M&V Salon event - Brian Degger, DIYBio and more

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Jun 24, 2015, 8:37:09 PM6/24/15
to birmingham...@googlegroups.com

We're running an event at The Bond on Friday the 3rd of July that'll be relevant to anyone curious about DIYBio type things: Brian Degger (@DrBrian on Twitter) is our guest speaker and Karen from Birmingham Open Media will also be talking about their lab:

Brian Degger is an art and science practitioner with a PhD in Molecular Biotechnology. In collaboration with artists and technologists, he uses various methodologies to explore diverse research areas such as bacterial cultivation and fermentation, accessible science technology, aquatic ecologies and open source science. In his home town of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne with a small group of geeks, Brian set up Newcastle Maker Space, a place for creative use of technology.

He will bring some of the things he is making to show and tell.

Birmingham Open Media are developing an open lab space that is available for use for photography and/or biological projects. Karen will introduce the resource and talk about the biohacking projects that inspire her.

Other stuff as well, including Birmingham Camera Obscura, playtesting of The Other Way Works' card-game-meets-interactive-soundscape, and some spatially aware paper pods I've made. Also a chance for you to talk about work in progress. Also also cake :-)

The event's free, but you'll need to sign up at https://manyandvariedsalon-july.eventbrite.co.uk

See you there,


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