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Just for fun

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Jeff Miles

May 1, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/1/99
>>1. Name given at birth:

Jeffrey David Miles

>>2. Nicknames:

Blondie through highschool.

>>3. Favorite Word:


>>4. Hometown:

Pocotello ID, though raised in both Sun Valley ID and Yakima

>>5. Current Residence:

Yakima, WA

>>6. Croutons or Bacon Bits:

Bacon Bits

>>7. Favorite Salad Dressing:

Garlic and cheese Italian mixture.

>>8. Shampoo or Conditioner:


>>9. Have you ever gone skinny dipping?

Yes, but it's been a few years.

>>10. Do you make fun of people:

Only when they seem to want it or be begging for it.

>>11. Favorite color:

Hunter green and Mauve(sp)

>>12. Have you ever been convicted of a crime:

Only a few small ones.

>>13. One pillow or two, cotton or feather:

Five, plus one that's the full length of the bed. Mixture of both.

>>14. Pets:

Two cats. Big Cat and Little Kitty

>>15. Favorite type of music:

Most anything on NPR. Though I only now own Enya, Loreena
McKennitt, Clannad and Basia.

>>6. Hobbies:

Most anything graphicaly oriented.

>>17. Favorite Toothpaste:


>>18. Favorite Food:

Chineese food, Thai (mainly Red Curry chicken over steamed rice)

>>19. Do you get along with your parents:

On all outward appearences.

>>20. Favorite town to chill in:

Canon Beach, OR

>>21. Favorite Ice Cream:

Coffee, or Peppermint Candy

>>22. Favorite Drink (non Alcoholic):


>>23. Adidas, Nike or Reebok:

None of the above.

>>24. Favorite Perfume/Cologne:

Lou Lou, for women, but they don't seem to sell it in the states
anymore. Aspen or Halston for men.

>>25. Favorite Website:

<> The movie stock game site. Woo hoo, I just
topped 13 million.

>>26. Favorite Subject in School:


>>27. Least Favorite Subject:


>>28. Favorite Alcoholic Drink:

Long Island Ice Tea

>>29. Favorite Sport to Watch:

Football, Golf (just so I can finely someday see a hole-in-one),
most any non-team like sports including things like surfing, white water

>>30. Humiliating Moment:

To many to think of to pick just one.

>>31.Craziest idea or silliest:

Actually competing in the Ecochallenge.

>>32. Say one nice thing about the person who sent this to you:

After a few years of reading Sasha's posts, her writing always seem
to make me think of a girl I lived with for a few years in Boise ID. This
girl was the closest thing to a modern day hippie I've met.

>>33. Person you sent this to that is least likely to respond:

Rob, you know who you are!

Jeff M

Sasha Stone

May 1, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/1/99
Against my better judgement, I'm posting this here just some weekend fun
for you all. But if it's too confrontational, we'll pretend it never

>Okay, here's what you're supposed to do. Copy this e-mail and change all
>the answers so they apply to you.. then send it to everyone you know,
>INCLUDING the person who sent you this. So you should get back a lot of
>get-to-know-you E-mails,too. You'll learn a lot about your friends that
>you maybe didn't know! Please take 5 minutes out of your day to do this.
>1. Name given at birth: Sascha Marie Stone
>2. Nicknames: Don't have many. Oh, my mentally ill father refers to me as
>"A Happy Sash". He used to say it like a kind of mantra when he'd come to
>visit us babies (his three daughters, each of whom he abandoned directly
>after their birth, to make his dreams come true as a Jazz Musician in New
>York, only to come back, tail between the legs, headed for the nut house).
>He still says it occasionally. It was always odd during those
>particularly awful times in my life, like when I was really depressed. It
>was always like those times where you wish you had an audience so you
>could flash them an aside.)
>3. Favorite Word: Debacle.
>4. Hometown: I was born in Los Angeles. Hometown I consider Ojai. We
>moved around a lot.
>5. Current Residence: The Valley in Los Angeles (ack).
>6. Croutons or Bacon Bits: Niether.
>7. Favorite Salad Dressing: Balsamic Vinegar and Olive Oil (only the best,
>though, otherwise, skip the salad).
>8. Shampoo or Conditioner: Both...
>9. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? Many, many a teen.
>Can't remember the last time, though.
>10. Do you make fun of people: Unfortunately, yes. Anything for a laugh.
>I try to make fun of myself first, though.
>11. Favorite color: Prussian Blue (in painting, I know, how pretentious of
>me), in life, the color of my daughter's hair, skin and eyes - mocha, in
>photography - late afternoon lighting, in nature, the colors of the Grand
>12. Have you ever been convicted of a crime: No.
>13. One pillow or two, cotton or feather: Yikes, five. One feather and
>the rest not.
>14. Pets: A cat Nicholas, who currently resides at my mother's house.
>He's totally untame and off-putting to most people, except my daughter who
>adores him, even though he scratches her and makes her cry.
>15. Favorite type of music: I like all types except what we call AM radio
>- Whitney Huston, Celine Dion, blech. My favorite type is, well, I don't
>have a favorite type, here is what I play often: Laurie Anderson, Brian
>Eno, Bob Dylan, Van Morrison, Peter Himmelman, The Wallflowers, Nadjia
>Salerno Sonnenberg, PJ Harvey, Tori Amos, Aimee Mann, Portishead, Peter
>6. Hobbies: Barely have time for hobbies but they include painting,
>collecting a "Millennium Scapbook" for my daughter, taking pictures of my
>daughter, learning Italian for my daughter's sake, gardening so we can
>have organic tomatoes for winter, collecting antique pottery and first
>edition books, serious cooking and baking lately. I'm becoming Martha
>17. Favorite Toothpaste: Trader Joe's natural toothpaste but I use Crest
>18. Favorite Food: Anything that's "Italian" - pasta, polenta, crostini,
>oh, I could tell you stories!
>19. Do you get along with your parents: Um...I try.
>20. Favorite town to chill in: Ah, Florence.
>21. Favorite Ice Cream: Pumpkin
>22. Favorite Drink (non Alcoholic): Coffee.
>23. Adidas, Nike or Reebok: Nike
>24. Favorite Perfume/Cologne: Farenheit for men, Chanel #5 for women,
>actually, I used some that Sonia Rikel (sp?) put out years ago but I've
>lost it and they don't make it anymore but oh, I loved it.
>25. Favorite Website: Ebay!
>26. Favorite Subject in School: Anthropology
>27. Least Favorite Subject: Theater history.
>28. Favorite Alcoholic Drink: Martini. Vodka. Olive.
>29. Favorite Sport to Watch: Basketball when Michael Jordan played,
>baseball otherwise.
>30. Humiliating Moment: Getting my period on a boat with my stepfather
>and his friend and having him come up to me afterward and say, The
>bathroom's over there, honey. I was 14 or something. Oh, the humanity!
>But humiliating moments have been many in my life. They are almost a
>daily occurance for me.
>31.Craziest idea or silliest: Making a million dollars.

>32. Say one nice thing about the person who sent this to you:

Kristen is a lovely, hilarious girl who is just plain crazy sometimes.
She's a rule-breaker, a heart-breaker, dream-maker. She has a passion for
life and will not be bossed around. She's very independent and seems to
like it that way. She has great knockers.

>33. Person you sent this to that is least likely to respond: I won't send
>it to those who won't respond.


Devin Rambo

May 2, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/2/99
>Okay, here's what you're supposed to do. Copy this e-mail and change all
>the answers so they apply to you.. then send it to everyone you know,
>INCLUDING the person who sent you this. So you should get back a lot of
>get-to-know-you E-mails,too. You'll learn a lot about your friends that
>you maybe didn't know! Please take 5 minutes out of your day to do this.

> 1. Name given at birth: Devin Lee Rambo
> >
> 2. Nicknames: Some people shorten my name to just "Dev," but a select few can
> get away with smashing my first and last name together into "Dev-bo," which
> is just a bit cutesy, but that's all right. ;)
> >
> 3. Favorite Word: Hard to choose from among many, but one word that I really
> like the feel of saying is "mellifluous."
> >
> 4. Hometown: Born in Yuba City, CA. But I consider home to be that stretch of
> California's central coast between Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo.
> >
> 5. Current Residence: Boston, MA
> >
> 6. Croutons or Bacon Bits: Both.
> >
> 7. Favorite Salad Dressing: Probably a tie between French and Raspberry
> Vinagrette [sic?], with Thousand Island right behind.
> >
> 8. Shampoo or Conditioner: Dandruff shampoo with conditioner in it.
> >
> 9. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? Yes.
> >
> 10. Do you make fun of people: Yes, but gently. I've never thought that
> going for the jugular at someone else's expense was funny.
> >
> 11. Favorite color: It used to be blue, but I think sea green probably is
> right now.

> >
> 12. Have you ever been convicted of a crime: No.
> >

> 13. One pillow or two, cotton or feather: Three. A big body pillow for head
> support, with two normal pillows on top of it.
> >
> 14. Pets: None right now, but I'm moving in with my girlfriend this summer,
> and I'll be stepdad to her little birdy.
> >
> 15. Favorite type of music: Jazz and pop/rock. Favorite pop bands include
> Crowded House, Aztec Camera, R.E.M., Suddenly Tammy and Jonatha Brooke (late
> of The Story). Favorite jazz musicians include Miles, Duke, '
> know, all the ones who every jazz fan appreciates.
> >
> 16. Hobbies: Web page design, reading.
> >
> 17. Favorite Toothpaste: Probably AquaFresh, although the current resident
> of my med cabinet is a tube of Colgate.
> >
> 18. Favorite Food: Pollo asado burritos from Tio Alberto's in San Luis
> Obispo.
> >
> 19. Do you get along with your parents: Yes.
> >
> 20. Favorite town to chill in: Santa Barbara.
> >
> 21. Favorite Ice Cream: Anything really chocolately.
> >
> 22. Favorite Drink (non Alcoholic): Dr. Pepper
> >
> 23. Adidas, Nike or Reebok: Reebok.
> >
> 24. Favorite Perfume/Cologne: For myself, Polo or Drakar, although I really
> don't wear cologne often. On women, I like fragrances that are not too sharp
> on the nose. Sweeter- smelling, but austere, I suppose.
> >
> 25. Favorite Website: Don't really have a favorite, but I am at Yahoo, ESPN
> (during baseball season) and CNN quite a bit.
> >
> 26. Favorite Subject in School: In high school, journalism. In college,
> English, although I had a class in historical archaeology last semester that
> rocked my world.
> >
> 27. Least Favorite Subject: Math. Blech.
> >
> 28. Favorite Alcoholic Drink: Newcastle Brown Ale.
> >
> 29. Favorite Sport to Watch: Baseball, hands down. My less appreciative
> friends think I'm crazy for saying this, but it is the sport that comes
> closer than any other to being an art form. And that includes stuff like
> gymnastics and synchronized swimming.
> >
> 30. Humiliating Moment: Going to a job interview as a network administrator
> candidate and realizing halfway through the interview that I was in no way
> yet qualified to do the job anywhere.
> >
> 31.Craziest idea or silliest: Moving all the way to Boston because I had
> nothing better to do.
> >
> 32. Say one nice thing about the person who sent this to you: Sasha has a
> great imagination, a lot of wit, and a big heart.
> 33. Person you sent this to that is least likely to respond: My friend
> Malini. I think this is the month that she spends completely stressing out
> about putting together a school science fair with 400 participants who are
> under the age of 12.

A. P. Marki

May 3, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/3/99
Okay, here's what you're supposed to do. Copy this e-mail and change all
the answers so they apply to you... then send it to everyone you know,

INCLUDING the person who sent you this. So you should get back a lot of
get-to-know-you E-mails,too. You'll learn a lot about your friends that
you maybe didn't know! Please take 5 minutes out of your day to do this.

1. Name given at birth: Andrew Paul Marki

2. Nicknames: Andy. "Yo Mahki!" People don't generally refer to me!

3. Favorite Word: I never play favorites. Rewriting is hard enough without
having to edit out favorite words.

4. Hometown: Holmdel, NJ. Homey, huh?

5. Current Residence: For another few weeks, Binghamton, NY. Then I'm
free, free!

5b. Favorite Residence To Date: On the Navesink River and near the ocean
in Fair Haven, NJ.

6. Croutons or Bacon Bits: Croutons, from homemade French bread.

7. Favorite Salad Dressing: Tayfun's vinaigrette. Tay (like tie), a Turk
with a bushy moustache, taught me the zen of cooking. Well, was it zen or
maybe it was just the weed.

8. Shampoo or Conditioner: Is this a trick question? Suave. What I
haven't figured out: does it matter if I get the same "flavor" shampoo and
conditioner? Right now I'm using "aloe vera/honeysuckle fresh botanical
with thyme and jojoba."

9. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? Never. Went to the nude beach at
Sandy Hook, NJ.

10. Do you make fun of people: No longer. People are pretty funny,
though. :)

11. Favorite color: "Red. No -- blue! <boing>" (OCC).

12. Have you ever been convicted of a crime: The other day I was once
again accused of criminally neglecting my talents.

13. One pillow or two, cotton or feather: Two. One is the textured support
foam that has become so popular. However, after seeing the sleep expert on
Oprah, in my next home I am going to invest in a nice feather pillow.

14. Pets: none right now. One day (in my next home?) I would like to get
a pug. Even my cynical sister just got a three year old pug. (Gertrude,
"Gertie." What other dog can you call Gertrude?) Pugs are, as they say,
multum in parvo, which means either a lot of dog in a small package, or
more than you bargained for. They are rugged, loyal, sensitive,
unflappable, and have a great sense of humor. Yes, all qualities I'm
trying to nurture in myself. Did I mention pugs are cute? As the most
simpatico of pets, they have a certain way with women. I could learn a
thing or two. Is it the face or the curly tail?

15. Favorite type of music: The CDs I listen to these days as I fall
asleep are PJ Harvey, Glenn Gould, Tori Amos and Alanis Morissette.
Besides his universally acclaimed Bach, I am probably one of the few who
also listen to Gould's bizarre Mozart. Although Tori and Alanis are
touring together this August (including Holmdel, NJ [see question 4] and LA
[see 20]), many fans are devoted to one and despise the other. <shrug>
When I sit down at the piano, I am confined by talent and ambition to
struggling through the core drawing room canon, Bach, Mozart, Beethoven,
Brahms, Chopin. I also enjoy Debussy and Hindemith.

16. Hobbies: I bake breads and desserts, homebrew beer, work on my cars,
run eight miles a day and keep a windowbox herb garden. These are actually
chores, but maybe they rise to the level of hobbies. I also write computer
programs, fiction and (as of May 1) a screenplay. Since I'm
un(der)-employed, these vocations do descend to the mere hobbyhorsical.
Oh, and I read books. Maybe when I get my phd someone will pay me to do

17. Favorite Toothpaste: Tom's of Maine, but I use Colgate Tartar Control
with Baking Soda and Peroxide because it's the right thing to do (according
to Consumer Reports).

18. Favorite Food: Hmm. It all tastes so good! I will say that several
weeks after discovering my favorite breakfast cereal, and at a great price,
Wegman's Food You Feel Good About Golden Goodness, an organic multigrain
flake "lightly sweetened with fruit juice," it was pulled from the shelves.
Subtle, complex, rich in multigrain overtones, it was everything I wanted
in a flake. Sigh. My only solace is that they don't have Wegman's where
I'm going anyway.

19. Do you get along with your parents: I've developed a fine post-oedipal
relation with my remaining parent. (It doesn't even bother me that it took
my mother six months to get online with her iMac. Or that she bought a
parallel-interface hp printer instead of a USB Epson without asking my
advice. Or...) I'm still working through some stuff with my deceased

20. Favorite town to chill in: LA. Haven't had a chance to actually chill
there yet, though. The title sequence for the disappointing new sitcom
"It's Like, You Know..." shows a driver's eye view of LA. That's the
truest image of the whole show. It struck me the way a picture of a famous
landmark makes one nostalgic for a city, like the Dom in Cologne, or the
Tour d'Eiffel, Brandenburger Tor, Big Ben, St Peter's, Piazza San Marco.
I'd even add: the World Trade Center towering across the water.

21. Favorite Ice Cream: Rum Raisin. (homemade of course, extra rum)

21b. Favorite Ice Cream (non Alcoholic): Coffee.

22. Favorite Drink (non Alcoholic): Coffee.

23. Adidas, Nike or Reebok: Nike Air Pegasus for running. Reebok for tennis.

24. Favorite Perfume/Cologne: Alas, none. Nobody cares what I smell like.
At least I haven't offended any strangers.

25. Favorite Website: I just downloaded MacOS 8.5.1. I'd love
to have one of them mouthwatering fruit flavored iMacs. And I enjoy wading
through all those tech notes. Also "A Dent in the Tori Amos Net Universe"
<> and "A Patti Smith
Babelogue" <>.

26. Favorite Subject in School: Third Grade Art Class with Phyllis Hemphill.

27. Least Favorite Subject: Anything after grade school.

28. Favorite Alcoholic Drink: Quality beer (euro lagers, rich brown ales,
hearty stouts, wheat beers, unusual spiced recipes [coriander!]). But I
also love a dry white wine, or a good fruity Burgundy. Or quality vodka
straight, good cognac, ouzo, or slivovitz (in honor of the "crisis over
Kosovo"; I'll drink to any side that brings peace and civil tranquillity).
These are just my favorites. Did I mention Tequila?

29. Favorite Sport to Watch: tennis or Yankee baseball.

29b. Favorite Sport Watch: Seiko.

30. Humiliating Moment: My first grade teacher yelled at me for not paying
attention during a math lesson. You know, the kind where you have three
apples and are given two oranges. I was reading a book in the carpeted
reading corner, and I'd swear to this day she'd told me to keep on reading.
When I went up to her later with a question about the math workbook, she
chewed me out. I slunk away to the little toilet and heard her sneer after
me: Oh you're just going in there to cry! It wasn't the first time I
wished I were dead, but it's the first time I remember thinking clearly
that one day I'd do something about it. I sat on the tile floor and stared
at my face distorted in the chrome doorknob.

31. Craziest idea or silliest: That I might be the one. Not in the sense
Keanu Reeves means in THE MATRIX. Just the one for her.

32. Say one nice thing about the person who sent this to you:

>Kristen is a lovely, hilarious girl who is just plain crazy sometimes.
>She's a rule-breaker, a heart-breaker, dream-maker. She has a passion for
>life and will not be bossed around. She's very independent and seems to
>like it that way. She has great knockers.

Every word of this also applies to Sasha. Especially the great knockers,
even now that Emma has had her way with them. But I wouldn't want to
instigate -- or aggravate -- any cine-l rivalries.

Sasha is the best person I know.

She also has more talent in her little finger etc... Talk about criminal

33. Person you sent this to that is least likely to respond: Everyone who
can't think of even one nice thing to say about me in reply to question 32,
and prefer therefore to say nothing at all.

Dave Edsall - The Tauminator

May 3, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/3/99
>>1. Name given at birth: David Michael Edsall
>>2. Nicknames: Dave, Bahr
>>3. Favorite Word: Pretentious :+D
>>4. Hometown: Born in Alton,IL. Raised in College Park, MD
>>5. Current Residence: Ames, IA
>>6. Croutons or Bacon Bits: Bowf (as Deion Sanders would pronounce it)
>>7. Favorite Salad Dressing: Ranch
>>8. Shampoo or Conditioner: Bowf
>>9. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? Nope
>>10. Do you make fun of people: Yes. Over-testosterinated small-dick men and
the soroity wenches who love them
>>11. Favorite color: Royal Blue and sunset red
>>12. Have you ever been convicted of a crime: Not yet...gimme time
>>13. One pillow or two, cotton or feather: Five, including a body
pillow. Must have a mountain to sleep on
>>14. Not yet. Possibly a beagle named Bagel soon
>>15. Favorite type of music: Don't have a single favourite. I like

Irish and Scottish folk music
new wave

>>16. Hobbies: reading, cinema, history of the early middle ages, blues
harmonica, cooking, computers
>>17. Favorite Toothpaste: Metadent
>>18. Favorite Food: Anything with pasta, especially Italian
>>19. Do you get along with your parents: When they act like adults
>>20. Favorite town to chill in: London, Amsterdam, Paris, Boston
>>21. Favorite Ice Cream: Cookies and Cream with root beer
>>22. Favorite Drink (non Alcoholic): skim milk
>>23. Adidas, Nike or Reebok: Reebok (cool union jack)
>>24. Favorite Perfume/Cologne: Venezia for women, Drakkar for myself
>>25. Favorite Website: too many to count
>>26. Favorite Subject in School: Quantum field theory
>>27. Least Favorite Subject: ENglish compositon and economics
>>28. Favorite Alcoholic Drink: Chateau-neuf-de-Pape
>>29. Favorite Sport to Watch: Football (American)
>>30. Humiliating Moment: peeing in my sleep on my best friend's carpet when
I was 11
>>31.Craziest idea or silliest: Opening an Irish pub

>>32. Say one nice thing about the person who sent this to you:

Sasha is intelligent, sensitive, fun, open-minded, accepting and gorgeous with
some of the best bedroom eyes I've ever seen (if the picture on your web page
is you).
>>33. Person you sent this to that is least likely to respond: I probably will
only send it to people who do respond.


Ed Owens

May 3, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/3/99
1. Name given at birth: Edward Jackson Owens

2. Nicknames: Ed, "Doc"

3. Favorite Word:

4. Hometown: Born in Marietta, A; moved around as military brat

5. Current Residence: North Augusta, SC

6. Croutons or Bacon Bits: Croutons

7. Favorite Salad Dressing: None (traditionally skip the salad)

8. Shampoo or Conditioner: Both

9. Have you ever gone skinny-diping: Yes...

10. Do you make fun of people: Yes.

11. Favorite Color: Blue

12. Have you ever been convicted of a crime: Yes.

13. One pillow or two, cotton or feather: One, feather

14. Pets: Two dogs--a golden retriever named Bronte and a Basengi named
Chaucer (my wife and I were both English majors...can you tell?)

15. Favorite type of music: Blues and Punk/Alternative...but I listen to
everything from Classical to Heavy Metal. Types I don't listen to--Country,
Rap, Easy Listening

16. Hobbies: Reading, watching movies, writing, Soccer (the real football)

17. Favorite Toothpaste: Don't really care

18. Favorite Food: Thai

19. Do you get along with your parents: Yes.

20. Favorite town to chill in: New York

21. Favorite Ice Cream: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

22. Favorite Drink (non Alcoholic): Dr. Pepper

23. Adidas, Nike, or Reebok: Reebok

24. Favorite Perfume/Cologne: None

25. Favorite Website: DVDFile

26. Favorite Subject in School: Particle Dynamics (just kidding...Film
History; Foucault)

27. Least Favorite Subject: Particle Dynamics (not kidding)

28. Favorite Alcoholic Drink: A good wine

29. Favorite Sport to Watch: The World Cup (soccer)

30. Humiliating Moment: Forgot my wallet on an expensive first date (found
out in the restaurant after assuring my date she wouldn't need money); had to
call my mom and have her bring my wallet to the restaurant

31. Craziest Idea or Silliest: Thinking anybody I know would like Hudson
Hawk as much as I do

32. Say one nice thing about the person who sent this to you: Sasha is

always well-spoken and thorough

33. Person you sent this to who is least likely to respond: Can't think of
any who wouldn't



May 3, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/3/99
> 1. Name given at birth: Peter James Clinch.
> 6. Croutons or Bacon Bits: Have to be croutons, since I'm a

There are bacon bits made from Soy but maybe you can't get them
in the UK.

Mark Ashley

May 3, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/3/99
OK, why not (see below)...

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Discussions on all forms of Cinema
> [mailto:CINE...@AMERICAN.EDU]On Behalf Of Sasha Stone
> --Forwarded

> >Okay, here's what you're supposed to do. Copy this e-mail and change all

> >the answers so they apply to you.. then send it to everyone you know,

> >INCLUDING the person who sent you this. So you should get back a lot of
> >get-to-know-you E-mails,too. You'll learn a lot about your friends that
> >you maybe didn't know! Please take 5 minutes out of your day to do this.
> >

> >1. Name given at birth: David Mark Ashley

> >2. Nicknames: None that I know of.

> >3. Favorite Word: Spielbergian and Hitchcockesque

> >4. Hometown: Whitchurch, Shropshire (UK)

> >5. Current Residence: Clevedon, North Somerset (UK)

> >6. Croutons or Bacon Bits: What?

> >7. Favorite Salad Dressing: Salad? Oh, green stuff... don't really know.

> >8. Shampoo or Conditioner: Shampoo & Conditioner ("Take two bottles into
the shower?...")

> >9. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? Nope

> >10. Do you make fun of people: Yes, but only close friends...

> >11. Favorite color: In painting - vermilion, to wear - black.

> >12. Have you ever been convicted of a crime: No.

> >13. One pillow or two, cotton or feather: 4, two feather.

> >14. Pets: None

> >15. Favorite type of music: Anything eclectic. William Orbit and Ottmar
Liebert, Tori Amos and The Cardigans, Laurie Anderson and Peter Gabriel,
Dave Grusin and The James Taylor Quartet, June Tabor and The Cranberries,
Barry Adamson and Bush, Leonard Cohen and Nick Cave, The Levellers and ELP,
Mother Earth and Jill Sobule, Morphine and Dead Can Dance, Alice in Chains
and Echobelly.

> >6. Hobbies: Anything and everything to do with art, music and writing.

> >17. Favorite Toothpaste: Sensodyne

> >18. Favorite Food: Chocolate and pasta (but not together - it doesn't

> >19. Do you get along with your parents: Yes

> >20. Favorite town to chill in: Not really a town - The Ring of Brodgar on

> >21. Favorite Ice Cream: Coffee

> >22. Favorite Drink (non Alcoholic): Espresso, or tomato juice.

> >23. Adidas, Nike or Reebok: Is this some kind of sport thing?

> >24. Favorite Perfume/Cologne: Patchouli oil

> >25. Favorite Website:

> >26. Favorite Subject in School: Biology, Art, Drama

> >27. Least Favorite Subject: French

> >28. Favorite Alcoholic Drink: Newcastle (Brown Ale), Highland Park

> >29. Favorite Sport to Watch: None

> >30. Humiliating Moment: At a place I used to work, comparing a senior
manager to Adolph Hitler while he was standing behind me - I think my
comment was "what he could possibly give a lecture about - invading Poland?"

> >31.Craziest idea or silliest: Contemplating doing an open mike session at
a comedy club.

> >32. Say one nice thing about the person who sent this to you: That would
be Sasha I guess... I find her ability to write dialogue infuriatingly
brilliant. There's more but it only says say "one" nice thing, so...

> >33. Person you sent this to that is least likely to respond: ???????

Mark Ashley


May 3, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/3/99
Wasn't going to answer this but, since everyone else seems to be
doing it, I felt I should contribute (for what that's worth).

> > >1. Name given at birth: Barbara Ann Foosaner
> > >2. Nicknames: None
> > >3. Favorite Word: Thank the Universe (and I know it's three
words) :-)
> > >4. Hometown: Miami, Florida, USA
> > >5. Current Residence: Hollywood, Florida (but don't get the
wrong idea...there have been a lot of places in-between
> > >6. Croutons or Bacon Bits: Bacon Bits (the soy type)
> > >7. Favorite Salad Dressing: Salad? Regal Salad
> > >8. Shampoo or Conditioner: Pure Olive Oil Soap
> > >9. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? an ocean, a
lake, a river and a swimming pool
> > >10. Do you make fun of people: Only when I 'm willing to
make fun of myself
> > >11. Favorite color: Raspberry

> > >12. Have you ever been convicted of a crime:
> > >13. One pillow or two, cotton or feather: one thin (used to
be two)...filling doesn't matter
> > >14. Pets: Men
> > >15. Favorite type of music: Rock 'n Roll from the 60's,
70's and early 80's
> > >6. Hobbies: Travel, movies, travel, bridge, travel,
> > >17. Favorite Toothpaste: None
> > >18. Favorite Food: Chinese
> > >19. Do you get along with your parents: Beyond imagination
> > >20. Favorite town to chill in: Whatever town I happen to be
> > >21. Favorite Ice Cream: Edy's French Silk
> > >22. Favorite Drink (non Alcoholic): Virgin Pina Colada
> > >23. Adidas, Nike or Reebok: Okabashi
> > >24. Favorite Perfume/Cologne: Anais-Anais (but I rarely
wear it)
> > >25. Favorite Website: None
> > >26. Favorite Subject in School: Drama
> > >27. Least Favorite Subject: Geometry
> > >28. Favorite Alcoholic Drink: Pina Colada
> > >29. Favorite Sport to Watch: Football
> > >30. Humiliating Moment: If I told, then I'd have to search
you each down and kill you.
> > >31.Craziest idea or silliest: Jumping off the top (5th)
deck of a cruise ship which was docked in a Caribbean port

> > >32. Say one nice thing about the person who sent this to

you: She writes well

> > >33. Person you sent this to that is least likely to

respond: I'm not sending it to anyone but this list since I
don't believe in chain letters or mass mailings.


Sasha Stone

May 3, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/3/99
Might I also sugges that we make the
"nice thing about someone" about Cine-l.

(Example: "Cine-l is always there for me when I'm feeling low.")

(But thanks for the kind things you all said about me!)


On Mon, 3 May 1999 10:20:32 Peter Clinch wrote:
>On Sat, 1 May 1999, Sasha Stone wrote:
>> Against my better judgement, I'm posting this here just some weekend fun
>> for you all. But if it's too confrontational, we'll pretend it never
>> happened.

>> --Forwarded
>> >Okay, here's what you're supposed to do. Copy this e-mail and change all
>> >the answers so they apply to you.. then send it to everyone you know,
>> >INCLUDING the person who sent you this.

>As a pseudo responsible IT officer, I'll request everyone just keeps this
>as a single reply to the list: otherwise we're in chain-letter territory,
>which (a) clogs things up and (b) can get people into trouble (you're in
>deep doo-doo sending them from student accounts at many Unis, for
>1. Name given at birth: Peter James Clinch.
>2. Nicknames: various... Biz, Bizniss, MOGPete, Young Turk.
>3: there doesn't appear to be a #3...
>4. Hometown: born Bexley, SE London, England.
>5. Current Residence: Dundee, E. Central Scotland.

>6. Croutons or Bacon Bits: Have to be croutons, since I'm a veggie.

>7. Favorite Salad Dressing: just extra virgin olive oil.
>8. Shampoo or Conditioner: neither ("folically challenged").
>9. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? Yup, still do.
>10. Do you make fun of people: Yes, especially myself.
>11. Favorite color: varies widely according to context, but "bright",
>12. Have you ever been convicted of a crime: traffic offences.
>13. One pillow or two, cotton or feather: 2 for the head, one under my
>knees, don't care what they're made of.
>14. Pets: none, though part-feed one of the local cats from time to time,
>who is called Zanzibar while visiting my house.
>15. Favorite type of music: varies widely according to context. However,
>have an intense *dislike* of "power balads", such as Michael Bolton stuff.
>16. Hobbies: mountaineering, caving, cycling, wasting time listening to
>17. Favorite Toothpaste: Colgate.
>18. Favorite Food: Russet apples and good plain chocolate (French or
>Belgian), but not together.
>19. Do you get along with your parents: very well.
>20. Favorite town to chill in: if I want to chill, I do it in mountains,
>not towns.
>21. Favorite Ice Cream: vanilla.
>22. Favorite Drink (non Alcoholic): Coffee (espresso) or orange juice.
>23. Adidas, Nike or Reebok: Saucony, Teva or Scarpa, depending what
>I'm doing, or bare feet.
>24. Favorite Perfume/Cologne: can't stand them on myself, don't know
>enough about them to identify brands on others. Only like them when used
>in extreme moderation, like only smellable from inches away. Generally
>have zero time for cosmetics.
>25. Favorite Website: don't really have one...
>26. Favorite Subject in School: Geography.
>27. Least Favorite Subject: depended more on that year's teachers than
>the subject.
>28. Favorite Alcoholic Drink: Islay malt whisky, specifically Ardbeg,
>though also partial to a good tawny port and good bitter style beer.
>29. Favorite Sport to Watch: don't really bother. When I did, rugby.
>30. Humiliating Moment: getting stuck in a loop of rope abseiling into a
>student union in rag week armed with a plastic machine gun to "kidnap" the
>Union president and ransom him for charity. I was hanging 20 feet off
>the ground for about 15 minutes in front of about 500 people.
>31.Craziest idea or silliest: all of them, probably.
>32. Say one nice thing about the person who sent this to you: a warm,
>human presence (which is quite difficult by email!).
>33. Person you sent this to that is least likely to respond: see note at
>Peter Clinch University of Dundee
>Tel 44 1382 660111 ext. 33637 Medical Physics, Ninewells Hospital
>Fax 44 1382 640177 Dundee DD1 9SY Scotland UK

Visit for your FREE email account. The #1 Women's Network -- Real Solutions for Real Women.

May 3, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/3/99
This seems like fun. I'm going to de-lurk for a moment and join in.

1. Name given at birth: I'd write it down phonetically, but it wouldn't
doesn't look right in English.

2. Nicknames: Sava Mama, Savs-la-mavs

3. Favorite Word: Moist (I just get giddy when a commericial for brownies
comes on the television!)

4. Hometown: Born in Taipei, Taiwan. Military brat. I consisder
Sacramento my hometown. I was raised there for most of my young life and my
family still lives there.

5. Current Residence: Los Angeles, CA

6. Croutons or Bacon Bits: Neither

7. Favorite Salad Dressing: Extra-Virgin olive oil and fresh lemon juice.
Sometimes with some fresh garlic.

8. Shampoo or Conditioner: Both

9. Have you ever gone skinny-diping: Does my bathtub count?

10. Do you make fun of people: Only when I'm menstrual.

11. Favorite Color: Blue. Especially cobalt.

12. Have you ever been convicted of a crime: Just traffic related offenses.

13. One pillow or two, cotton or feather: Two. One long Bodymate pillow,
one feather.

14. Pets: I can barely take care of myself.

15. Favorite type of music: Traditional Jazz, big band, 70s rock, 80s new
wave, Classical, Opera, Blues and pre-60s country. It's hard to pick just

16. Hobbies: Writing, web surfing.

17. Favorite Toothpaste: Tom's of Maine peppermint and baking soda.

18. Favorite Food: Noodles. Ramen, soba, chow mein, udon, Italian pasta.
All noodles.

19. Do you get along with your parents: Yes. Didn't used to, though.

20. Favorite town to chill in: San Francisco and the area just north of

21. Favorite Ice Cream: Vanilla. But I usually prefer sorbet.

22. Favorite Drink (non Alcoholic): Diet Dr Pepper

23. Adidas, Nike, or Reebok: Nike. I have one pair that I got free. I
wear them once a year when I've renewed my gym membership and still harbor
the illusion that I'll finally start working out regularly.

24. Favorite Perfume/Cologne: I use essential oils. My favorites lately
are fruit oils; tangerine, peach and mango.

25. Favorite Website: The Internet Movie Database -

26. Favorite Subject in School: Film

27. Least Favorite Subject: Phys Ed.

28. Favorite Alcoholic Drink: Good first growth Bordeaux (which I really
can't afford). At a bar, I usually order a Belvedere and tonic.

29. Favorite Sport to Watch: Cheerleading championships (well they *are*
televised on ESPN)!

30. Humiliating Moment: I was wearing a skirt with buttons up the front and
stepped off the school bus. My friend behind me accidentally stepped on the
back of my skirt. All of the buttons popped off and I stepped out of the
skirt onto the sidewalk in front all of my classmates.

31. Craziest Idea or Silliest: The idea that I might have children one day.

32. Say one nice thing about the person who sent this to you: Sasha has a
keen sense of humor and seems to be a fun loving gal. All of the best
mothers should possess those qualities.

33. Person you sent this to who is least likely to respond: Mom. She still
prefers to write in longhand.

Now, back to Lurks-ville! Thanks for letting me play.


May 4, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/4/99
>>1. Name given at birth: Cheryl Lee Rosenbrock
>>2. Nicknames: None at this time in life. When I was a kid my brother
>to call me "Squirt" and I recently came across some old love letters from
>husband and he addressed them to me as "Little Bun" -----I swear, I never
>remember him calling me that! How funny.
>>3. Favorite Word: ridiculous
>>4. Hometown: Detroit
>>5. Current Residence: Idaho Falls, Idaho.
>>6. Croutons or Bacon Bits: A little of both
>>7. Favorite Salad Dressing: Ranch----restuarant quality, not bottled.
>>8. Shampoo or Conditioner: Both...Finesse
>>9. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? No
>>10. Do you make fun of people: No. (I do admit to teasing my husband,
>Dave, once in a while.)
>>11. Favorite color: desert colors
>>12. Have you ever been convicted of a crime: No.
>>13. One pillow or two, cotton or feather: Only one for my head when
>sleeping, but several others for support while reading in bed----one of my
>favorite things to do. Definitely feather.
>>14. Pets: Two cats and two Yorkshire terriors-----I adore them! Wouldn't
>want to live without my dogs.
>>15. Favorite type of music: Impossible to choose just one type. I enjoy
>quite a variety such as rock, alternative, Celtic, bossa nova. Don't care
>for rap or country. Some cd's I recently listened to: Billy Idol,
>Fleetwood Mac, Austin Powers soundtrack, Sade, NIN, Marilyn Manson, Rusted
>Root, Tom Petty, Pink Floyd, on and on. Soundtracks are a big favoite (I
>just bought the soundtrack from the movie "The Governess" and "Before the
>Rain" has a fabulous soundtrack.) My one concession to country music is
>Willie Nelson and I just bought the "Highwayman" country group cd because
>the title song haunts me.
>>16. Hobbies: Hmmm. Don't really have any "legitimate" hobbies. Watching
>movies is a passion. I love to read. (Avid Anne Rice "Vampire Chronicles"
>fan.) Occasionally get in the mood to cook. I would rather pull out my
>fingernails than do crafts. I enjoy camping in the Tetons.
>16A. What book are you currently reading: Kalimantaan, by C.S. Godshalk;
>Love in the Time of Cholera, by Gabriel Garcia Marquez; and Molecules of
>Emotion, by Candace B. Pert, Ph.D. ( I usually have at least three going at
>one time.)
>>17. Favorite Toothpaste: Baking soda-type tooth powder is my favorite,
>will use anything.
>>18. Favorite Food: Meat and potato girl (nostaligic for my Grandmother's
>Sunday dinners on the farm). But enjoy things in any kind of buttery or
>creamy sauce, too. I love going out for breakfast at midnight!
>>19. Do you get along with your parents: Very well. They are wonderful
>easy to get along with. The in-laws, too.
>>20. Favorite town to chill in: Jackson Hole, Wyoming, immediately comes
>mind. However, one of the nicest times I ever had was in Tuscon, Arizona;
>then there was Charleston, SC, for some nice memories. I must say that the
>most "chill-in" I ever did was on Hilton Head island for a week. Then, of
>course, there was many childhood summers in Boyne City, MI.

>>21. Favorite Ice Cream: Chocolate
>>22. Favorite Drink (non Alcoholic): Mocha Coffee
>>23. Adidas, Nike or Reebok: No preference
>>24. Favorite Perfume/Cologne: Beautiful by Este Lauder. Actually, I have
>no sense of smell so I just go by what others have told me----I always get
>noticed in a flattering way with "Beautiful"----so that is mostly what I
>>25. Favorite Website: Art Bell web site
>>26. Favorite Subject in School: None. If I went to school now, I suppose
>it would be History or literature. Would have loved to study the
>>27. Least Favorite Subject: Math
>>28. Favorite Alcoholic Drink: Frozen strawberry daquiri
>>29. Favorite Sport to Watch: Definitely sumo wrestling! I love it.
>>30. Humiliating Moment: Ah, so many choices. One time I was
>riding and completely lost control of the horse. He took me out into the
>middle of a pond and started thrashing his legs around wildly---trying to
>get me off. Then there was the time I was skiing . . . . .
>>31.Craziest idea or silliest: multi-mailing money-making farce. Wasted
>more money than I made.
>>32. Say one nice thing about the person who sent this to you: Sasha from
>my Cinema-L listserve group. I don't know her personally, but I have
>learned many interesting insights into movies and real life from her posts
>on the list. She is intelligent, witty, funny, outspoken, and devoted to
>her little daughter, Emma, whom she shares pictures of on her personal
>website. Sasha is someone I would love to know in person.
>Also, my son's ex-girlfriend sent this to me a few months ago and I never
>responded. Her name is Kelly and she is just a wonderful person---I could
>go on and on about her excellent qualities.
>>33. Person you sent this to that is least likely to respond: My father.

May 4, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/4/99
I spent a couple of days visiting a Buddhist monasatary in Taiwan the last
time I visited the country. They had some wonderful dishes to simulate the
flavors of duck, chicken and fish, all handmade from soy products. As my
mother's family is Chinese (with many Buddhists in the family), I grew up
with a lot of vegetarian versions of meat type dishes. I have not found them
to be lacking in flavor or texture.


In a message dated 5/4/99 1:56:21 AM, p.j.c...@DUNDEE.AC.UK writes:

>Haven't looked, but I've never been impressed by substitutes. I don't
>meat because I don't find it appetising any more. First rule of veg.
>cooking: don't try and substitute for something you haven't got, or you
>only draw attention to it.


May 4, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/4/99
> > There are bacon bits made from Soy but maybe you can't get
> > in the UK.
> Haven't looked, but I've never been impressed by substitutes.
I don't eat
> meat because I don't find it appetising any more. First rule
of veg.
> cooking: don't try and substitute for something you haven't
got, or you
> only draw attention to it.
> Pete.

Well, I do eat meat but I eat soy bacon bits because they taste
better than real bacon bits and I love the crunch in some of my
eaten-cold dishes. I also use tofu in many dishes and I've
never thought of it as a "substitute". I eat it because I like
it and because it's such great protein.



May 4, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/4/99
> > eaten-cold dishes. I also use tofu in many dishes and I've
> > never thought of it as a "substitute". I eat it because I
> > it and because it's such great protein.
> So you have IMHO the Correct Approach! Tofu is tofu. It
isn't second
> rate meat for when you can't get the real thing, because it
does all sorts
> of things meat can't (just as meat does all sorts of things
that Tofu
> can't).
> However, many people approach veg. cooking as taking a meat
dish and
> thinking, "what can I use instead of meat?". That's what I
see as a
> rather misguided approach that closes out a lot of
possibilities, and
> why I'd much sooner eat a black bean burger than a vegeburger
that claims
> to taste almost the same as meat.
> (remember ordering one in a diner in FL and being asked by the
New Boy on
> the waiting team if I wanted that rare or well done... though
when I ate
> meat I was a rare sort of person, this time out I went for
"well done"!)
> Pete.

That's funny. :-) I've never been asked that question when I
ordered a veggie burger but I'd answer in the same way if I were
(and I'm a medium-rare eater when it comes to meat). Btw, do
you use TVP (textured vegetable protein). I just heard about it
recently (haven't tried it yet) but hear it is very tasty.


Mariana Cirne

May 4, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/4/99

> > >>1. Name given at birth:
> >

> > Mariana Jordao Cirne
> >
> > >>2. Nicknames:
> >
> Marian
> >
> > >>3. Favorite Word:
> >
> > Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (just kidding - I'd say my
favorite > > word is Fetiche - french pronunciation)
> >
> > >>4. Hometown:
> Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
> >
> > >>5. Current Residence:
> Belo Horizonte, Brazil (dont like it here)

> > >>6. Croutons or Bacon Bits:
> >

> > Croutons
> >
> > >>7. Favorite Salad Dressing:
> >

> > mustard, lemon juice and olive oil
> >
> > >>8. Shampoo or Conditioner:
> >
> > Both, plus hair repair, split ends repair, hair mask and whatever I
can > > get my hands on

> >
> > >>9. Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
> >

> > In my tub.

> >
> > >>10. Do you make fun of people:
> >

> > As Monty Python so wisely put it (in the Oscar Wilde sketch):
There's only > > one thing worse than being witty, and that is NOT being
witty.(Too bad I'm not
> > witty at all)
> >
> > >>11. Favorite color:
> >
> > Dark blue

> >
> > >>12. Have you ever been convicted of a crime:
> >

> > Not really.

> >
> >
> > >>13. One pillow or two, cotton or feather:
> >

> > Two. Cotton.
> >
> > >>14. Pets:
> >
> > I have a daughter, and *she* has a pet, and it's *her*
responsibility. > >(it's a kind of mantra I am repeating to try and convince
myself of that). BTW, > > it's a blue Betta fish.

> >
> > >>15. Favorite type of music:

> If I weren't an atheist, I would say that Stevie Wonder is God.
> > >>6. Hobbies:
> >
> > Studying philosophy, collecting pictures of beautiful, helenic noses
> > (fetiche...)
> >
> > >>17. Favorite Toothpaste:
> >
> > The cheapest one.
> >
> > >>18. Favorite Food:
> >
> > Chocolate - cherry bombon

> >
> > >>19. Do you get along with your parents:
> >

> > Both dead. I do get along with my father quite well, but I'm still
> > straightening a few things out with mommy.

> >
> > >>20. Favorite town to chill in:
> >

> > Rio
> >
> > >>21. Favorite Ice Cream:
> >
> > Oreo or anything with loads of hot fudge on top

> >
> > >>22. Favorite Drink (non Alcoholic):
> >

> > Iced Tea

> >
> > >>23. Adidas, Nike or Reebok:
> >

> > Anything, as long as the feet don't smell.
> >
> > >>24. Favorite Perfume/Cologne:
> >
> L'eau D'Issey (for women) and shaving cream for men
> >
> > >>25. Favorite Website:
> Hutchville

> >
> > >>26. Favorite Subject in School:
> >

> Portuguese
> >
> > >>27. Least Favorite Subject:
> >
> > Chemistry
> >
> > >>28. Favorite Alcoholic Drink:
> >
> > Stolichnaya

> >
> > >>29. Favorite Sport to Watch:
> >

> > Tennis(big fan of Guga Kuerten's, of course). Men.
> >
> > >
> >
> > >>30. Humiliating Moment:
> >
> > Adolescence
> >
> > >>31.Craziest idea or silliest:
> >
> > Moving to Sao Paulo (hideous place) when I was 18, with a bunch of
friends > > (only lasted three months)

> >
> >
> > >>32. Say one nice thing about the person who sent this to you:
> >

> > Although I basically lurk here, I like cinema-l a lot, I enjoy
the > > discussion when I have enough time to read the posts, I enjoy the sense
> > humour that most participants have. I wish I had more time to participate,
> > though.

> >
> >
> > >>33. Person you sent this to that is least likely to respond:
> >

> > Only sent it to the list.
> >
> >
> >


May 4, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/4/99
> On Tue, 4 May 1999, barbrose wrote:
> > you use TVP (textured vegetable protein). I just heard
about it
> > recently (haven't tried it yet) but hear it is very tasty.
> Usually I stick to just veg., beans and pulses. Mind you,
that's more to
> do with not being an especially inventive or exploratory cook
as anything
> else. Can cook fairly well when I bother, but must admit to
being overly
> reliant on cheese toasties!

Can you get 'seitan' in the UK. It is a wheat product and I
just love it.

> About time I threw in an OCC: have you seen Eat Drink Man
Woman? Aside
> from being a wonderful movie in its own right (so far my fave
from Ang
> Lee, with 4 pearls to choose from), the food on show is the
sort that
> makes you adjourn straight to the nearest chinese restaurant

Yes, saw and really enjoyed "Eat Drink Man Woman". Also, one of
my faves in what to me is foreign films was "Like Chocolate for
Water"...another great 'food' movie.


May 4, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/4/99

There are some people (me included) who like the option of eating a
healthful, non animal based product that is similar to the foods we grew up
with. To me, these monks are creating almost an artform in translating some
of these dishes into non-flesh equivalents. After all, these dishes are not
really made for those who eat meat. If you ever come and visit Los
Angeles, I'll drive you to Monterey Park and treat you to lunch at one of the
Chinese restaurants that offer menus full of these dishes (one place in
particular has close to 100 dishes of this type). I'm quite sure you'll
enjoy it. And it will be my treat!

In a message dated 5/4/99 2:15:11 AM, p.j.c...@DUNDEE.AC.UK writes:

>Just strikes me as a waste of time trying to make something into something
>it isn't, when you can make something entirely new and wonderful instead.
>Why wear a creative leash when you don't need one?
>Food made without regard to trying to emulate something else is usually
>quite popular amongst meat eaters, as it's delicious in its own right.
>Simulations are like dancing bears: the amazement isn't in the way it
>surpasses duck/chicken/fish, but that it bears any resemblance at all.
>How many duck eaters, given the choice at equivalent price, would have
>soy substitute over the real thing?

May 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/5/99
1. Name given at birth: Cheryl Lynn Ford

2. Nicknames: Cheri, Cher, Cherbear, Punkin, Flea Legs (don't ask)

3. Favorite Word: bizarre, inconceivable....

4. Hometown: Cocoa Beach, Florida

5. Current Residence: Orlando, Florida

6. Croutons or Bacon Bits: Homemade croutons

7. Favorite Salad Dressing: Bleu Cheese with real chunks of bleu cheese

8. Shampoo or Conditioner: Why do I have to choose just one?

9. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? Not that I remember and that is
probably something that I would remember.

10. Do you make fun of people: Sometimes, but I am not cruel or obnoxious
about it and I also make fun of myself quite frequently.

11. Favorite color: Green

12. Have you ever been convicted of a crime: No

13. One pillow or two, cotton or feather: Four. Two cotton and two feather.
One can never have too many pillows.

14. Pets: Two Cats. Alexander has yet to realize that his is, indeed, a
cat. He lives to torment any living creatures within his reach. He is
evil. Sydney takes ignoring people to a higher art form. He is a Mama's boy
and one of the sweetest creatures ever to grace the earth. I love both of
them very dearly. I lost Brandon (my third cat) seven months ago and I still
miss him very much.

15. Favorite type of music: My favorite group is Heart and one of my friends
is usually trying to drag me out of the 70s music and into the 90s.
Actually, she would probably just settle for the 80s. I generally prefer
rock and roll, but I don't rule anything out until I've heard it.

6. Hobbies: Reading, watching movies, rollerskating. I'm seriously
considering taking ballroom dancing lessons.

17. Favorite Toothpaste: I've used Crest most of my life, but I recently
switched to AquaFresh Sensitive as it tastes better than the Crest version of
the sensitive paste.

18. Favorite Food: Chocolate. Lasagna. Chocolate covered strawberries.
Popcorn during a movie.

19. Do you get along with your parents: My Mom and I are very close and I
have made progress in recent years in my relationship with my Dad.

20. Favorite town to chill in: Washington, DC if I'm in a theater/art mood.
Cocoa Beach if I'm in a chill out mood.

21. Favorite Ice Cream: Chocolate Mint (surprise!)

22. Favorite Drink (non Alcoholic): Diet Pepsi

23. Adidas, Nike or Reebok: Nike

24. Favorite Perfume/Cologne: Chanel No. 5

25. Favorite Website: I don't have a particular favorite

26. Favorite Subject in School: Statistics and history

27. Least Favorite Subject: Any science subject

28. Favorite Alcoholic Drink: Margarita or a Kahlua and Cream.

29. Favorite Sport to Watch: I prefer to participate rather than watch.

30. Humiliating Moment: I walked out of the ladies room one day with my
skirt tucked into my pantyhose. Fortunately, I didn't get far before another
woman brought this to my attention.

31.Craziest idea or silliest: I can't think of one right now.

32. Say one nice thing about the person who sent this to you:

I've never met Kristen in person, but we have exchanged e-mails and I believe
her to be a very talented writer as well as a person with a very generous



May 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/6/99
I'm finally getting around to answering this. By the way, this message is
also a bit of a farewell message. No, I wasn't chased away by anyone's
language! I'm getting married in approx. 2 weeks and will be signing off
next week. I'm going to miss all the Star Wars reviews--boo hoo :-( I
hope to be back in June.

1. Name given at birth: Catherine Concetta Brancato

2. Nicknames: Cat, Cath, Catwoman

3. Favorite Word: purpose-person

4. Hometown: Saint Louis, MO

5. Current Residence: Saint Louis, MO

6. Croutons or Bacon Bits: Bacon bits

7. Favorite Salad Dressing: Ranch

8. Shampoo or Conditioner: Both (once voted "best hair" by peers at
part-time summer job)

9. Have you ever gone skinny dipping?: Yes

10. Do you make fun of people?: I try not to

11. Favorite color: Purple

12. Have you ever been convicted of a crime?: No

13. One pillow or two, cotton or feather: Two if thin, one if full (cotton
or feather)

14. Pets: German shephard named Leo

15. Favorite type of music: Mix of Rock n' Roll from 50's to 90's

16. Hobbies: Cinema, writing, collecting music boxes, pop culture, old

17. Favorite Toothpaste: Colgate

18. Favorite Food: Meat and potatoes (any and many varieties)

19. Do you get along with your parents?: Yes

20. Favorite town to chill in: Chicago

21. Favorite Ice Cream: Chocolate

22. Favorite Drink (non Alcoholic): Diet Pepsi or a cola slurpee

23. Adidas, Nike or Reebok: Nike

24. Favorite Perfume/Cologne: White Diamonds for women/Eternity for men

25. Favorite Website: AND (list of
famous people over the age of 90)

26. Favorite Subject in School: Creative Writing and Film History

27. Least Favorite Subject: Science

28. Favorite Alcoholic Drink: Sangria

29. Favorite Sport to Watch: Baseball

30. Humiliating Moment: Being cussed out and called racist by a black
couple (I'm white) at the St. Louis Zoo in front of a crowd of people
because I asked to see their train tickets. I was the train conductor for
the miniature amusement-like ride and was asking everyone for their tickets
so I could tear them before they rode to the next station. (Hey Ed, or
whoever was born in Alton, IL--ever ride the train at the St. Louis Zoo?)

31. Craziest idea or silliest: That my older brothers who haven't lived at
home for years, would clean out the rest of their junk before I got

32. Say one nice thing about the person who sent this to you: Sent to the
cinema listserv by a Sasha, who is very knowledgable about film. This list
as a whole is interesting and eclectic. Where else could I argue the merits
of Star Wars, learn about post-modernism, hear Mark rant and rave over the
term "British," or learn about great cities to visit in this country

33. n/a


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