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Hack Session: Tuesday 8th of December

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Nov 26, 2009, 9:49:38 AM11/26/09
to Birmingham Hack Space
The results from the doodle poll were marginally in favour of Tuesday
- that's TUESDAY! - the 8th of December for what is likely to be our
last hack session of 2009 (would like to be proved wrong on that,

All sorted with The Edge, and the wiki page is here if you'd like to
add yourself and any plans to it:

We're going to say £2 per person towards the heating, with money from
the kitty making up any shortfall if necessary.

There'll be tea and coffee available, if someone'd care to bring some


Nov 26, 2009, 10:47:56 AM11/26/09
to Birmingham Hack Space
Whoops, bit of a cross-over there!
wiki page is

Martin Meredith

Nov 26, 2009, 6:05:25 PM11/26/09
Damnit, you move it to the only day of a week I'm normally not availanle :(

G Bulmer

Dec 1, 2009, 6:31:49 AM12/1/09
to Birmingham Hack Space
I have a school event 5-7pm, so I won't get there till 8, sorry.

I can bring the remnants of the Howduino LEDs, resistors, and a couple
of my Arduion's if anyone would like to do the flashing LED show
(ideal for Christmas :-)



Dec 7, 2009, 9:37:12 AM12/7/09
to Birmingham Hack Space
A reminder that the next fizzPOP hack session is coming up tomorrow,
8th December at The Edge at 6pm, entry only £2! If you're attending
please add your name to the wiki

This'll be the last hack session of the year, so join us to celebrate
the first year of fizzPOP!

On Nov 26, 2:49 pm, genzaichi <> wrote:


Dec 7, 2009, 9:55:41 AM12/7/09
to Birmingham Hack Space
I noticed a few new names on the wiki page *waves at Lit and Jay*
I'll have the phone - if you can't find the Friction Arts warehouse
(it's set at the back of a yard, off the road a bit) just give us a
call on 07754 634993 (I'll switch it on when I get there)


On Dec 7, 2:37 pm, hellocatfood <> wrote:
> A reminder that the next fizzPOP hack session is coming up tomorrow,
> 8th December at The Edge at 6pm, entry only £2! If you're attending
> please add your name to the wiki


Dec 8, 2009, 9:00:35 AM12/8/09
to Birmingham Hack Space
Hi everyone,

I'm a student from Coventry whose main interests lie in scripting and
pretty code, but I've been experimenting with Arduino and Lego
Mindstorms NXT recently. I've also been playing around with Processing
and will be giving a lecture about it to one of my classes at
University next Monday. I'm really happy to hear that there is a
hackerspace quite close by and I'll try to make it over tonight, but
I'll be relying on the train network so I can't give a definite time.
I'm also liable to get lost, so I'll grab your number there, Nikki, if
you don't mind!

On Dec 7, 2:37 pm, hellocatfood <> wrote:
> A reminder that the next fizzPOP hack session is coming up tomorrow,
> 8th December at The Edge at 6pm, entry only £2! If you're attending
> please add your name to the wiki

Mark Walker

Dec 8, 2009, 3:49:27 PM12/8/09

Hope you all have a good hack session tonight. I wont be able to attend
until I hack my motorbike back together after someone broadsides the
poor thing.


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Dec 9, 2009, 10:57:35 AM12/9/09
to Birmingham Hack Space
Thanks to everyone who came to the hack session last night and for
making the last hack session of the year a great one! I was really
impressed with Andrew's arduino/processing puppet device.

The dates for the hack sessions for next year have not yet been
planned, but we'll try and organise them so that they don't clash with
other groups (such as the Perl user group or Wolves LUG)

We'll inform everyone with the exact date, but expect the first
session to be sometime mid to late January.

Happy hacking!


Andrew Thomas

Dec 9, 2009, 5:08:17 PM12/9/09

I agree with Antonio: it was a fun hack meet :-) In case it's any use to anyone, I've spent an hour making a web page with the puppet details and code on:

I've stopped logging ip's to find search bots in case you're worried about looking, and the side menu links don't work, but the puppet stuff is complete, although when I have time I'll add some annotated source code pages. Please let me know if you think of any improvements I can do to make it more useful as a learning project.

Best wishes,


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