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assoc. advancement computers ed.

Oct 2, 1995, 3:00:00 AM10/2/95
According to assoc. advancement computers ed.:
From root Mon Oct 2 05:29:07 1995
From: "assoc. advancement computers ed." <>
Message-Id: <1995100209...@poe.acc.Virginia.EDU>
Subject: ED-MEDIA/ED-TELECOM 96 CFP (Boston)
To: AACE <>
Date: Mon, 2 Oct 95 5:29:05 EDT
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.3.1 PL11]

Final Regular Call for Papers--Deadline Oct. 20, 1995

* *
* E D - M E D I A 9 6 *
* *
* *
* with *
* ED-TELECOM 96--World Conference *
* on Educational Telecommunications *
* *
* June 17-22, 1996 * Boston, Mass., USA *
* *
* *
* Submission Deadline: October 20, 1995 *
* *
* Sponsored by *
* AACE *
* Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education *


ED-MEDIA 96--World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia
is an international conference, sponsored by the Association for the
Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). This annual conference
serves as a multi-disciplinary forum for the discussion and dissemination
of information on the research, development, and applications on all topics
related to multimedia/hypermedia and distance education. The conference
spans all disciplines and levels of education.

We invite you to attend the ED-MEDIA 96 conference and submit proposals for
papers, panels, roundtables, tutorials, workshops, and demonstrations/
posters. All proposals will be reviewed for inclusion in the conference
program, proceedings book, and electronic CD-ROM proceedings.

Architectures for Educational Technology Systems
Collaborative Computing
Computer-Mediated Communication
Computer-Supported Collaborative Work
Country-Specific Developments
Distributed Learning Environments
Educational Animations
Evaluation of Multimedia/Hypermedia Systems
Human-Computer Interface (HCI) Issues
Improving Classroom Teaching
Interactive Learning Environments
Intelligent Environments and Media
Integration of Pedagogics, Didactics and HCI
Knowledge Structuring Tools
Language Learning
Learning by Doing
Media in Education
Methodologies for Development of Educational Technology Systems
Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence
Multimedia/Hypermedia Applications
Multimedia/Hypermedia Systems
Network Software for Large Data Bases
Novel Applications/Approaches and Ideas
Pedagogical Issues
Simulations for Learning
Small Dedicated Applications
Software for Educational Research
Special Area Educational Environments
Virtual Reality

ED-TELECOM 96 Mini-Conference & Topics
The previous ED-MEDIA conference streams, "Distance Education" and
"Information Tools for the Internet," generated high interest and will
continue as part of ED-MEDIA 96 in the form of ED-TELECOM 96, a mini-
conference established to better highlight and focus on this important,
rapidly advancing field.

ED-MEDIA 96 and ED-TELECOM 96 instructions for proposal submission
are the same. Accepted proposals with emphasis on ED-TELECOM topics will
be indicated as such in the Program and may be published in a special
proceedings book.

ED-TELECOM 96 topics include the research, development, and practice of
educational telecommunications related to the following:

Artificial Intelligence and Telecommunications
Collaboration (university/school/industry)
Cooperative/Collaborative Learning
Connectivity and Implementation Strategies
Design of Distance Learning Systems
Distance Education and Telelearning
Funding Sources, Costs, and Benefits
Global Education
Instructional Telecommunications Models
Integrated Development Environments
Multimedia and Telecommunications
Online and Networked Education
Pedagogical Foundations
Policy, Ethics, Standards, and Legal Issues
Rural, Developing, and Remote Areas of the World
Social and Cultural Issues
Teaching/Learning Strategies
Teleconferencing (audio, audiographics, computer, video)
User/Student Modeling in Distance Education

ED-MEDIA 96 Sponsors
ED-MEDIA 96 is sponsored by AACE with local assistance from Boston College,
Boston Univ., Dartmouth College, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(MIT), Univ. of Massachusetts, and Wellesley College.

Companies or institutions offering multimedia/hypermedia products are
invited to complete and return the Request for Information form below.

Conference Background
The ED-MEDIA conference series originated as the International Conference on
Computers and Learning (ICCAL) which was held as a major international
symposium in Calgary, Canada (1987), Dallas, USA (1989), Hagen, Germany
(1990), and Wolfville, Canada (1992). ED-MEDIA conferences have been held
in Orlando, Florida (1993), Vancouver, Canada (1994), and Graz, Austria (1995).
ED-MEDIA 96 is the eighth in this series of internationaly respected meetings.


Steering Committee
Chair: Hermann Maurer, Graz Univ. of Technology (Austria)
Gary Marks, AACE (USA)
Thomas Ottmann, Univ. of Freiburg (Germany)
Thomas Reeves, University of Georgia (USA)
Ivan Tomek, Acadia Univ. (Canada)

1996 Program Committee
Program Co-Chair: Patricia A. Carlson, Rose-Hulman Inst. (USA)
Program Co-Chair: Fillia Makedon, Dartmouth College (USA)
Demos/Posters Chair: Tomasz Muldner, Acadia Univ. (Canada)
Panels Chair: P. Takis Metaxas, Wellesley College (USA)
Tutorial/Workshop Chair: Samuel Rebelsky, Dartmouth College (USA)

Philip Barker, Univ. of Teesside (UK)
Dinesh Bhatia, Univ. of Cincinatti (USA)
Michael Bieber, New Jersey Inst. of Technology (USA)
Peter Brusilovsky, Int'l Center of Sci. and Tech. Info. (Russia)
John Buford, Univ. of Massachusetts (USA)
Malcolm Brown, Dartmouth College (USA)
Tak-Wai Chan, National Central Univ., Taiwan
Betty Collis, Univ. of Twente (The Netherlands)
Greg Crane, Tufts Univ. (USA)
Julie Curtis, Northeastern Univ. (USA)
Paul Davidsen, Univ. of Bergen (Norway)
Gordon Davies, Open Univ. (UK)
Niki Davis, Exeter Univ. (UK)
Pierre Dillenbourg, Univ. de Geneve (Switzerland)
Adair Dingle, Lehigh Univ. (USA)
Gitta Domik, Univ. of Paderborn (Germany)
Thomas M. Duffy, Indiana Univ. (USA)
Richard G. Feifer, U.S. International Univ. (USA)
Otmar K. E. Foelsche, Dartmouth College (USA)
Ricki Goldman-Segall, Univ. of British Columbia (Canada)
Peter Goodyear, Lancaster Univ. (UK)
Begona Gros, Univ. of Barcelona (Spain)
James Haralambides, Barry Univ. (USA)
Lyn Henderson, James Cook Univ. (Australia)
Bill Hunter, Univ. of Calgary (Canada)
Robert J.K. Jacob, Tufts Univ. (USA)
Cynthia M. King, Gallaudet Univ. (USA)
Piet A. M. Kommers, Univ. of Twente (Netherlands)
Matti Linna, Vassa Inst. of Technology (Finland)
Tom Little, Boston Univ. (USA)
Carol B. MacKnight, Univ. of Massachusetts (USA)
Dimitris Manolakis, Boston College (USA)
Gary Marchionini, Univ. of Maryland (USA)
Gary Marks, AACE (USA)
Mary Marlino, U.S. Air Force Academy (USA)
Robin Mason, The Open Univ. (UK)
Hermann Maurer, Graz Univ. of Technology (Austria)
Maria Teresa Molfino, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Italy)
Max Muehlhaeuser, Univ. of Linz (Austria)
Chris Nevison, Colgate Univ. (USA)
Douglas Norrie, Univ. of Calgary (Canada)
Graham Oberem, Univ. of Washington (USA)
Setsuko Otsuki, Kyushu Inst. of Technology (Japan)
Thomas Ottmann, Univ. of Freiburg (Germany)
Viera Proulx, Northeastern Univ. (USA)
Roy Rada, Washington State Univ. (USA)
Daniela Rus, Dartmouth College (USA)
Thomas Reeves, Univ. of Georgia (USA)
Vladimir Serdiuk, Inst. for Automated Systems (Russia)
Mike Sharples, Univ. of Sussex, Falmer (UK)
Nick Sherbakov, Graz Univ. of Technology (Austria)
Adonis Simvonis, Univ. of Sydney (Australia)
Michael Spector, U.S. Air Force Armstrong Laboratory (USA)
Kurt Steuck, U.S. Air Force Armstrong Laboratory (USA)
Hideyuke Suzuki, NEC Corporation, Kanagawa (Japan)
Karen Swan, State Univ. of New York (USA)
Michael Szabo, Univ. of Alberta (Canada)
Alan Tait, The Open Univ. (UK)
Thanasis Tsakalides, Univ. of Patras (Greece)
Ivan Tomek, Acadia Univ. (Canada)
Spyros Tragoudas, Univ. of Southern Illinois (USA)
Martial Vivet, Univ. du Maine (France)
Jan Wibe, Univ. of Trondheim (Norway)
Eve Wilson, Univ. of Kent (UK)
Yoneo Yano, Tokushima Univ. (Japan)


The Technical Program will include a wide range of interesting and useful
activities designed to facilitate the exchange of ideas and information.
These include keynote and invited talks, full and short paper
presentations, round tables, demonstrations, poster sessions, tutorials,
workshops, and panel discussions.

Information for Presenters
Details of presentation formats are given on the following pages.
The general principles applying to all are:
o All communication will be with the principal presenter who is
responsible for communicating with co-presenters of that session.
o The conference will attempt to secure all equipment needed for
presenters. However, where special equipment is needed, presenters
may need to provide their own.
o All presenters must pay the registration fee.

Accepted papers will be published by AACE in the proceedings book,
Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 1996, and on the electronic CD-ROM
proceedings. This proceedings serves as a major source in the
multimedia/hypermedia community, reflecting the current state of the art in
the discipline. In addition, selected papers may be invited for publication
in the Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia (JEMH) and the
International Journal of Educational Telecommunications (IJET).

Full Papers (25 minutes)
Papers present reports of significant work or integrative reviews in
research, development, and applications related to educational multimedia
and hypermedia and distance education.

All presented papers will be considered by the Program Committee for Best
Paper Awards. There will also be an award for Best Student Paper. Awarded
papers will be invited for publication in the Journal of Educational
Multimedia and Hypermedia (JEMH) or International Journal of Educational
Telecommunications (IJET).

Submissions: Papers proposals should include:
o extended abstract of at least 2500 words or a full paper of
not more than 4500 words (4-8 pages).
o cover page with
- title of the paper
- name, affiliation, address, phone nos., and e-mail for each author
- name of designated contact author
- topic area selected from the ED-MEDIA or ED-TELECOM topics above
- AV equipment requested from the Conference

Please indicate if primary author is a full-time student. Papers may be
submitted in either hard copy (send 5 copies) or in electronic form.
Electronic proposals are preferred and, if sent, MUST BE pure ASCII,
uncoded, non-compressed text so that reviewers can read them on the screen,
if necessary.

Final versions of accepted papers must be sent for publication in photo-
reproducible form according to specifications available upon acceptance and
will be 4-8 pages long. Final papers sent as HTML, ASCII, LaTeX or
RTF files will also be published on a CD-ROM; HTML format is preferred for
text and GIF format for photos/figures.

Short Papers (15 minutes)
Short papers are brief, more condensed presentations and will be published
as 1 page in the conference proceedings volume. Use Full Paper
submission guidelines except submission length should be 2-6 pages.

Submit Papers and Short Papers to:
Program Chairs
P.O. Box 2966
Charlottesville, VA 22902, USA
E-mail:; Phone: 804-973-3987; Fax: 804-978-7449

Panels (1.5 hours)
A panel offers an opportunity for 3-5 people to present their views or
results on a common theme, issue, or question. Panels should cover timely
topics related to the conference areas of interest. Panel selection will be
based on the importance, originality, focus and timeliness of the topic;
expertise of proposed panelists; as well as the potential for informative
(and even controversial) discussion. Panels should have no more than 5
members, including the chair. A panel summary and position statements will
be included in the proceedings.

Submissions: Panel proposals should include:
o a description of the panel topic, including why this topic is important
to ED-MEDIA Conference attendees; no more than 1 page.
o a brief position statement and qualifications of each panelist; no more
than 1 page each.
o a cover sheet with
- panel title
- name, affiliation, address, phone nos., and e-mail for each panelist
- name of panel organizer

Electronic proposals are preferred and must be in ASCII format.

Submit to:
Panagiotis (Takis) Metaxas
Computer Science Dept.
Wellesley College
106 Central St.
Wellesley, MA 02181-8289, USA

Roundtables (30 minutes)
Roundtable sessions allow maximum interaction in informal, small-group
discussions on a single topic and give first-time presenters an opportunity
to participate without writing a full, publishable paper. The format is
particularly appropriate for papers, projects, or work-in-progress that
encourage extensive discussion. Roundtable sessions do not involve a
formal presentation and are not included in the proceedings. Presenters
are encouraged to bring copies of their work to share.

Submissions: Proposals for Roundtable discussions should include:
o a 2-3 page written description of the discussion topic emphasizing
the problem or issue and why the work is important.
o a cover sheet with
- session title
- name, affiliation, address, phone numbers, and e-mail for each
- name of roundtable organizer

Electronic proposals are preferred and must be in ASCII format.

Submit to:
Program Chairs
P.O. Box 2966
Charlottesville, VA 22902, USA
E-mail:; Phone: 804-973-3987; Fax: 804-978-7449

Demonstrations/Posters (2 hours)
Demonstration/Poster sessions enable researchers and non-commercial
developers to demonstrate and discuss their latest results and developments
in progress in order to gain feedback and to establish contact with similar
projects. Demonstration/Poster sessions do not involve a formal
presentation and will not be included in the proceedings.

There will be Best Demonstration/Poster awards for the most successful
presentations in this category.

Submissions: Demonstration/Poster proposals should include:
o a 2-3 page written description of the planned demonstration/poster
and should emphasize the problem, what was done, and why the work
is important.
o a cover sheet with
- session title
- name, affiliation, address, phone numbers, and e-mail for each
- name of designated contact presenter

Electronic proposals are preferred and must be in ASCII format.

Demonstration/Poster presenters will be required to arrange for their own
systems software and hardware. The Conference will provide a table, poster
board and electricity for each presenter.

Submit to:
Tomasz Muldner
Jodrey School of Computer Science
Acadia University
Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada B0P 1X0
E-mail:; Phone: 902-542-2201; Fax: 902-542-4699

Tutorials & Workshops (3 or 6 hours)
Tutorials and Workshops are intended to enhance the skills and broaden the
perspective of their attendees. They should be designed to introduce a
rigorous framework for learning a new area or to provide advanced technical
training in an area. Submissions will be selected on the basis of the
instructors' qualifications for teaching the proposed tutorial or workshop
and their contribution to the overall conference program. Workshops differ
from tutorials by involving hands-on experience with hardware/software

Submissions: Proposals should include:
o a clear description of the objectives
o the intended audience (experience level and prerequisites)
o the proposed length (3 hours or 6 hours)
o a 200-word abstract
o a 1-page topical outline of the content
o a summary of the instructor's qualifications
o AV equipment requested from the Conference
o a cover page with
- name, affiliation, address, phone numbers, and e-mail for each
- a designated principal instructor

Electronic proposals are preferred and must be in ASCII format.

Submit to:
Samuel A. Rebelsky
Department of Computer Science
Dartmouth College
6211 Sudikoff Laboratory, Room 218
Hanover, NH 03755-3510, USA
E-mail:; Phone: 603-646-3266; Fax: 603-646-1672


Boston, Massachusetts, USA, an international and vibrant city, rich
in history and culture, and established as one of the most popular
visitor destinations in the world, is the site of ED-MEDIA 96.

The ED-MEDIA 96 conference will take place in the Boston Park Plaza Hotel,
a hotel of classic Bostonian ambience and charm, near the history and
excitement of the city--next to Boston Common and Public Garden and a stroll
to the many shops, galleries, restaurants, cafes, and other attractions in
the downtown area.

With 56 area universities, science and technical museums abound! Boston is
home to the world's first Computer Museum, featuring an early model walk-
through computer and over 125 interactive exhibits. The Boston Museum of
Science features over 400 exhibits including the Omnimax Theater
Planetarium. You may also want to visit the world-famous New England
Aquarium or the Children's Museum, one of the best hands-on museums around.
And you may wish to cross the river to Cambridge to explore the MIT and
Harvard campuses.

The city also offers great historical and cultural activities,
such as the John F. Kennedy Library and Museum, Boston Symphony Orchestra,
Museum of Fine Arts, and Boston Ballet which reflect its tradition in
the arts; while theatres, movies, comedy clubs, and musical performances
show its innovation. Many historic sites related to the founding of
America are within walking distance and may be seen by following the
Freedom Trail.

>From the unique downtown shops and galleries along Newberry Street and
Copley Square to the 150+ shops and seafood restaurants of Faneuil Hall
Marketplace near the waterfront, to Boston's Chinatown. It is known as one of
the country's most walkable cities.

For sports and outdoors enthusiasts, Boston Red Sox baseball is played
in Fenway Park located within the city. And Boston is the gateway to
New England with many opportunities to visit the beautiful countryside
of lakes, mountains, and seashore.


Note: The ED-MEDIA 96 Conference will be planning technical tours of local
university labs, excursions for guests, and social events as well as
special hotel rates and airline discount fares. Further information
will be provided in the Preliminary Program/Registration brochure
(available in December 95).

| ED-MEDIA 96 Deadlines |
| |
| Submissions Due: October 20, 1995 |
| Authors Notified: January 15, 1996 |
| Camera Ready Copy Due: March 15, 1996 |
| Pre-Registration Deadline: May 15, 1996 |
| |
O / O /
-------------- x ---------- Cut Here ---------- x -------------------
o \ o \

To receive future ED-MEDIA 96 announcements, please complete this form
and return to the address below.

Name: _________________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________


City/State/Code: ______________________________________________

Country: ______________________________________________________

E-Mail: _______________________________________________________

Please send me:
__ Conference preliminary program/registration brochure
__ Proceedings ordering information for ED-MEDIA 95 & 96
__ Brochure on joining AACE and its publications/conferences including:
- Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia
- International Journal of Educational Telecommunications
__ Exhibitor information

Return to: ED-MEDIA 96/AACE
P.O. Box 2966
Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA
E-mail:; 804-973-3987; Fax: 804-978-7449


Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
AACE (established in 1981) is a non-profit, international organization
whose purpose is to advance the knowledge and quality of learning and
teaching at all levels through the encouragement of scholarly inquiry
related to information technology and education and the dissemination of
research results, developments, and their applications through publications
and conferences for its members.

AACE Conferences include:
- ICCE 95--International Conference on Computers in Education
(Asia-Pacific Chapter) (Singapore; December 5-8, 1995)
- ED-MEDIA--World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia
ED-TELECOM--World Conference on Educational Telecommunications
(Boston, MA, USA; June 17-22, 1996)
- SITE--Society for Information Technology & Teacher Ed. Int'l Conference
(Phoenix, AZ, USA; March 13-16, 1996)
- ICLS--International Conference on the Learning Sciences
(Evanston/Chicago, IL, USA; July 24-27, 1996)
- WebNet--World Conference of the Web Society
(San Francisco, CA, USA; October 16-19, 1996)
- AI-ED--World Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education
(Kobe, Japan; August 1997)

AACE publishes the following journals:
- Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia in Education
- Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
- Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching
- Journal of Technology and Teacher Education
- Journal of Computing in Childhood Education
- International Journal of Educational Telecommunications
- Educational Technology Review

International Headquarters:
AACE, P.O. Box 2966, Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA
E-mail:, 804-973-3987, FAX: 804-978-7449

For further ED-MEDIA 96 or AACE online information, connnect to:

assoc. advancement computers ed.

Oct 3, 1995, 3:00:00 AM10/3/95



* Invited Speakers * Tutorials * Papers
* Short Papers * Panels * Demonstrations
* Posters * Workshops * Social Program

ED-TELECOM 96 Topics

NOTE: The complete Call for Papers may be obtained either
online at: gopher://
or by returning the information request below.

-------------- x ---------- Cut Here ---------- x -------------------


To receive future ED-MEDIA 96 announcements, please complete this form
and return to the address below.

Name: _________________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________


City/State/Code: ______________________________________________

Country: ______________________________________________________

E-Mail: _______________________________________________________

Please send me:
__ Conference preliminary program/registration brochure
__ Proceedings ordering information for ED-MEDIA 95 & 96
__ Brochure on joining AACE and its publications/conferences including:
- Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia
- International Journal of Educational Telecommunications
__ Exhibitor information

Return to: ED-MEDIA 96/AACE
P.O. Box 2966
Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA
E-mail:; 804-973-3987; Fax: 804-978-7449


Carol Ferguson

Oct 3, 1995, 3:00:00 AM10/3/95
In a message dated 95-10-03 12:53:08 EDT, you write:

>To receive future ED-MEDIA 96 announcements, please complete this form
>and return to the address below.

> Name: ___Carol Ferguson___(Coordinator of Distance
> Address: _The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, Office of General
> City/State/Code: ___Pomona , NJ,
> Country: ______________________________________________________
> E-Mail:
>Please send me:
> _x_ Conference preliminary program/registration brochure
> _x_ Proceedings ordering information for ED-MEDIA 95 & 96
> _x_ Brochure on joining AACE and its publications/conferences including:

0 new messages