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Closing CICS files in batch

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Andrew Sleith

Oct 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/13/98
We have successfully solved the same problem by implementing an EXCI
This will help you because when you close the file you can specify WAIT and
not return to batch until the file is actually closed.

Alternatively, (and this may be difficult or impossible to implement) you
can chand the DISP in all the files in question to OLD. This will however
mean that you will have to split you batch job in to two separate jobs; one
to do the CLOSE and another to do the actual processing.

Andrew Sleith

Patrick wrote in message <>...
>I have a batch job that will first issue F CICS,CEMT commands to close
>various CICS files and then run the program to process the files.
>Trouble is, sometimes the program is executed before CICS closes the
>files. Appreciate any help on how to overcome this problem.

Greg Caserta

Oct 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/13/98
I do the same thing. Agree with 2-jobs. I execute a proc that fires off one
job to close cics files, then another job to execute pgm. GREG

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