More projects - 4 Levels of Tech art

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Matthew DeBlock

Nov 5, 2015, 7:52:01 PM11/5/15
to Birmingham Hack Space
Batch 3 Of twisted projects

4 Levels of Tech art

CPU - Color Mirror - Interactive LED wall

MCU - Hatear (hat-ear) - wearable tech

Circuit - Rising Bar Laser - Laser Show

Physical - Laser Viz Speaker - Laser Show

Color Mirror

1 X Embedded System (rasp, cubie, etc..)
1 X MCU (3X pins per LED strip + a few extra)
1 X high speed webcam with manual exposure control
(# led strips * 3) X Power transistors
LED strips
Power Supply

This is basically just a way of removing LED wall / Camera Feedback noise.

an led is blinked near the camera so as to allow a simple read per scan line. each scan line of the camera can be identified as being "led on" or "led off". By blinking the led in sync with the LED wall the scan lines contaminated by the LED wall lights can be removed.

This set up simply uses opencv to read rectangular sections, find the changing pixels, extract their color, and serial send it over to the arduino. The arduino changes the color of each LED strip accordingly, fading between commands.

Software still needs some tweaking, but i plan to work on more effects so i am not 100% sure on the settings and magic numbers I wanna use yet.

LED PWM is annoying. not linear. My LED colors are still off.

Really wanna get a better camera so I can increase frequency. The LED wall flickers in a camera.. in real life its just barely solid. can't see any flicker.. but can kinda "feel it".

Simply using different camera position and mapped regions allows for different styles of interaction.

Would work great in a bar/club I think. I find it works best for dancing if the camera is facing the user. so in this setup its best if you face the wall and dance. In a real world setup probably want to move the camera forward and turn it around.. that way you can dance in front of the screen facing outwards.. would make a nice dynamic backdrop behind a dancer.

Hatear (hat-ear)

1 X baseball cap
1 X MCU (with 6X analog pins)
6 X electret mics

This is the first test of a wearable tech concept. As pointed out by some nice people at OMG (Omaha Maker Group.. it was actually David there who suggested I try out sensory augmentation, awesome idea :) ) it is more than just a toy and possible tool for the deaf, with so many people tuned out wearing headphones.. it might actually be useful to hearing-able people too hehe ;)

Just six mics mounted in the 6 air holes of the hat (would work better if the were at the base of the hat but there are already holes there so I just used them for now.. results not too bad).

The 6 signals are first balanced relative to each other, and then the six leds are controlled corresponding to the relative amplitude of each respective mic.

I originally planned to make a circle of leds on the underside of the lid, but that seemed too hard to read. I found that if you place the LEDs well you can actually make the rear 2 microphone LEDs feel somewhat behind you in your peripheral vision so a semicircle curve on the lid rim can actually almost feel like a closed in circle... it almost feels as though you can "see behind you")

Kinda wanna try it with ARM,Camera and opencv. but with the camera moving around so wildly i doubt it will be very easy.. would be cool to be able to "see motion behind you".. but unfortunately that’s gonna be really hard.. (unless i can strap the persons head to a lamppost or something lol)

Rising Water Bar Laser

x=number bars

x X small Rolliing pumps
x X power transistors
x X small tubes (transparent best)
x X lasers
1 X audio amp circuit
Some resistors, caps, inductors, etc.. for signal filtering.

A simple but very fun physical effect that is easy to achieve with pure circuitry.

An audio signal (or any analog signal) is fed through power transistors to control rolling pumps which pump air into the bottom of small tubes with water.

Effects depend on tube width, height, water level, and air flow. Effects can range from rising bubbles, to rising "water bars".

Using various signal filters many bars could run on the same input but all produce different effects (on top of the varying effect should their physical attributes also vary)

Would be cool to use micro controller and try to control the effects, like "drawing".. but there might be too much physical "pseudo randomness" .. will test later.

Laser Viz Speaker

1 X speaker
tubes (transparent best, I use acrylic)
Plastic wrap

Very Very simple way to produce a laser show. Attach tubes to speaker, point up (or at upwards angle), mount lasers pointing straight up through tube. add water in tube, turn on speaker.. voila.

I used kitchen plastic  wrap to create a transparent bottom to the tube. just glue it on and make sure watertight.

It is similar to those tech-art installations where they "fill a speaker with water" and make the water resonate to the audio signal.

Here just making lots of little vibrating chambers instead of one big one.

Varying physical properties of tube and liquid will vary the effect.

Some Previous projects

Elastic LED strip - Dancelastic LED Strip

Corkscrew persistence of vision - LASER Pixel Spindle

Extrnal texturing controller - Musical Cursor

Microphone LED staff - LED Music/Motion Staff
testing 1 :
testing 2 :

Tabletop Laser Show - Laser Cocktails
Several designs running (hard to film laser effects, contrast is more than camera can handle)

Wearable LED - Finger Dance Bracelete

If you like, you might wanna check out my youtube channel

and my artists website

Keep on hacking :)
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