Frank McMillan
>Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 08:37:05 +0200
>Reply-To: CICS List <CIC...@UGA.CC.UGA.EDU>
>From: "Wardable, Grant G" <GWar...@MAIL.SBIC.CO.ZA>
>Subject: Re: C Pgm Error in CICS4.1
>Something REALLY basic, but have you defined the program language as
>-----Original Message-----
>From: William Rammelsberg [mailto:R...@WSU.EDU]
>Sent: 13 October 1998 12:34
>Subject: C Pgm Error in CICS4.1
>Our first attempt to run a C program with LE in CICS results in an ALIG
>abend. For some reason LE can't determine that it's a C pgm. We've
>every PTF we can find to both LE and CICS with no effect. Is anyone
>successfully running a C language transaction who would be willing to
>some advice? Thanks in advance.
>CICS 4.1
>Language Env 1.7
>Os390 1.3
>William Rammelsberg E-mail: R...@WSU.EDU
>Information Technology phone: (509)335-7395
>Washington State University FAX: (509)335-0540
>Pullman, WA 99164-1222
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