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RV: Re: basque + latin = spanish ?!?

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Apr 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/16/99
-----Mensaje original-----
De: Argia Ikastola <>
Fecha: viernes, 16 de abril de 1999 12:48
Asunto: RE: Re: basque + latin = spanish ?!?

>-----Mensaje original-----
>De: Larry Trask <lar...@COGS.SUSX.AC.UK>
>Fecha: miircoles, 14 de abril de 1999 12:05
>Asunto: Re: basque + latin = spanish ?!?
>>On Wed, 14 Apr 1999, David C Lachman wrote:
>[large cut of some great stuff from larry]
>>But Basque remains the everyday
>>language of the great majority of ethnic Basques, in the towns as in the
>>countryside. In all my visits to the Basque Country, I have met a grand
>>total of two ethnic Basques who could not speak Basque -- and one of
>>those was a French Basque from a rural area. And I don't suppose that
>>all the Basques who can't speak the language go into hiding when I
>I4m a little puzzled by this statement about ethnic basques. While perhaps
>a majority of "ethnic basques" do speak basque, it is my experience that a
>high percentage of ethnic basques do not speak euskara. This is especially
>common in regions of the basque country such as erronkaribar, erribera,
>lizarra, iruqea etc. where euskara is no longer widely spoken, and
>distressingly occurs more and more in iparralde, in towns such as sara,
>ustaritze, hasparne, baigorri etc.
>i am curious as to how larry could have a different expierence.
>>I don't know Philip Silver, but this extract suggests that he doesn't
>>know much about the Basque Country, and is merely repeating what someone
>>else has told him -- presumably a Spaniard.
>my theory is that he has been spending too much time with basques such as
>mikel azurmendi, jon jauristi, mikel lasa etc.

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