAIN A TEMPORARY
PASSWORD that you can use to log in, set a permanent password, and
provide additional information in your profile if you want to. Once this
transition has occurred the listserv address will reject mail. The
list’s archives will remain accessible for search purposes.
Your new account will be set to send you new discussion posts via email.
You can adjust these settings once you have logged in to your account.
If you do not want to remain subscribed to this network or you want to
join the network at its new home with a different email address, please
unsubscribe from the listserv within the next few days. You can visit
our subscription center at
to accomplish this. After the list's subscribers have been moved, any
new subscribers can join by creating an account and requesting a
subscription at the site.
For information about using the Commons, visit our Help Desk
We are very excited about this transition and look forward to seeing you
on the H-Net Commons!
Best wishes,
Dr. Peter Knupfer
Executive Director
H-Net: Humanities & Social Sciences Online
Department of History
Old Horticulture
506 E. Circle Dr Room 141H
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824-1046
FAX: +517 353 5229
Voice: +517 432 5134 (main office)
+517 896 6712 (mobile)
Edtech Archives, posting guidelines and other information are at:
Please include your name, email address, and school or professional
affiliation in each posting.
To unsubscribe send the following command to: