Should you or your organization be interested in this service now or in the
future please contact me.
David L. Levine
Richmond, Va.
phone (804) 745-0416
Hello David,
My name is Yvonne Swanink from The Bennett Group, Inc. (BGI for short), a
technology consulting company specializing in consolidating data centers and/or
data center functions. For more information on who we are and what we do,
please visit our website at:, and don't forget to check out
the opportunities section.
I might be able to use your services, either now or in the future. At BGI we do
a lot of CICS work, if you are familiar with CICS circles/SHARE you will most
likely know the name of Phyllis Donofrio, right now she and Martin Hawke work
as a CICS team for BGI.
In order to best assess your skills, I would appreciate if if you could send me
a recent copy of your resume (email preferred, fax ok as well) and answer the
following questions for me:
For a permanent position, what are your salary requirements?
For a contracting position, what are you hourly/daily rates?
What amount of travel is acceptable?
What geographical areas do you prefer?
Do you consider yourself hands-on?
When could you be available?
How can you best be reached by phone? (day/eve, home/work)
Do you have a home office setup?
Looking forward to your response,
Yvonne Swanink
Director of Business Services
The Bennett Group, Inc.
(813) 907-1483 voice/fax