Listserver: CWIS-L@WUVMD, value to subcribers, how to subscribe
Where we are now
Software/hardware used
List of services -- CWIS-L list for ftp
Eploring with eeb, gopher (libtel)
Some systems public, some not
Who runs it?
How is it paid for?
What they encompass
Promotional/expository information, prerecorded information
(books, pamphlets, lists, directories)
Archival/filing cabinet
Public information
Some include e-mail/forums/discussion groups/digests/counseling/
access to resources (like mainframes, to logon)
News feeds
Logon id vs. none
Mainframe/micro services
Driving force to get it started
Information policies addressing legal liabilities/censorship
Advisory groups
Getting info out
What's in there?
Where is the info I want?
Getting info in
What is suited (difficulty, value, legalities, scope --
include town info?)
Multiple sources for same data (academic calendar, Univ.
Changes after printed publication
No source for data (sports scores, meeting rooms on campus)
Presentation -- splitting data from one source into
different parts of the database
Terminal emulation
Different ways of moving around depending on sofware and
What's available in other CWISs? How do you know what's
there and how to get to it?
Licenses restrticting access to specific data to the licensing campus
Usage statistics
Quick answers to simple questions
Can be more up-to-date than printed info
Expand availability (doesn't reduce printing cost but expands audience)
Does it work?
Where are we going?
Need interconnection (CWISP)
Public information networks
Who should develop and maintain information systems?
How will public systems be paid for?
Roles for librarians
>Terminal emulation
>Different ways of moving around depending on sofware and
I'd touch here on client-server systems that are in place now,
such as gopher and WWW, at the very least because they manage to
deal with the terminal emulation problem (though you end up with
a complementary problem of supporting relatively specialized software).
Because it's expected that CWIS type information should be easily
available on-line, and that schools that don't have such a system
running are making their students work too hard.
>Where are we going?
>Need interconnection (CWISP)
Has anything come of CWISP? The functioning interconnection that I
have seen has been with protocols much simpler than Z39.50 (gopher
and WWW both use nothing more complicated than "finger", though they
can interface with more complicate systems via gateway systems).
Looks like a very good outline and a good paper, hope to see it when
it comes out.
Regards, Wally Knapp
| Wallace C Knapp CSP Dir Computer Services | BITNET AA10000@CATCC |
| Catonsville Community College | Telephone 301-455-4460 |
| 800 S Rolling Road | -4461 |
| Baltimore Md 21228 | Bldg H Room 239 A |
quite different but all have a need for a CWIS-type facility.