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John Mack "abduction" question

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Jan 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/16/00
What exactly does John Mack do at Harvard? He has a Ph.D in psychiatry,
obviously but is he employed as a researcher or professor? If as a
professor as a tenured faculty, nontenure track, or adjunct? Or is he
simply affiliated with the Harvard Psychiatric Program?

I ask these questions because Mack's "Harvard Connection" is almost
always mentioned in both pro-and anti-alien articles but his exact
status at Harvard is always a mystery, He isn't mentioned on Harvard's
webpage either. And his status isn't elaborated on at Nova's PBS website
beling with the alien controversy.

If anyone knows the answers to my questions, please let me know. I'm
interested in repressed memory syndrome and identification with abusers,
and that's how I first heard Mack's name.

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Before you buy.

Patrick Moreno

Jan 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/16/00
>===== Original Message From =====

>What exactly does John Mack do at Harvard? He has a Ph.D in psychiatry,
>obviously but is he employed as a researcher or professor?
He has a M.D. degree and specialist training as a psychiatrist and

>If as a professor as a tenured faculty, nontenure track, or adjunct? Or
is he
>simply affiliated with the Harvard Psychiatric Program?
Check out this webpage:
Particularly the section Links. More perspectives. Includes older
This section includes posted newspaper articles and interviews.
For example from a October, 1992 Boston Globe magazine article:

"...says the 63 year-old Mack, founder of the psychiatric department at
Cambridge Hospital (which is affiliated with Harvard Medical School) and
winner of a 1977 Pulitzer Prize for his psychoanalytic biography of
of Arabia."

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