*** Mail from Hong Kong SAR, China
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-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Granger <the_g...@HOTMAIL.COM>
Date: Tuesday, October 13, 1998 10:55 PM
Subject: Re: CICS White Paper
>>Does anyone have a WORD document version of this (IBM - why only
>>WordPro ???).
> Sorry, I only sent this direct to Christopher as I thought he was the
>only interested party. Attached is a Word95 format doc.
>Mark Granger
>Get Your Private, Free Email at
>Is the paper a complete one? It seems that the information in the
>paragraph 'CICS Native HTML Interface' is not contiguous.
>CICS Native HTML Interface
As far as I can see it is complete, below is the extract from 'CICS
Native HTML Interface' ..
CICS Native HTML Interface
This interface is getting a lot of attention. It was first introduced in
CICS 4.1 (1995), when we implemented an HTTP listener within the CICS
address space enabling fast, direct web and network computer access into
CICS/390 over TCP/IP.
To extend this further we have built a bridge environment . The Bridge
enables non-CICS protocols to easily interface with CICS applications.
We provide a number of bridges to automatically convert from certain
protocols to CICS, there is also the ability to write your own bridge to
communicate with other protocols if you want.
CICS Transaction Server 1.2 introduced two bridges to allow an MQSeries
or HTML interface to be placed on existing CICS applications.
With the MQ bridge, your remote MQ program sends a message (PUT) to a
queue as normal. The PUT request is caught by a CICS program called the
CICS MQ listener (shipped with MQSeries for MVS). This program analyses
the message, which is in a set format, and extracts the CICS transaction
code. CICS looks in it s tables to find the program definition for this
transaction. It will be defined as a bridge program. The bridge program
sets the userid (optionally password) and drives the real user
transaction.When the transaction issues a 3270 RECEIVE, the bridge
performs an MQSeries GET to receive data from the client, when the
transaction issues a SEND, the bridge performs an MQSeries PUT.
The existing 3270 transaction does not need to be altered or
re-compiled. The bridge takes care of interacting with the transaction
and returning an MQ interface, the application programmer does not need
to know anything about 3270 datastreams.
With the HTML/HTTP bridge, the first step involves the use of an offline
utility provided with CICS Transaction Server which automatically
converts CICS 3270 screens into HTML format. Once the screen has been
converted, you can customise it. This is useful as automatic 3270 to
HTML conversion often does not produce visually pleasing results. While
customising, you can move fields around the window and set additional
HTML tags, for example, to set the background colour, bring in your
company logo or a graphic. The converted HTML template is then saved.
, security, scalability. Products like CICS then came along and took
care of all of that for you. This meant you could focus on developing
business logic. EJB does exactly the same for the Java world. The
specification has been developed not by IBM and Sun, but by all the
industry s leading transaction processing players.
It seems special that there is a full-stop and common between the word
"saved" and "security" in the following sentence. Is the original WordPro
document has such a sentence?
"The converted HTML template is then saved.
>, security, scalability."
*** Mail from Hong Kong SAR, China
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-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Granger <the_g...@HOTMAIL.COM>
Date: Sunday, October 25, 1998 6:09 PM
Subject: Re: CICS White Paper