Bill Beinert
Systems Programming
Con Edison
No electrons have been harmed during the preparation of this message
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christopher Frank [SMTP:FAd...@AOL.COM]
> Sent: Monday, October 12, 1998 10:20 AM
> Subject: CICS White Paper
> Greetings,
> Has anyone downloaded the CICS White Paper from the IBM CICS
> teleconferences
> web page? I cannot read it with my version of Wordpro (4.0) because
> apparently
> my version is older than that used to create the document.
> If anyone else downloaded it and can convert it to Word format, RFT,
> etc I
> would greatly appreciate a copy. The URL is:
> itepaper.lwp
> Regards,
> Christopher Frank
> STAR, Inc.