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LA Confidential VS Titanic

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Bugs Bun

Feb 23, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/23/98

Am I the only one on here who is rooting for LA Confidential to win best
picture at the Oscars. Am I the only one who has seen Titanic once. Am
I the only one who wishes the great LA Confidential wasn't up against an
arguably as great Titanic.

I have always been a fan of Cameron. Some of my all-time favorite
movie's are T1 (T2 was for kids IMHO), True Lies, The Abyss (directors
cut), and Aliens. He is the master of sci-fi-techno-action. And
certainly Titanic is a move in a somewhat different direction. He made
a huge gamble... and won with possibly the biggest $$ movie of all
time. And I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed Titanic, and thought it
was so very well thought out. Excellent attention to detail.
Consistent throughout. Certainly a 9.5 out of 10.

Curtis Hanson, on the other hand is relatively unknown to me. Upon
looking up his filmography, I have seen none of his previous work,
although I do know of a few of his pictures.

But, when I saw LAC 6 months ago, I thought certain Oscar nominations in
almost every category, and certain to win best picture, director,
screenplay and supporting actor for Crowe, Pearce, or Crowmwell. Of
coarse Titanics' future (6 months ago) success was dubious at best. At
any rate, with all due respect to the great Titanic... I think LAC is
the best pic of the year. I have not seen all the other nominees, but
LAC was so good IMHO that nothing else could touch it.

ALL the actors are excellent. Who is the lead, though? Spacy... Pearce
had the most screen time. To me they all were supporting actors. They
were all supporting each other. The characters are consistent
throughout, yet Crowe, Pearce, and Spacys' character go through some
degree of internal change and self doubting. I could go on for pages,
but the fact is IMHO, I have not seen such a tight script, screenplay,
and editing, absolutely superb acting, good but not overbearing
soundtrack, smart dialogue without clichés, captivating and
unpredictable story, and well choreographed action sequences, since The
Usual Suspects. I would even go so far as to say that LAC could be the
best noir crime drama... ever (Now I know I'll get some heat for this.)!

Just tonight I saw LAC for the second time which further solidified my
opinions, and certainly I will see Titanic at the theater again. I just
wish Titanic wasn't so damn good/popular.

So my vote for best picture by a narrow margin is LA Confidential.
Best director by a narrow margin is Hanson.
Best supporting nominations should have included someone form LAC (not

Critiques and comments welcome.

James Frame

Feb 24, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/24/98

Well, as far as I am concerned, LA CONFIDENTIAL is the only nominee that
deserves any kind of best picture award. I've already expressed my opinion on
the oscars in general.


Feb 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/25/98

I think that perhaps the film As good as it gets should win the best
actor role. Simply because I think all the other pictures, including
LA Confidential didn't have any acting of note.

A special note for the mighty :TITANIC here.


Sasha Stone

Feb 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/25/98

LAC is a better movie. It's just not a bigger movie. TITANIC is so big
no other film can touch it. It's best to separate what you like from
what's going to win the Oscar. Let it go, Bugs Bun, let it go.



Feb 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/26/98

I don't think that Titanic will win... It doesn't even have a nom for
screenplay. Most people thought the story was a paint by numbers stinker,
but they admit that it pulls all the right strings. Big box office doesn't
always do it. Since we're flaunting historical accuracy, why no nomination
for ROSEWOOD?? My money's on Good Will Hunting or LA Confidential.



Feb 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/26/98

I'm also for LA Con, and yes, I've seen Titanic. And yes, I fear for LA
Con. :-I


p.s. Would you guys mind if I post a "Titanic screenplay" online? Someone
sent it to me, and it's just LOL hilarious...the problem's 6KB, so
I guess those who are interested should just send me private mail.

At 10:27 PM 2/23/98 -0600, you wrote:
>Am I the only one on here who is rooting for LA Confidential to win best

Sasha Stone

Feb 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/26/98

On Thu, 26 Feb 1998, Mage wrote:

> I don't think that Titanic will win... It doesn't even have a nom for
> screenplay. Most people thought the story was a paint by numbers stinker,
> but they admit that it pulls all the right strings. Big box office doesn't
> always do it. Since we're flaunting historical accuracy, why no nomination
> for ROSEWOOD?? My money's on Good Will Hunting or LA Confidential.

How much you want to bet, Jeff? You putting your money where your mouth


> Jeff
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sasha Stone <sst...@PRIMENET.COM>
> Date: Thursday, February 26, 1998 1:50 AM
> Subject: Re: LA Confidential VS Titanic
> LAC is a better movie. It's just not a bigger movie. TITANIC is so big
> no other film can touch it. It's best to separate what you like from
> what's going to win the Oscar. Let it go, Bugs Bun, let it go.
> Sasha

Devin Rambo

Feb 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/26/98

Sasha responds to Jeff:

<< > I don't think that Titanic will win... It doesn't even have a nom for
> screenplay. Most people thought the story was a paint by numbers stinker,
> but they admit that it pulls all the right strings. Big box office doesn't
> always do it. Since we're flaunting historical accuracy, why no nomination
> for ROSEWOOD?? My money's on Good Will Hunting or LA Confidential.

How much you want to bet, Jeff? You putting your money where your mouth
is? >>

Me too. I have a $50 that says TITANIC cleans up. All right, which of you
lily-livered scallywags is gonna prove me wrong? ;)



James Frame

Feb 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/26/98

Personally, I would not bet against Titanic....unfortunately!

Ed Owens

Feb 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/26/98

Devin Rambo wrote:

> Me too. I have a $50 that says TITANIC cleans up. All right, which of you
> lily-livered scallywags is gonna prove me wrong? ;)
> -Devin

Define "cleans up."


> -Devin

Devin Rambo

Feb 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/26/98

Ed writes:

<< > Me too. I have a $50 that says TITANIC cleans up. All right, which of you
> lily-livered scallywags is gonna prove me wrong? ;)
> -Devin

Define "cleans up."

Ed >>

Well, if anyone wants to bet on TITANIC winning Best Picture, I will oblige
anyone. As far as "cleaning up," I'm willing to predict that TITANIC will go
home with at least 9 statues. At least. We'll see, but I don't think that 11
or 12 is out of reach.


Ed Owens

Feb 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/26/98

Devin Rambo wrote:

> Well, if anyone wants to bet on TITANIC winning Best Picture, I will oblige
> anyone. As far as "cleaning up," I'm willing to predict that TITANIC will go
> home with at least 9 statues. At least. We'll see, but I don't think that 11
> or 12 is out of reach.
> -Devin

Unfortunately, or fortunately as the case may be, I am a betting man.
if you are serious about a little cash wager, I'm willing to bet the following:

1) TITANIC takes Best Picture; and
2) TITANIC takes home no more than 8 statues.

Also, if the mighty TITANIC takes home exactly 8 statues, I think a bomus should
be in order, a perk I am more than willing to extend to you should TITANIC take
home exactly the number of statues you predict.

...I'm totally serious...


Sasha Stone

Feb 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/26/98

Titanic will win Best Picture, Best Director, Best Song, Best Special
Effects (of course). You can bet the bank on that.


On Thu, 26 Feb 1998, Ed Owens wrote:

> Devin Rambo wrote:
> > Me too. I have a $50 that says TITANIC cleans up. All right, which of you
> > lily-livered scallywags is gonna prove me wrong? ;)
> >
> > -Devin
> >
> Define "cleans up."
> Ed

> > -Devin


Feb 27, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/27/98

-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: James Frame <JBF...@AOL.COM>
Datum: den 24 februari 1998 20:25
Ämne: Re: LA Confidential VS Titanic
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