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telecommuting sysprog

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Levine, David

Oct 9, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/9/98
Senior CICS systems programmer with seventeen years experience installing,
maintaining, customizing CICS and related products is venturing out into
telecommuting systems programming. Excellent technical reputation -
sterling personal conduct with ethical handling of all data.

Should you or your organization be interested in this service now or in the
future please contact me.

David L. Levine
Richmond, Va.
phone (804) 745-0416

Yvonne Swanink

Oct 12, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/12/98

Hello David,

My name is Yvonne Swanink from The Bennett Group, Inc. (BGI for short), a
technology consulting company specializing in consolidating data centers and/or
data center functions. For more information on who we are and what we do,
please visit our website at:, and don't forget to check out
the opportunities section.
I might be able to use your services, either now or in the future. At BGI we do
a lot of CICS work, if you are familiar with CICS circles/SHARE you will most
likely know the name of Phyllis Donofrio, right now she and Martin Hawke work
as a CICS team for BGI.
In order to best assess your skills, I would appreciate if if you could send me
a recent copy of your resume (email preferred, fax ok as well) and answer the
following questions for me:
For a permanent position, what are your salary requirements?
For a contracting position, what are you hourly/daily rates?
What amount of travel is acceptable?
What geographical areas do you prefer?
Do you consider yourself hands-on?
When could you be available?
How can you best be reached by phone? (day/eve, home/work)
Do you have a home office setup?

Looking forward to your response,

Yvonne Swanink
Director of Business Services
The Bennett Group, Inc.
(813) 907-1483 voice/fax

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