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Sep 20, 2023, 4:00:02 AM9/20/23

Did Christ warn against Covetousness?
And He said to them, "Take heed
and guard yourselves from all
covetousness, for a man's life does
not consist in abundance of his possessions"
(Luke 12:15).

"With what worldly goods should we
be content? For we have brought
nothing into the world, and certainly
we can take nothing out; but having
food and sufficient clothing,
with these let us be content"
(1 Tim.6:7-8).

"To what dangers does covetousness
lead? But those who seek to become
rich, fall into temptation and a snare
and into many useless and harmful
desires, which plunge men into
destruction and damnation, for
covetousness is the root of all evils,
and some in their eagerness to get rich
have strayed from the faith and have
involved themselves in many troubles"
(1 Tim. 6:9-10).

September 20th – Bl. Francisco Martín Fernández de Posadas
† 1713

HE was born at Cordova in 1644 and brought up by his parents, who were
green-grocers, to the idea that he should become a religious, in
particular a Friar Preacher, a prospect that was more than attractive
to him. But on the death of his father his mother married again, and
his stepfather decided that the studies on which he was engaged were a
waste of time. He therefore made Francis give them up and apprenticed
him to a trade. His master at first treated him very roughly, but
Francis won him over by patience and good temper and by sticking to
his work, and eventually the master even helped him to get on with his
studies in his spare time. When his stepfather also died, Francis had
to devote himself to the care of his mother for a time, but in 1663
was able to enter the Dominican noviciate at the convent of Scala
Caeli in Cordova.

For a time his experience here was not happy. He was misunderstood
by his fellows and made the butt of ridicule and petty persecution; he
persevered, was professed, and admitted to the priesthood. Francis at
once made his mark as a preacher and he was hailed as a second Vincent
Ferrer. He gave missions all over the southwest of Spain, adding to
the fatigues of preaching, hearing confessions, and travelling on foot
voluntary mortifications of a most rigorous kind. His combination of
example and precept won him a great influence over all with whom he
came in contact, and in his native city he brought about a much-needed
reform and improvement in public and private morals; disorderly places
of amusement shut up for lack of business. He was always at the
service of the poor and learned from them a humility that made him
avoid not only the offices of his order but also bishoprics that were
offered to him. Bd Francis wrote several books—The Triumph of
Chastity, lives of St Dominic and other holy ones of his order, moral
exhortations—and died at Scala Caeli after forty years of
uninterrupted work for souls on September 20, 1713. He was beatified
in 1818.

Following close upon the beatification Father V. Sopena published in
Rome a Vita del B. Francesco de Posadas. It contains amongst other
things an interesting account of his levitations when he was
celebrating Mass (pp. 42-45), and of his sensations in endeavouring to
resist this lifting of his body into the air. See also Martinez-Vigil,
La Orden de Predicadores (1884), pp. 352 seq. and a short notice in
Procter, Dominican Saints, pp. 263-265. For fuller bibliography
consult Taurisano, Catalogus Hagiographicus OP.

Saint Quote :
But above all preserve peace of heart. This is more valuable than any
treasure. In order to preserve it there is nothing more useful than
renouncing your own will and substituting for it the will of the
Divine Heart. In this way His will can carry out for us whatever
contributes to His glory, and we will be happy to be His subjects and
to trust entirely in Him.
--Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque

Bible Quote:
The men of Ninive shall rise in judgment with this generation, and
shall condemn it: because they did penance at the preaching of Jonas.
And behold a greater than Jonas here. [Matthew 12:41] DRV

O Most Sacred Heart of Jesus!
By Pope Benedict XV (1854-1922)

O Most Sacred Heart of Jesus!
O Fount of every good!
I adore Thee, I love Thee
and sincerely repenting of my sins,
I present to Thee my poor heart.
Give it back to me
humble, patient,
pure and in everything,
conformed to Thy wishes.
Make me, O good Jesus,
live in Thee and for Thee.
Protect me in dangers,
comfort me in afflictions,
grant me health of body,
succour in my temporal needs,
Thy blessing in all my works
and the grace of a holy death.
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