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Dena Pants

Jun 17, 2011, 8:26:23 PM6/17/11
to New Moms Group!
Hi everyone!

My ankles look like doughy coffee cans today! How about you? oh and
coffee - that is one thing I miss like mad! Can't wait to have some
after I pop! Is it safe to drink while breast feeding, or is it a no-


may drevers

Jun 18, 2011, 10:48:39 AM6/18/11
to birthwa...@googlegroups.com
It is 9:40 on Saturday and I have already had one nap.
Speaking of naps, sometimes I just need a little coffee. I had
pretty low blood pressure before I was pregnant and the caffeine makes
me feel a little more alive and awake, you know? Ok, Dena, I have
been drinking one cup of coffee and everything I've heard is that if
you keep it at that it's good. I watched my sister drink her coffee
and breastfeed, I think the concern would be to overdue it and then
you and the baby would get all wired and CRAZY!


Jennifer Van Lue

Jun 19, 2011, 10:34:10 PM6/19/11
to birthwa...@googlegroups.com
I've heard a lot of people have a cup a day.  Like May, I've also heard that as long as you don't get too wired feeling from a cup that it's okay. Who knows--seems like all the good stuff is banned!  The humid weather has been making me want to take more naps also.  I kind of like it.  Dena, my face just started swelling this week...thinking the ankles might be next for me. 

What I look forward to the most is sleeping with no back pain and on my belly again.  

Hope you all have a good week!  

Miss Dena

Jun 19, 2011, 11:10:18 PM6/19/11
to birthwa...@googlegroups.com
Hey ladies!

As soon as I got preg, coffee started making me projectile vomit - very classy, eh?  I am nervous to have any at this point...happy to not have barfed in some time!  But after I pop, I am having one cup every morning...can't wait!  May - I actually had low blood pressure my whole life (pre-preg) as well!  Pretty uncommon, eh?  You totally get why I miss my morning espresso...

And yeah, my face, hands and feet started swelling a while ago and it's the one thing that makes me feel so unattractive!  The more humid it is, the puffier I get!  And heck, it's soooo uncomfortable, too!  I just don't recognize myself at times, it's so bad.  But I know, it's temporary. 

I get the back pains too, sorry it's been hurting you, Jennifer!  I've been sleeping on a feather bed, which helps and we're going to get me a latex pillow topper mattress thing to sleep on asap.  Our mattress is a good one, but for some reason, it's felt too hard since getting pregnant. 

Anyone else started snoring?  I NEVER snored, but now I'm all congested & I snore.  The book said it's normal, but wow, talk about changes!  eeek! 

Uncomfortable but funny story:  A woman took my business card the other day, which has a picture of my husband & myself on it, and says, "Where are YOUR card?"  And I say, "You're holding it."  She says, "But you're not on here," to which I reply, "THAT is ME, " pointing to my image.  "THAT is YOU???"  She says, incredulously!  I respond, "Well, it's me before I was 8 months pregnant, and how I'll look again after the baby is born."  Her jaw just dropped & she scurried off!  I mean, I have the same visible tattoos, hairstyle and same style of vintage clothing in the pic, which isn't all that old!  I would have been offended, but seeing her turn red was too funny, and yeah, my face was super swollen that day!  I can't do anything about it, and I know my body will bounce back, but it's totally worth it because I have a baby girl coming in just a few weeks, that took so long to create, but yikes - people say the most ridiculous stuff, no?  Plus it makes a funny story! 

Hope your weekend was a good one! 
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