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Breatharians get 6 years jail

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Wally Anglesea

Nov 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/28/99

2 Queensland breatharians received 6 years jail over the starvation death
one of their followers on Friday 26th November.

3 weeks ago, Jasmuheen, one of the "leading lights" of the Breatharian
was exposed on Australia's 60 minutes program, where she could not go even
days without food.

Jasmuheen, and the bretharians claim that they can survive on "prana"
generated by the sun, and the body itself, and therefore do not need food.

Jasmuheen claims she has not eaten for years.

Barry Williams

Nov 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/28/99

>Jasmuheen claims she has not eaten for years.

She lies.

Barry Williams
the Skeptic of Oz

Wayne Spencer

Nov 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/28/99

In reply to my query:

> >What was the legal offence they were held to have committed?

Barry Williams wrote (accidentally off list?):

> Manslaughter. Sometimes the system works.

Interesting. What culpable role did the convicted play in the demise of
their fellow Breatharian?

Wayne Spencer

Wayne Spencer

Nov 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/28/99

Wally Anglesea wrote:

> 2 Queensland breatharians received 6 years jail over the
> starvation death of one of their followers on Friday 26th November.

What was the legal offence they were held to have committed?

Wayne Spencer

Ron Hill

Nov 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/28/99

At 08:04 28/11/99 +1100, you wrote:
>2 Queensland breatharians received 6 years jail over the starvation death
>one of their followers on Friday 26th November.

Well at least they won't cost the taxpayer much for their food!
Ron Hill

Scott Peterson

Nov 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/28/99
At 11:14 PM 11/27/1999 , Barry Williams wrote:

> >Jasmuheen claims she has not eaten for years.
>She lies.

I was looking the other day and found this web site where she hedges her
bets a bit. This is dated 9/29, before the Australian Sixty Minutes

In blatant violation of copyright and the amusement of everyone on this
list, here's a good chunk of what's there:

PRESS STATEMENT - 29th September 1999
from Jasmuheen at the Self Empowerment Academy
I have committed to have the team from the Australian Sixty Minutes do an
in depth interview and research into our work and trust that they will
apply responsible reporting procedures, honor, integrity and high
journalistic standards to present an unbiased view of our activities and
lifestyle and constant message to the world as a metaphysical author and
expert in the field of Bigu and living free from the need for food. As
I am unable to do personal interviews with the media until this show goes
to air to the Australian public on October the 10th.
The following statement is issued to clear the following media
misconceptions that have arisen from the recent death of Verity Linn in
Scotland and also the deaths of two others, Lani Morris and Timo Degan. My
condolences firstly to their families.
Issue no 1:
Fact: I am one of over 100 million Qi (pronounced Chee) practitioners
wide. My expertise is in the field of being able to live free from the
for food.
Myth to dispel: I have never claimed that I never eat - I do claim that I
am free to chose if I wish to eat or not. I also claim that every human
being has available to them an internal 'battery pack' of power that they
can easily access through the practice of meditation and that by leading a
lifestyle that promotes physical fitness, emotional fitness, mental
and spiritual fitness they will recharge their internal battery pack to
such a degree that 'so called' miracles can happen in their life. I do not
call them miracles as to me it is just a result of fulfilling our own
innate human potential. The more we practice a lifestyle that promotes
fitness on all levels AND also honors all life on this planet then the
we will come into health and harmony. Living free from the need of food is
easy when this internal battery pack or power source is encouraged and
allowed to be fully operative within us - I call this battery pack the
Divine One Within - our DOW. I have found over my last 25 years of
experience and metaphysical research that many people through their daily
lifestyle choice have lost contact with this inner power source, this also
leads many to forget the power and benefits of altruistic behaviour and
service. Finding the DOW again will be very beneficial to our global
culture as one race of people called human if we are wishing to live
harmoniously together on one planet. This is my one true message to the
To continually run headlines that state "Woman claims she has not eaten in
5 years" is irresponsible journalism when the media have been advised
regularly that this is not the case. The following information was posted
on my website nearly a year ago "The next media misconception we would
to address is the constant plethora of headlines around the world that
generally run like this: "Woman claims she has not eaten for five years".
This is perhaps one of the biggest misconceptions perpetuated by the media
as far as sensationalism and attention-grabbing headlines is concerned.
While we understand the need for the sale of copy, this is a very
misleading statement. We always share that what we have done is to have
lived without taking any nourishment from food for as long as was needed
prove to ourselves that it is prana that is nourishing us. This proof has
come as we live day by day without taking vitamins, without taking food,
and finding:
1. Our weight has stabilized.
2. That our energy levels has increased.
3. Our requirement for sleep has decreased.
These are the three signposts to prove to an individual that they are
sustained by prana. Once this has been achieved, what occurs is that some
individuals may choose to taste food for pleasure. This may range from a
chocolate biscuit once a week (as I may have with my father once a week -
see headlines in the Australian dated 28th September 1999 page 5), or a
packet of potato crisps if that is their choosing once a week, to eating
once a fortnight or even once a month. It is entirely the choice of the
individual. Some individuals choose to eat in social situations with
once a month or once a week. Again, it is purely personal choice. The
that the Light Ambassadors make, once they have proved to their own
satisfaction that they do not need food to live, is that if they never had
food again, they would not die. I treat my body as an experiment and in my
new book "Ambassadors of Light - Living on Light" have dedicated a chapter
to my journey with this since 1959.
Issue 2: The attention grabbing headlines "Australian Guru Cult leader..."
Myth : "Jasmuheen is a self proclaimed prophet, guru, cult leader..."
Fact: As I stressed in my recent press release, I am an author of 10 books
that focus on the need for people to find the guru within themselves,
practice personal discernment, become self empowered, take self
responsibility and live their lives in a manner that honors all life and
makes a positive difference to humanity. The Self Empowerment Academy and
Jasmuheen does not have disciples. Our teachings encourage self mastery
inter-dependence not co-dependence or the master/student relationship of
guru/disciple. We are an organization dedicated to responsibly sharing
quality information that if applied, will benefit both individual
lifestyles and also global affairs.
In our opinion, the promotion of Self Mastery via holistic education is
answer to current day problems with cults. The following piece is from an
article I wrote a few months ago that was recently published in the
Australian Elohim Journal - Volume 4 Issue 5 called "The Return of the Qi
Masters - Challenging the Status Quo" - it can be found on their website
In this magazine which is also dedicated to Self Mastery (as is the
ELRAANIS magazine in Germany; I wrote very fortuitously:
"Now that our work has attained a degree of global recognition, we are
often exposed to media criticism which is unjustified. The Brisbane Sunday
Mail upon hearing that we were holding the M.A.P.S. Retreat at Noosa also
couldn't help themselves as they went to press with the headline "Foodless
Cult sees the Light". While the article was quite informative and good
coverage for us they couldn't resist using the words "The controversial
Breatharian Cult..." which is so funny considering the caliber of people
who make up the Light Ambassadry and the millions of Qi practitioners in
the world. People committed to self mastery do not give their power away
any external 'leaders' as they understand that the best guru is the guru
within as is covered in my book "In Resonance".
The Oxford dictionary says a cult as a "system of religious worship esp.
expressed in ceremonies; devotion or homage to person or thing." Qi
are predominantly focused on living lifestyles that enhance the planet and
their own lives. Self mastery is not about systems of religious worship
although religious masters are often honored for their wisdom. Many people
today choose to follow the Divine One Within rather than an external
master, including the majority of the Ambassadors of Light. Do spiritual
people gain benefit from the teachings of those who have gone before? They
would be stupid not to - even science and medicine always builds on the
theories and hypothesis of previous 'great minds' in these fields.
So the fear seems to be for people who may get 'brainwashed or mesmerized'
by one charismatic leader in a way that is detrimental to them, their
family or society e.g. the Jonestown and Waco massacres. Some may say that
the people attracted to these 'charismatic leaders' are rebalancing karmic
relationships from other times and are undergoing an initiation to develop
trust in their own DOW Power (this is the power of the Divine One Within)
and how to use personal discernment. Dealing with issues around
disempowerment and the consequences of giving our power away is a very
important lesson in life for all spiritual beings having a human
Yes it is sad that these suicides and massacres happen but does that mean
we should treat all people as gullible and easily led? Should the 'powers
that be' then employ fear tactics and ban information 'for the good of the
people'? Should the 'powers that be' be supported in the way that they
label anyone who challenges the status quo or who seeks to refine existing
systems as a 'cult' because their message is not understood? Or do they do
this because they understand the message too well and feel that it
threatens their own power base or financial interests?
Should we assume that all people on earth lack discernment and therefore
ban and/or discredit all 'charismatic' teachers or leaders who dare to
challenge the status quo? Or should we encourage the use of logic and
intelligence and remind people about the importance of using personal
discernment so that they can listen to the deeper messages that many are
now bringing onto the global stage?
Issue 3:
Myth: "Jasmuheen promotes living on light to her followers all around the
Fact: For the last 3 years I have traveled the globe lecturing on the
benefits of self mastery a small by product of which is the ability to
free from the need of food. We do not promote this - we simply share our
research and ask at all times for individuals to use their personal
discernment in all areas of life including living on light. We have also
stressed in our discussions and lecture tours that doing the 21 day
is totally unnecessary and that there is a far gentler way to now achieve
the same thing - as it outlined in my first book. Yes we have - when asked
- shared our research into the field of pranic nourishment as it has a
pragmatic application to world health and world hunger related challenges
and the ability to live free from the need from food is very empowering
people and in line with self mastery. As mentioned in my last press
release, this research is shared in-depth in my final book on the subject
"Ambassadors of Light - Living on Light" which will be released the next
few months. It also provides extensive research on the many people who
lived free from the need for food since Dr Karl Graninger's in-depth
studies with the Russian post war victims in the 1920's. So yes it is
possible for individuals to live free from the need of food and this has
been possible for millennia among the Indian yogis.
Fact: Enough research has been done now to prove the power of Qi or prana.
The book "Scientific Qigong Exploration" by Nuclear Physicist Lu Zuyin
(died 1992) shares his and others, years of detailed research experiments
into how Qi emissions can heal and affect the body. X-rays of bone
fractures that when sent qi, immediately healed - proved by immediate post
treatment x-rays. On page 286 they talk about the state of Bigu and
experiments conducted on people who have not eaten for up to 6 years.
is a state in which a person maintains a normal life without taking any
food. Standard Bigu means very little or no intake of water. Basic Bigu
means only drinking water and juice. Non-standard Bigu means ingesting
water, juice and occasionally juicy fruits and vegetable soups." I have
personally experienced all three states of Bigu by choice over the last 6
years. As the work of these qi masters is focused on other areas of
they discourage publicity about bigu as they feel society is not ready to
accept the bigu phenomena.
Issue 4: "Jasmuheen is responsible for the deaths of 3 people and her work
should be banned."
To set the record straight, our organization has never been involved in
death of anyone going through the 21 day process and furthermore we have
acted with care, integrity and responsibility each step of the way with
reporting and the sharing of our research. I am the reporter on this field
of research not the creator of the 21 day process and as it has huge
ramifications on a global scale we will continue to report on people's
journey with this transition as appropriate.
This information the 100 million Qi practitioners now have discovered
human potential is crucial to the world as we end this millennium with
challenges that to date have no pragmatic solutions. My final book in this
field of research "Ambassadors of Light - Living on Light" focuses on
pragmatic fund raising programs for social welfare programs so that all
human beings can have enough food, decent shelter and holistic educational
So let's address these three cases:-
The woman who died in Australia - Lani Morris - did so while staying with
man and his wife who were subsequently arrested and charged with
negligence. He is still awaiting trial and it will be up to the jury to
decide if he was indeed in anyway responsible for her death and if he
lacked the ability to discern that she was in need of medical care earlier
than it was provided. Interviews with Mr Pesnak and his wife share how
refused all of his help and attention for a number of days and he was
loathe to interfere with her free will and decision to continue. Her
to go through the 21 day process is not the issue for the courts, the
concern is that the 'caregiver' did not act soon enough to seek medical
care for her. I have been working with the prosecution as an independent
expert witness. I had never met nor been involved in any way with either
the Pesnaks or Lani Morris. Immediately this occurred the Self Empowerment
Academy issued very strong guidelines imploring people to act responsibly
at all times.
The next issue is the death of a German man, Timo Degan which occurred
prior to both the publication of my book and my arrival in Germany.
Apparently he had decided to do the process after reading the 21 day
guidelines called "Choosing God over Illusion" that someone else had
written that were already circulating the global scene. One of the main
reasons I was guided to write the book initially was to make sure that
people received more information than what these few guidelines were
providing so I incorporated these previous guidelines - with a few
elaborations - into my book. This book is now in 8 languages and covers
issues like mind mastery, meditation, programming and releasing limited
belief systems needed to be addressed. He died after having an epileptic
fit and hitting his head against a bed. Again I had never met Timo as he
had heard about the 21 day process through other sources. In dealing with
the lawyer for Focus magazine in response to their incorrect reporting I
was told it was my 'thesis' my process and thus I was to blame. This again
is absolutely incorrect and a full investigation into this matter will
prove this. It is not my thesis - I am the one who is in the public eye
determined to see that people act responsibly if they choose this path and
reporting on our research into this phenomena.
Recently we have the case of Verity Linn, a very switched on and dedicated
woman who did exactly what she wanted to do - or so I am told by friends
who knew her well at Findhorn. Apparently according to her diary, she
the 21 day program then traveled and walked long distances against strong
weather conditions to pitch her tent on the moorland. This is 100% not
recommended in the 21 day process where it is stated that on page 131 in
"Living on Light - Nutrition for the New Millenium""once you commence this
process, you are not to leave your immediate environment". Verity chose to
begin - then expend incredible energy - on her journey to find her 'spot'
unfortunately it was too much for her system and she died of weather
exposure and not starvation. I would assume that her system was weakened
not eating and not drinking then doing so much physical activity.
Verity thought she was fit enough to begin the process, and not only
her immediate environment' but also do so much physical activity. Sadly
choosing to ignore the guidelines and did not expect to have trouble - a
woman choosing to do this alone on the moors for 21 days is a much
one that I am and I would never recommend that this initiation be done in
this way. We always say 'once you begin, you conserve all your energy -
rest, relax, read, meditate, be still.
This brings me to the point that the caliber of people involved in this
needs to be assessed. I call them the Ambassadors of Light and while they
come from many different spiritual backgrounds, all believe themselves to
be their own master and it is insulting to say that I am their guru or
leader. If anything I am just the media spokesperson whose talk is based
years of personal experience and research as shared in my new book on this
topic - "Ambassadors of Light - Living on Light".
Issue 4: Myth - Jasmuheen has 5000 followers world wide.
Fact: As I am an author, not a guru/leader, I have no followers. The
who appreciate my books follow their inner guru and are not looking for an
external guru or leader. They lead themselves and trust their own
guidance which is the basis of true self mastery.
Issue 5: Myth - Jasmuheen is in it for the money.
Fact: Perhaps the people who chose to see it this way have lost touch with
the idea that there are now many people in the world who are focused on
service in the unfoldment of the Divine Plan and are altruistically
motivated. I have personally achieved everything I need in this life and
have committed my life to serve the Divine as selflessly and as impeccably
as I know how.
I have committed to have the team from the Australian Sixty Minutes do an
in depth interview and research into our work and trust that they will
apply responsible reporting procedures, honor, integrity and high
journalistic standards to present an unbiased view of our activities and
lifestyle and constant message to the world as a metaphysical author and
expert in the field of Bigu and living free from the need for food. As
I am unable to do personal interviews with the media until this show goes
to air to the Australian public on October the 10th.
Final Issue: My husband's background.
Yes it is true that I have chosen to recently marry a man with a past. I
trust in the Australian legal system and suggest the media do the same as
the matter was fully investigated and dealt with at the time. Mr Ferguson
made a mistake, paid the price, learnt from this and has moved on and to
the credit of the Australian legal system, he is a much wiser man for it.
He is now virtually retired from business and does research for me from
time to time. The idea that he has 'masterminded' my writing of books to
make money is ludicrous as my life story and training for the living on
light has been well documented in all my books including my recent
autobiography called "Our Camelot - the Game of Divine Alchemy". This book
is the first in a trilogy on my life's experience with the magic of Qi and
DOW power and is available in German, Dutch and English. I have been
keeping copious journals of my personal experiences with DOW power since
1987 and they form the basis of all my books.
I would like to stress that the power of forgiveness is crucial at this
time in society particularly if we are to look at true unification.. The
following excerpt is from a Blueprint I am about to release on how to
create both personal and global paradise - the full blueprint is in the
MAPS Ambassadors Forum on the Cosmic Internet Academy website at
On Religious Unification:
Just our commitment and desire to find and enjoy the evidence of Holiness
will indeed change our world regardless of what we all call our God. The
evidence of Holiness comes to us automatically when we use the following

"I now surrender into the experience of the revelation of paradise on a
personal and global level. I ask the universe to bring me the evidence of
Holiness and Godliness and graciousness and divinity in such a manner that
I am permanently moved beyond doubt."
"I now choose to forgive all those who have ever harmed me or my
I ask for forgiveness for all that I have ever done that has created
"I now enter the new millennium with the love of my God in my heart,
accepting and honoring of all who honor life."
So it is. So it is. So it is.
When DOW power awakens en masse the way it now is, changes automatically
* The Power of Thought, Word and Action:
Researching neuro-science has established a state called plasticity which
is our brain's inherent capacity to change. This is actually mirroring the
universal law of change and adaptation. The human brain constantly designs
new patterns, new combinations of nerve cells and neurotransmitters in
response to new input and stimuli. Each individual has the potential to
rewire the brain's neural map and reconfigure it in a manner more
to producing the life they are looking for. So utilize the programs listed
throughout this book and remember that when we ask we will receive. This
universal law.
Programming utilizes thoughts, words and prayers and has the ability to
create new software for our bodies - the hardware - to run more
in life. Above are some interesting thoughts, quotes and programs for all
to apply in life to aid in the creation, revelation and experience of
personal and global paradise.
with love light and laughter
For those of you who did not receive the previous press release, again I
would like to state that we encourage people to act in a responsible
at all times if they are drawn to begin the journey of living on light.
Here is what we recommend.
Excerpt from Chapter 8.
DOW Match - our Perfect Match
Luscious Lifestyles Part 2 - Getting Fit for Prana
"Goodness is the only investment that never fails."
Henry David Thoreau - US Author and naturalist
Many individuals are attracted to the idea of being free from the need to
eat food. Others desire to be free from all external attachments and
seeking enlightenment, willingly begin to make adjustments to their
lifestyles so that this is achieved. As we have often shared, there is
nothing mysterious about living on light, it is a natural by product of
connection with DOW Power (The power of the Divine One Within). How to
into the DOW Power Channel or frequency is another issue and the purpose
this chapter.
We call the process of connecting with DOW Power, DOW matching. How well
match depends on the lifestyles we live. Matching is about tuning two
complimentary channels. The DOW dims itself and we get brighter. Then
We are hooked up - just like making a telephone call.
This is basically what occurs during the 21 day process. A DOW match. A
match comes automatically at a certain level of fitness. Our desire to
up allows a process of metamorphosis to begin that we can control the
of. We control the speed through diet, meditation and through physical,
emotional, mental and spiritual exercise.
Mental exercise involves programming and mind mastery. Emotional exercise
occurs through the way we co-exist in our relationships with each other.
Spiritual exercise is the path all initiates take when they want to
experience the 'enlightening' qualities of their DOW.
As we have often stated, the 21 day process is a placebo for living on
light. It is instead a powerful spiritual initiation that is not to be
taken lightly. This initiation, if prepared for well, can leave you in a
state of grace and wonder at the majesty of life - its sole purpose is to
connect you consciously on a much deeper level with your DOW. When a deep
connection has been made, you will find that you will be free from the
to eat for long periods of time. Some never return to food again
to be pranically nourished for its obvious benefits. Some don't connect
deeply enough to sustain being nourished in this way without a few
side effects.
Connecting more deeply to our DOW via this initiation results in different
things for different people. For those of you drawn to spend 21 days in
solitude and silent contemplation with the Divine, know that the less you
are preoccupied with toxic dumping, aches and pains, doubts and fears, the
more open you be to enjoy Its power and this process of frequency
Connecting with your DOW can be very addictive and brings both positive
powerful rewards. You can do it anytime without any process. Remember it
not necessary to undergo the 21 day process to experience DOW power and
live on prana. Remember also that your desire, devotion, discipline,
discernment, and dedication all determine how well you connect. Getting
on all levels also makes this connection so much easier.
So, if you wish to undergo the 21 day process, and have researched all you
can on the matter, and read my book "Living on Light" (also titled "Pranic
Nourishment") then the next step is to ask yourself and answer honestly:-
Are you Physically fit?
Are you able to do at least one solid hour of exercise each day without
I recommend a cross training program for strength, grace, flexibility and
stamina such as: - weight lifting, walking, yoga, isometrics, swimming,
dance, marital arts etc - create a routine that you enjoy.
Have you been a vegetarian for at least a few years?
Prior to the process are you prepared to become vegan for 6 months, then
raw food, then liquids for up to another 6 months before beginning the 21
day process?
Have you done all you can do to detox your physical body system?
Have you learnt about fasting and fasted on juice and/or water for over 7
days before?
Over the years have you learnt to listen to the voice of your body and
treat it like a temple?
Are you Emotionally fit?
Do you have positive relationships with family and friends, do you feel
content in life and happy with who you are?
Have you worked through your personal agendas and are now wishing to only
serve and have your life here make a positive difference to the planet?
Have you sat down and asked yourself why you wish to do this?
Have you looked at your emotional attachments to food?
Are you disciplined enough to slowly eliminate everything but raw food
your diet?
If so are you disciplined enough to then eliminate everything but fruit?
Then everything but liquids? Are you aware how boring this limited flavor
intake is for many?
Are you aware how this lifestyle choice will impact on your social life?
Does it matter?
Are you Mentally fit?
Do you KNOW and experience that you create your own reality?
Do you exercise mind mastery and thus feel the benefits of applied
thoughts and programming in creating a life that you feel is well worth
living and that honors all life?
Do you have a strong mind body connection?
Do you listen to your body's guidance on physical matters and thus no
longer create dis-ease?
Are you Spiritually fit?
Have you been meditating regularly enough to feel the presence of the
Divine One Within (DOW) you and have you experienced the benefits of daily
meditation in your life?
Have you learnt to listen to and trust the voice of the Divine Within you
as it guides you in life?
Are you prepared to be flexible and open and experiment with this new
lifestyle regardless of what others think?
Do you realize that the 21 day process will not 'fix all your problems"
that the opposite may occur where all your problems are highlighted and
appear to be worse?
Lastly did your heart really sing when you discovered information about
this process - to the point where you just 'know' it is for you?
Unless you can say 'yes' to all of the above, we recommend that you wait
do the 21 day process. Remember it is a high level initiation and the
success of being nourished continually from prana after the process is
totally dependant on the above issues. The continuation of this lifestyle
choice takes both daily discipline, commitment and courage.
Over the last 5 years in my research, I have heard so many stories on
individuals who were physically fit from exercise, raw food diets etc who
were not able to be sustained by prana even though they underwent the
process exactly as outlined in our first book on this as they did not have
a strong spiritual practice.
I have also met many who were very spiritually fit and had a long history
of meditation but encountered many difficulties as they were not
fit. I have also met many who were physically fit and had meditated for
many years but who didn't apply mind mastery in their lives and hence were
unconvinced that they create their own reality. I have also met many
who are fit on all levels but have absolutely no desire to cease eating
Some ask me "does that mean I can't do the process if I have some health
problems?" Only in some cases do people who are not fit on all levels
receive amazing healing from undergoing the process and yes, while some
have been healed, others have experienced their problems becoming worse.
Why it works for some and not others seems to be a matter of divine grace.
While we understand that the type of person attracted to this is often
strong and not the type who needs or desires to be 'told what to do', we
stress that all who undergo this process, exercise common sense and
and listen to their body and their DOW every step of the way. Hence we
offer the above questions to ensure that you are well prepared and may
enjoy this journey without unnecessary problems. Listening to, and
trusting, our DOW is an imperative pre-requisite prior to undergoing the
We have always assumed that any intelligent and discerning individual
automatically dismiss the idea of personally electing to go without food
and water for seven days as being too extreme unless it was part of their
blueprint to do this. These ones, having understood the process in the
context of what is involved, may intuitively choose to have this
and in this case we would expect that they undertake the necessary
that is required to do it successfully.
As the Light Ambassadors all know, it is impossible to extol the virtues
something verbally and do it justice. To gain a full understanding we must
experience it ourselves.
I also recommend a study of the Pranamaya Kosha and the five pranas which
is an important subject in Ayurvedic medicine as well as in yogic thought.
The website covers this in
detail in an article called "The Secret of Prana".
And from the back cover of this book
Living on Light
"Ambassadors of Light - Living on Light" is Jasmuheen's tenth book and the
follow on to her best seller "Living on Light - Nutrition for the New
Millennium". No doubt this new work will be just as controversial as she
continues to challenge the status quo and take the pranic nourishment
discussion onto the global stage. In this book Jasmuheen offers practical
solutions to world health and world hunger related challenges, via Mother
Mary's 'Luscious Lifestyles Programs' and via effective ways to redirect
global resources. This also entails an in-depth look at the forgiveness of
third world debt, and at fundraising for social welfare programs through
global disarmament, the dissolution of prohibition in exchange for harm
reduction programs, holistic re-education programs and the elimination of
the need for the current level of personal pharmaceutical use through the
practice of preventative medicine.
"Ambassadors of Light" also looks at the undeniable long term benefits of
vegetarianism in relation to health and resource sustainability levels,
also at the lifestyles that those who are now free from the need to eat
food usually adopt. Jasmuheen also compiles statistics from the Light
Ambassadry's Global Research Project as well as the research of many
into this phenomena. This book is a collation of research, recipes and
recommendations that if adopted, will radically alter the path of
Imagine a world without war or hunger or fear?
Imagine a world that is dis-ease free and unified
where all life is honored?
These are the dreams of the Ambassadors of Light as they support
in the creation of personal and global paradise for all.

Scott Peterson

Does virgin wool come from fast sheep?

Barry Williams

Nov 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/28/99

>In reply to my query:
>> >What was the legal offence they were held to have committed?
>Barry Williams wrote (accidentally off list?):
>> Manslaughter. Sometimes the system works.
>Interesting. What culpable role did the convicted play in the demise of
>their fellow Breatharian?
>Wayne Spencer

I don't have a copy of the charges, but they incarcerated the woman in a
caravan, kept food away from her, didn't seek medical help for her when
she became gravely ill (she'd had a stroke).

Peter Bowditch

Nov 29, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/29/99

Jasmuheen says:

> Her choice to go through the
> 21 day process is not the issue for the courts, the concern is that the
> 'caregiver' did not act soon enough to seek medical care for her. I have
> been working with the prosecution as an independent expert witness.

Awesome! People follow her teachings and she helps the prosecution to
lock them up. And she's "independent"?

I suspect that her total involvement with the prosecution was to offer
herself for interview to cover her arse. That is, unless she is lying
about being a witness just like she lies about everything else.

Peter Bowditch
"The duped brainwashed ranting bloke" at
The Millenium Project - The fundaments of the 'net

Wally Anglesea

Nov 29, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/29/99

IIRC, she may also have suffered from gangrene, which makes one

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